
Different People, Same Problems

Aisha felt the energy literally drain from her body as once more, she found herself in a dark jail cell, with a uniformed guard yelling at her. At this point, tuning out the yelling was like a skill - as soon as the woman had opened her mouth, it was like she had been submerged underwater, as Aisha sighed and leaned her cheek onto a closed fist, mouth slightly open in a brainless expression.


"Blah blah blah intruding!" The guard yelled. "Blah blah blah disgrace! Blah blah blah executed! Blah blah blah blah blah…"


What a joke. She hadn't even lasted a day in this new land without getting into trouble. Now what? A new city? A new continent?


Aisha itched with frustration, resisting the urge to tear her hair out. Such a ridiculous setback. It made her want to just…


"Tch. Vile outsider." The guard spat, done with her long lecture about rules and society, and whatnot. "What should I expect?"


Aisha just sighed and laid down on the cold floor, hands still cuffed behind her.




"Aren't you going to leave?" Aisha asked, baffled.


"My duty is to detain you until your punishment is decided." The guard scoffed. "You escaped Makoto easily. Whether he is incompetent, or if you are skilled in the arts of deception does not matter. I will watch you until you are to be executed."


"Executed!?" Aisha frowned, ears perking up. "For trespassing?"


"We treat our laws seriously here." The guard glared. "If you are unwilling to follow them, then you will be treated as such. An outlaw. And that kind of thing is not tolerated."


"That's quite harsh." Aisha said, raising her eyebrows.


"For there to be order, there must be suitable fear." The guard sniffled, gazing down at Aisha disapprovingly with her deep, hard blue eyes. 


"You seem quite nonchalant about your death." She observed. "Either that, or you are sorely overconfident in your abilities."


"I would say that I'm neither." Aisha sighed, sitting up.


The guard's stance stiffened as Aisha rose to her feet clumsily, stumbling slightly as she balanced herself without her hands. Not an ounce of mana escaped her frame, but the guard's eyebrows raised when she saw Aisha's arms visibly bulge, the fibers in her biceps like steel cords.


"Stop that." She commanded.


A loud "CRACK" echoed throughout the jail cell as Aisha's bindings exploded into shards, the metal fracturing and shearing apart in a split second. The guard made no move, simply watching her through the bars as Aisha rubbed her wrists, the skin not even a bit chafed from their hours in bindings.


"Destruction of property comes with a charge of five years of jail time." The human said impassively. "Although I suppose that means very little at this point."


Aisha just looked at the guard, the blue-haired human surprisingly even-natured after seeing someone snap through inch-thick magisteel with only their shoulders. And even as she walked towards the bars, the navy-haired woman didn't move an inch.


It was only when Aisha actually put her hands onto the bars that she saw the woman's face twitch, and immediately, Aisha retracted her hands, watching as a white flash flitted across where her fingers used to be, the rust cleanly shaved off the bars like a razor.


The guard's eyes twitched. "Tch."


Aisha glanced at the guard's sheathed sword and took a step back, pursing her lips at the strange human. Her eyes roamed over the bars where the rust had been carved off the bars, imagining if her hands had been there.

"Would you like to negotiate?" Aisha offered, crossing her arms and taking a step back from the bars.


"There will be no negotiations." The guard sneered. "You will die here."


"Nothing I say will change your mind?" Aisha asked, tilting her head to the side curiously. "What if I offered a few of my Arcadian secrets? Or gold? Or my body?"


"No amount of-" The guard suddenly stopped, sputtering as she processed the last of Aisha's words, her face flushing. "HEY! I-"


"I was serious." Aisha teased.


"Perhaps you might have been a good citizen, but now I have no doubt in my mind." The previously-stoic woman sputtered out, shaking her head. "Someone as promiscuous as you has no place in our city!"


Aisha stared at the woman hard, watching for any trace of a mana signature, watching for any tiny little movements, but found nothing, even with her enhanced vision, she saw nothing, despite the woman's declaration. Aisha decided to take a step forward, but stopped, startled, when a voice echoed throughout the empty halls of the jail, sharp and curt.


"Tomare!" The female voice barked, the guard somehow stiffening even more in response.


Aisha also relaxed slightly at the command, ears perky and curious. She crossed her arms as the clacking of heels echoed throughout the halls, slow and measured. The guard immediately kneeled as the clacking grew closer, head facing the ground as a large shadow grew closer and closer in view.


"Who's this?" Aisha frowned slightly, as a mature fey woman stepped into view, fluffy ears adorning a large frame with at least a dozen tails, and a long, ornate dress.


"This woman is not to be executed." The stranger drawled, ignoring Aisha. "Your hasty actions reflect poorly on you. Akane."


"I'm very sorry, my lord." The blue-haired guard whispered, her expression betraying the shame she felt. "I-"


"You are Aisha Izec, yes?"


The aforementioned woman frowned as her former adversary immediately shut up, not even able to finish her apology before the aristocratic-looking fox-woman turned her attention to Aisha, gazing down at her with an unreadable expression.


"...Maybe." Aisha answered slowly.


"You are Raxas's lapdog." The woman tutted. "Usurper of the Arcadian oligarchy. They call you the god slayer. Or the scourge of Arcades. Do you know why?"


Aisha chose to stay silent, sensing that her answer wouldn't change what the woman would say. Instead, her eyes were drawn towards Akane, the guard. Still kneeling, face burning with shame.


"It would please me greatly if you would answer my question." The fox said curtly, in a tone that suggested that her request was not really a request.


Aisha stared at the woman for a good fifteen seconds before she finally answered.




"Thank you." The fox flashed a smile at Aisha, far too fast to even determine if it was fake or not. 

"Arcadia is in quite the state. Without their god… there has been rioting… there have been talks of secession… vassal states have been discussing rebellion, even… and yet, none of it has come to fruition. Do you know why Arcadia has not collapsed yet?"


"...No." Aisha answered again.


"Good girl!" The fox cooed, her tails flowing absentmindedly behind her. "It is because the demon has held it all together, with his own two hands. He certainly does not have the divine providence to do so. Nor the power. And yet… people fear him. And hate him. But still, they know he is the only hope for any semblance of order. Beyond anarchy."


"What would you call that?" The fox asked. "Hating someone… but still, needing them so much you will submit yourself to their whims?."




"Power." The fox responded, cutting Aisha off. "That is what real power is. Having people need you… regardless of how they feel… that is what that is called. And Judge Raxas… the entire world hates him. And yet they all listen… I would say… that is power far beyond any divinity."


"What does this have to do with me?" Aisha asked, eyes glaring directly into the fox woman's eyes to glean any kind of weakness, any kind of emotion. But still, she couldn't find any.


"I know you don't hold any secrets for me. Oh, I'm sure you can tell me what his favorite food is, or… perhaps even his taste in women… But I'm not interested in that. 

"Akane, unlock her cell for me." She asked curtly.


Akane opened her mouth just the slightest amount in protest, hardly a single sound escaping her lips before she hastily closed it. But Aisha saw the fox's eyes instantly snap to the kneeling figure, hard and focused.


"...Yes, " The guard whispered submissively.


Akane, in a practiced, soldier-esque motion, rose to her feet and unlocked the lock to Aisha's cell, her gaze not rising above her feet. Even as she opened the door for her, Aisha could find not even a trace of the indignation that she had so easily directed towards her previously.


Instead, there was only shame, and disappointment.




"Follow me." The fox commanded with the beckon of a finger. "We will discuss things in a more… suitable location."




The walk was mostly uneventful, save for the occasional glance at the three women, followed by hushed whispering once they were out of earshot.


Or at least, thought they were out of earshot. But Aisha paid no mind to their gossiping. Aside from the painfully slow gait of the tall fox, the short girl couldn't help but notice the way that Akane would glance at her superior, flitting and short. Nervous, almost. They were infrequent, but Aisha caught them easily.


More importantly, the guard hadn't looked at her once. It was like Aisha had disappeared from her sight as soon as the fox fey had entered her sight.




"Sit down, please." The fox invited, taking a seat herself on a cushion facing an extremely low table in the middle of the massive room, essentially just a big plank of wood sitting on the ground.


Aisha obliged, watching as Akane took her own seat… about ten meters away from them, sitting on top of her knees in a corner.


"Akane, come closer, dear." The fey tutted. "This is important."


Aisha did not miss the way that the guard's face lit up, the slight flush in her face making everything obvious to her.


"Good girl." The fox cooed, before turning her attention back to Aisha. "I apologize for not introducing myself. I am Azamu. Lord of the Hokumen commission. Head tactician of the Sakuran United Armed Forces."


Azamu finished her sentence by placing her hands neatly on her lap, folded neatly.




Azamu frowned as Aisha stared at her blankly, tutting slightly.

"You have much to learn about manners if you are to stay here."


"If?" Aisha asked. "What happened to being executed?"


"I sincerely doubt if the effort would be worth removing someone who simply wishes to explore our fine empire." Azamu smiled. "I am aware of the terms of your banishment. I am also aware that you are still on good terms with Raxas. But you haven't been contacted by him since your banishment."


"You seem to know a lot about me already." Aisha said curtly.


"One must study their opponent, as much as the game." Azamu tutted. "A balanced game should always end in a draw. It is because of the people that the scales can be tipped."


Aisha sighed, tired of the metaphors and insights, resting a cheek on her hand. "Why don't you just tell me why you've brought me here?"


"So direct." Azamu smirked. "How Arcadian of you… very well then. I do not wish for any information on your former employer… But I am interested in the terms of your contract. Truth be told… I am in need of… another 'hand,' so to speak. Akane is such a dependable girl… But a single girl can only handle so much work. How about you-"


"Absolutely not." Aisha said, her eyes going hard and stony, watching as Azamu placed a hand on the top of Akane's thigh. "I have no intention of getting involved in politics again."


"Ehh?" Azamu drawled. "I haven't even told you the benefits. I am quite an influential woman… I could pull some strings for you…"


Aisha just furrowed her brows and shook her head slowly. It wasn't just that she wanted to avoid the politics - she could not trust this woman. Not only was she still hiding things from her…


Akane's crush on her superior was not terribly obvious, but Aisha had no doubt that Azamu knew. The affectionate, playful teasing was meant to string her affection along - even her offer to Aisha was meant to pit the fey girl against the guard for her affection.


That kind of callous, cold way of playing with her feelings… it was unfamiliar to Aisha, but more importantly, it told her that this was a woman who was willing to manipulate people.


"I refuse." Aisha said. "That is final."


"Hmmm…." Azamu sighed, in that exaggerated, teasing lilt. "Oh dear… I can't let such a catch escape from me so easily, though… I could easily… claim a few favors from my friends in the adventuring guild… although…"


"Are you threatening me?"


"I'm offering you a deal." Azamu smiled. "How about this. Why don't we play a game?"




"Why don't we play a game of your Arcadian chess." Azamu suggested. "If I win… you will work for me. Nothing life-threatening or dangerous… just a few odd jobs here and there…"


"And if I win?"


"You can have my body, if you wish." Azamu teased, giggling slightly at the way Aisha's eyes widened. "Or Akane's."


"My lord!" The cyan-haired woman protested.


"Silence." Azamu said offhandedly, her giggle not wavering in the slightest. "Aw. Don't pretend you are a stranger to such things. I am… your type, am I not?"


"You even know that?" Aisha asked stiffly, unable to hide her surprise.


"Oh, well, I should hope so." Azamu drawled. "I put a lot of effort into these curves…"


Despite her half-hearted efforts, Aisha couldn't help but stare at Azamu's well-proportioned body, the frame of an aristocrat that didn't exactly worry too much about keeping in shape. Her clothing, while long and flowing on the outside, was extremely tight on the inside, the meat of her thighs squishing up against the tops of her stockings.


Combined with the fluff… yeah, she was Aisha's type. Dimly, she realized that at some point the woman had removed her shoes and untied her gown, and that Aisha was not the only person staring.


Aisha shook her head. There was more at stake here than just a fun night with a beautiful fox woman -


(Her body isn't the thing you should be interested in!) Aiyu protested.


Yeah, right - 


"Akane, bring over the chess board, please." Azumu commanded.




"Akane." The fox repeated, just the tiniest bit sterner, and the cyan haired lap dog stiffened into action, immediately rising from her seated position and leaving the room to fetch the chessboard.


The fox aristocrat didn't even so much as look back as Akane hurried out of the room, keeping her eyes trained on Aisha like a hawk. With a start, Aisha suddenly realized that she hadn't even agreed to the terms - she had simply been swept along by the fox, like a leaf in a current.


"What's your game?" Aisha asked. "What do you want from me?"


"What any human wants." Azamu sighed, pursing her lips. "To feel good."


Aisha attempted to blot out the blatant sexual innuendo, instead pressing the aristocrat. 

"What do you mean by that?"


"I want to feel like I have made the right decisions." Azamu said dryly. "To achieve my goals."


"Which are?"


Azamu gazed at Aisha through half-lidded eyes, her expression amused and taunting, as if to say, "Wouldn't you like to know?"

"That's quite the brazen thing to ask a woman on a first date." The fox giggled. "Perhaps after we've spent more time together?"




As Aisha processed the 'date' word that came out of the tall woman's mouth, Akane returned with the chess board, setting it gingerly in front of her lord and returning to her seat.


"Ah, good job, darling." Azamu praised.


"T-thank you…"


Long, slender fingers nimbly opened the latch to the case, removing a smooth, polished piece of wood, along with a few familiar pieces, the shapes slightly different, unfamiliar to Aisha. But the resemblance to kings and queens were all the same - and Aisha was so far, undefeated in this game.


"I shall take the first move." Azamu said cheekily. "Elder privileges."


Aisha brushed her off with her fingers, ceding the white pieces as she picked up a long, slender piece - the black queen.




"Oops, sorry." Azamu lilted, covering her mouth in barely contained mirth.


Aisha could only squirm uncomfortably as she shifted on the ground, rubbing absentmindedly at the inside of her thighs where Azamu's foot had poked.


She had absolutely no doubt that the fox was:

A. Not sorry, and

B. Doing it on purpose to throw Aisha off her game.

She gnawed at a fingernail as the timer nearby ticked incessantly, a constant nagging on the edges of her thinking.


It was working. They were about equal in position, but Aisha had much less time…


"You're very good at this game." Azamu smiled slyly.


"Mh." Aisha grunted, her train of thought broken by the fox's sultry voice.


The fey girl picked up a bishop, but before she could even move her piece, a foot lightly brushed up against her own, the touch sending sparks up Aisha's spine.


She didn't know how the woman did it. The way that Aisha had experienced seduction was through warmth, through softness and the slow overwhelming of senses. A more intimate approach to teasing.


But Azamu was a seductress in a different way - through brief flashes of sensation, through just a peek of cleavage, she was able to captivate Aisha's attention far more than if she had just laid her assets bare from the beginning. It was a kind of teasing through denial - through frustration.


"You don't perform very well under pressure, don't you?" Azamu teased. "And you're quite the sensitive girl… oh my… just from a little touch, you're squirming…"


Aisha huffed out a short breath, trying hard to not let the teasing get to her. She needed to focus on the game, not the long, smooth, creamy -


Azamu's eyes widened as Aisha gripped her ankle with a hand, just as she reached out her foot to stroke Aisha's thigh, letting out a genuine, unladylike yelp.


"My lord!" Akane gasped.


"Oops." Aisha said sarcastically.


But despite her half-hearted apology, Aisha did not let go, instead, flooding her mana through the fox's leg, intending to overwhelm the woman with her sensory magic.


And indeed, the tall woman's legs began to quiver as her breaths grew deeper, her vulpine ears drooping slightly as her eyes began to haze over slightly.


"Stop that!" Akane demanded, reaching for the sword at her waist.


"Fine." Aisha relented.


Aisha let go of the stocking-clad foot, letting Azamu retract her leg and compose herself. And when the woman looked at Aisha again, the tiniest bit of anger shone through, barely even a twitch but enough to tell Aisha that she was displeased.




"Your time is going." Aisha observed offhandedly, looking cooly at the clock, Azamu's time ticking down and down.


"...So it is."




"...It's a draw." Azamu frowned. "How disappointing."




Aisha grimaced at the board, her pawn one step away from promoting to a queen and beginning the easy checkmate sequence that would have cemented her win. In the end, she had ran out of time, with victory just barely out of reach.


How disappointing…


"Very well." The fox sighed, waving Aisha off with a hand. "You may leave."




"I will not repeat myself again." Azamu said curtly, rising to her feet and collecting her heels and sash. "You may leave."


"You're just going to let me?"


"That is what may means, yes."




"My lord! What about her crimes!" Akane protested. "Tresspassing - destruction of property - assaulti-"


"Be quiet." Azamu interrupted coldly, her voice not raising a single octave, but still draining the energy out of the cyan-haired guard like a block of ice. "She has entertained me for an evening, and so I will forgive her crimes. Return her belongings, and inform the guild."


"...Yes." Akane whimpered, her eyes wide and quivering, like a kicked puppy. "Y-yes, my lord…"




Azamu walked briskly out of the room, her heels clacking softly against the floor as she made a dignified exit, her steps even and measured.


Which left Aisha with the kicked dog, the girl looking like she was about to cry.


"Come with me." She whispered, quickly clearing her throat to mask the breaking of her voice.


"Sorry." Aisha offered.


The guard just walked away briskly, leaving Aisha to roll her eyes and follow the woman back to the cells.




For the most part, it was an uneventful walk as the two women made their trip back to the cells, retrieving Aisha's meager belongings of a bag of coins, her sapphire adventuring tag, scarf, and a few little gems she had accumulated from her contracts and travels.


The gem that Vega had gave her shone by far the greatest, a brilliant, perfect purple, but they were all kind of important to her. A little ruby she had pilfered from the leatherworker's stand. The onyx that Celeste had gifted her… The small bead of magicite from the demon contract… A diamond from Amir's crossbow bolts…


The power in the gems had long faded, along with the feelings of failure that accompanied them. Now, Aisha just gazed on them fondly.


"Hey, why are you following me?" Aisha asked stiffly.


The guard was silent. Aisha poked her in the arm, which prompted the woman to hiss angrily.


"My task is to acquaint you with the guild." She responded, practically spitting her words. "After that, I pray to Zaris that I never see you again."


"I can do that myself." Aisha said absentmindedly.


"You cannot." Akane said simply. "I know you Arcadians are loose on laws, but you cannot simply barge in and intrude. You will need an introduction."


"Ugh." Aisha frowned.


Akane was silent for the rest of the walk, taking Aisha through the maze-like roads of the district. Aisha noted that there wasn't really any main roads - some roads were definitely wider than others, but there was no real main stretch that everyone walked along.


Just another interesting thing about this place… Aisha sensed that it would get annoying later.


Without warming, Akane suddenly turned on a dime and knocked on a door, the connected building slightly taller than the others, but otherwise completely unremarkable. Aisha furrowed her eyebrows - there was no sound coming from within - were they even at the right place?


A long silence followed, and Aisha was about to press the guard on the location, but as soon as she opened her mouth, the door creaked open, a young fox woman bowing respectfully to Akane as she propped the door open for the two women.


The first thing that Aisha noted was that it was dead silent. She didn't know if there was any conversation going on before she entered, but there was definitely none now. Dozens of eyes stared at her, like laser beams trained on Aisha, judging her ratty clothes and casual demeanor.


She felt herself shrink slightly at the pressure - was there no shame?


"Kitty!" A voice gasped, cutting through the silence like a razor, and suddenly, Aisha was alarmed to see six feet of elf rushing towards her, smothering her and tugging at her cheeks and ears.


"What?" Akane turned, baffled. "Who are-"


"I knew I would see you again! Oh, you're just so cute! And pretty! You know, I touched myself to you the night after-"


A powerful shockwave blew through the room as Akane brandished her sword towards Aisha's assailant, the woman pushed slightly away from Aisha by the force. Aisha recognized her as Liberta, the strange elf woman she had seen on her way to the city.


"You will cease your disgraceful conduct immediately." Akane snarled. "You will not speak of those disgusting things in public!"


"Oh?" Liberta smiled slyly. "Or else what?"


"Or else you will be removed from the premises." Akane said coldly.


Liberta laughed openly at the stern guard, the eyes in the building all of a sudden trained on the brash elf instead of Aisha. But oddly enough, some just returned to their drinks and conversation, like this kind of behavior was extremely commonplace.


"Aw, if you weren't such a bitch I would want to fuck you too." Liberta cooed. "I'd kinda like to see you try, though!"


Akane raised her sword furiously. "I'll show you a b-"


The guard's sword was suddenly wrenched out of her fists by a violent wind, Akane's eyes widening as she was suddenly buffeted by what felt like an entire hurricane concentrated on her person. The heavier objects on her person were literally stripped from her body, which her clothes strained against her body, caught by the winds and trying desperately to escape from her body.


Liberta's face didn't change from that mirthful smile, all while her eyes glowed a light blue. The woman didn't move a single inch, but Aisha could literally feel the pressure emanating from the elf - in fact, as the winds spread, Aisha started to get caught in the winds too -


"Stop!" A voice shouted from behind the elf, and as Liberta turned around to address the new person, the winds stopped, leaving Akane to fume in indignation and embarrassment as she began to retrieve her belongings, all while clutching what clothes had not blown off of her body.


Aisha wanted to help Akane, but a soft hand on her shoulder took her attention, the fox girl from earlier looking apologetically at the adventurer.


"I apologize for the commotion." She said softly. "Please come with me and I can get you set up."


"You didn't do anything." Aisha said. "I should be apologizing."


"No no no!" The fox protested. "It is the duty of the host to make the guests feel welcomed. Please, come with me."


Aisha, seeing no use in continuing to discuss apologies with the fox, obliged and followed the young woman to her desk, neat and organized.


"Your information is already stored within your tag, so this will be a simple process." The fox explained. "But I will still need a few details from you, like your…"


As the clerk explained the paperwork to her, Aisha felt a warm body approach her, and a lithe arm wrap around her waist, pulling her into a loose hold.


She didn't even have to turn to see who it was, but she still did, looking into Liberta's bright blue eyes, her lips curved up into that permanent smile.


"Hey." Liberta cooed. "What's up, cutie?"


Aisha just raised an eyebrow at the ridiculously forward woman - it was like she had no shame - not wilting in the slightest even as people openly stared at her with disgust - the clerk included.


"Your tag, please." The clerk said stiffly.


"Why don't you ditch the fox and head to my room with me?" Liberta smiled. "I promise, you won't be able to feel your legs in the morning."


"Maybe later." Aisha responded, pleating half of her face into a wry smile. "I would like to finish this up first."


"Ehhhh??" Liberta pouted, bending down and draping her arms over Aisha's shoulders. "Really?"


The way that Liberta's face transformed, from sly playgirl, to excited puppy was so jarring to Aisha that she almost laughed. It was… cute, in a way - actually, it was just kind of cute.


"You didn't think I would say yes?" Aisha giggled.


"Everyone here is so prudish!" Liberta whined. "There are so many pretty girls here! It's like torture! I didn't know if you would say yes since I don't usually see high fey, but you're just so cute and pretty I had to ask!"


"Aw, thanks!" Aisha smiled, reaching up and squishing Liberta's face, delighted at the way that the tall woman obliged her, smiling and nuzzling Aisha like an enthusiastic dog. "You're really pretty t-"


"Hey." Another familiar voice protested. "Liberta, we're heading out tonight."


Aisha's good mood fouled a bit at Shi'en's voice, her loosely connected 'brother' calling out from behind Liberta.


"Huh? Go without me." Liberta said offhandedly, as Aisha turned her attention to the clerk, listing off a few bits of personal information.


"Dammit, you know we can't!" Shi'en said angrily. "I'm getting tired of your shit! I-"


"Can't?" Aisha mumbled to the clerk, as the woman gave her back her paperwork. "Why not?"


"Huh? You don't know?" The clerk replied, surprised. "Adventurers can only set out in groups of four or more."




Aisha just looked at the clerk with a look of mild annoyance, but quickly softening her expression as the girl recoiled at her expression.


"W- uh, why?" Aisha asked again. "For what reason?"


"It's just the rules." The fox said meekly, folding her hands in front of her lap. "I don't know why they're in place."


"Can you make an exception?" Aisha frowned, as the sound of bickering grew louder behind her. "I've been going alone this whole time - why can't I keep doing it?"


"S-sorry." The clerk whispered. "I can't change the rules."


"Who can?" Aisha demanded.


"I… The lord commissioner can…" The girl replied, shifting uncomfortably. "Kirisu…"


"I…" Aisha sighed, looking at the fox girl's uncomfortable shifting at her demands. "Whatever. Thank you for doing all of this for me…"


"Ah, this is nothing for a friend of Lord Azamu."


Aisha froze at those words, taking a deep, frustrated breath as a fight started to brew behind her, indignant shouts growing along with Aisha's blood pressure.


Different people… same problems.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! New year, new chapter!

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