

Hiro continued to train Sakura as he wrote down on the scroll. Turns out, making a Ninjutsu isn't as easy as it sounds! There's a lot of little nuances that go into it as well as the hand signs and where to point your Chakras.

Hiro was having a hard time and so was Sakura as she couldn't touch even a corner of Hiro's clothes. Plus, Hiro was using his tail to attack her from all directions training her to use her new Observation Haki.

His tails also were coated in Dark Blue and hit her lightly with the Armament Haki, getting her used to the Haki. Sakura was dodging the tails and everything while the Gravity was slowly increasing around her.

The people passing by took one look and started running, screaming 'Monster!' at the top of their lungs. Hiro was too engrossed in his work to hear it as he figured out the key to creating the jutsu!

Happy Day!

Though it would probably take a day or two to complete the entire Oil Release and all the Jutsu's that come with it. He also took into account Sakura's absurd physical strength. He suddenly remembered her awful style in Boruto, she really looked bad then. He would have to change her wardrobe completely.

He wanted to get as far away from the old Sakura as possible, her awful haircut, terrible clothes, the retarded Chakra seal on her forehead, etc. Tsunade wasn't any better, jeez. Also, the high heels, for a ninja? Was that a joke?

Nonononononono, that won't do. Sakura would be the Strongest other than Naruto, maybe even Hokage Material. He didn't count Isabella since they weren't going to stay in this world. As for Sasuke... That guy... Hiro started to get a headache. He wasn't going out of his way to adopt these kids.

He took Naruto because he was with him, he found Sakura on the side of the road, as for Sasuke... If the kid comes over then, he guessed Zerotwo would take him in. He sighed to himself, it was really turning into an Orphanage around here.

Guy and his little squad of Genin sped over to Hiro's store and looked around carefully, seeing Hiro and Sakura training. Hiro looked over and his tails grabbed Sakura, stopping her, as he smiled "Guy-san! Here to buy something?"

Guy said smiled and said "Not today, Hiro!" he walked over and said "Say... You see a monster around here?" Hiro was startled and said "A monster?" he looked around and replied honestly "No, and we've been outside the entire time."

Guy frowned and Hiro looked at the 3 kids, asking "This is your team?" Guy forgot about it and said happily "Yep! These kids are full of YOUTH!" Hiro smiled and said "Nice to meet you all." he looked at Lee, Neji, and Tenten, adding "You were need help with your weapons, Byakugan, or weights, you can come find me."

The 3 kids were stunned and Hiro winked at them before saying with a smirk "Guy-san, I see you put the weights to good use." Guy chuckled and said "You know me, Hiro... I only know Taijutsu..." he actually looked a bit sad, Hiro patted his shoulder and said "Guy-san, don't worry. I believe that in Konoha, if you're not #2, you're #3."

He patted Sakura's head and healed her completely saying "How about a spar since you're here?" Guy looked at Sakura and said "Your disciple?" Hiro smiled and said "And dad." as he released Sakura from his tail and smiled at her.

She smiled happily and looked down, a bit embarrassed.

Guy smiled and said "Sure!" Hiro said "Winning or losing isn't important. Just make sure you tried your best, okay sweetheart?" Sakura nodded and got serious. Hiro looked at Guy saying "Don't go easy because we're friends." Guy smiled and said "I wouldn't! Lee."

Lee said "Sensei..." Guy patted his head and said "Don't hold back! This is what it means to be YOUTH!" Hiro smiled and he pulled Guy, Tenten, and Neji back to the side to make room. Hiro said


Sakura shot forward and kicked at Lee's head, she was still wearing her weights but then again, so was Lee and they were much, much, heavier. Lee bent backwards and kicked out. Sakura twisted her body and dodged, crouching to the ground and sweeping out at Lee's planted hands.

Lee pushed off and dodged, Sakura jumped off the ground and punched at Lee in the air, who spun his legs, smacking her fist away.

Guy and Hiro watched them fight, before Hiro pulled out a book and said "You should try and have Lee learn this." as he handed the book to Guy, who took it saying "Drunken Kenpo?" Hiro chuckled and said "It's just a suggestion. He looks flexible enough."

Guy hummed to himself and said "Hmm... Maybe. Also, where did you get her?" Hiro waved and said "Found her on the side of the road." Guy gawked and Hiro chuckled, Neji mumbled "She can keep up with Lee..." Hiro said "Barely, she hasn't trained nearly enough to win."

Tenten asked "Then why spar?" Hiro smiled and replied "You learn more losing to tough opponents than you do winning against weak ones... Plus, she needs to realize that training isn't going to make her win every fight."

Guy grinned and said "Hiro, I think you'd be the most youthful ninja in Konoha!" Hiro chuckled and said "YOUTH!" Guy smiled widely and chimed "YOUTH!" Hiro smiled and Lee turned on another gear, going on the offensive, feeling a little pressure from Sakura's constant attacking.

He lunged forward and shot his leg out, Sakura dodged but Lee swung his other leg forward, kicking her in the stomach and sending her rolling on the ground. Lee stopped and Sakura got up slowly, holding her stomach.

Hiro called the spar off, saying "Lee wins. Very good job." he clapped and walked over, picking Sakura up and smiling as he said "You did far better than I expected!" Sakura looked visibly upset and Hiro chuckled saying "Lee is really strong, you did a good job."

He patted Lee on the head saying "I think Guy would say the same, but you did very well. If you attacked first you would have won instantly." Hiro winked and said "Never underestimate your opponents, Lee. Maybe she couldn't get you this time but next time... Who knows what could happen."

Lee nodded seriously and said "Thank you, Hiro-san!" bowing to him. Hiro chuckled and Guy slapped Lee's back saying "YOUTH!" slamming Lee face first into the ground. He picked Lee up and said to Hiro "Thanks, Hiro! By the way... You still have those Stamina potions?"

Hiro smiled and nodded before asking "Chunin exams are coming up aren't they?" Guy grinned and nodded, Hiro smiled and walked to the store saying "50% off until the Chunin Exams, Guy-san." Guy threw his hands in the air, clearly elated.

He took one stamina potion and he didn't need to sleep for 3 days!

He trained for 3 days straight.

What a crazy Guy!




Hiro sold him 10 Stamina potions and gave him an extra for free, racking in 25,000 Ryo. Guy left with a smile and the kids said goodbye before following him. Hiro waved at the group and healed Sakura's little injury before stroking her head saying "I'm proud of you."

Sakura teared up and said "But.." Hiro smiled saying "But you lost? Lee doesn't have any Chakra, he's a master in Taijutsu. He has trained longer and harsher than you. I made you fight, so you could see the difference. Lee works hard because he just wants to be a ninja, he doesn't even have Chakra. He's at the level he's at because of hard work and constantly grinding himself every moment of every day."

He tapped on her weights and said "You see your weights? Lee had 10x the amount you have on right now and he keeps it on all the time. Even when he sleeps." Sakura was stunned and Hiro smiled warmly adding "You just have to work hard and you'll be able to be as strong as him, but training isn't enough either. You need to be smart with your attacks, adapt to any situation. You moved well and dodged most of his attacks but the last one, you missed the twitch of his calf while he was kicking out the first time."

Sakura was silent and Hiro continued "Though, this is a learning experience for you. I'm very satisfied with your progress so far. It's only been a week as well." he poked her nose and said "My little girl, you're pretty amazing!" Sakura gave him a small smile and Hiro tickled her on the counter making her laugh as he said "What's that smile for? You getting arrogant!?"

Sakura burst out laughing and struggled to escape, but nobody could escape the tickle hands. Not even Zerotwo.

It was a Divine Technique!

A few days later

Hiro underestimated the time it would taken to finish the Oil Release. He was still working on it as he trained Sakura near the store.

They were training when Naruto and Isabella ran over saying "Dad/Baba! We're back!" Hiro looked over and smiled, Sakura stopped and hid behind Hiro's leg in shame. Naruto and Isabella stopped and said "Sakura!?"

Hiro said "Come on, you can't avoid them forever." Sakura came out of hiding and said "Hey..." Naruto blushed and said "W-W-What are you d-doing here?!" Isabella pouted saying "Yeah!" Hiro looked at the kids silently, hoping and praying.

Sakura said "Da- Hiro-san is training me..." Hiro frowned and looked at Sakura, who was looking down sadly. Isabella ran over with Mittens on her head as she said "Wah! Really?!" Naruto said in shock "You too?! Cool!"

Sakura was stunned and looked at Isabella and Naruto's happy faces, she suddenly felt like crying. Hiro smiled and rubbed her head, the three chatted about their mission and training. Hiro gave Sakura the day off and the 3 borrowed some money before going to Teuchi's ramen shop.

Hiro was helpless, it was right next door! They borrowed money for what exactly? He found out when they left and ran into town.

Hiro sat in front of the Store and wrote down in a scroll before saying "How was it?" Kakashi appeared and sat in the chair next to Hiro saying "Not too bad. Naruto and Isabella made massive improvements in just one week..." as he looked at Hiro, who chuckled saying "Yeah? Maybe, you'll find out later."

Kakashi sighed "So mysterious..." Hiro asked in confusion "How is it that you ended up with Isabella, Naruto, and the Uchiha boy? Forget about Naruto, but the Uchiha boy is at the top of the class, no?" Kakashi scratched his head and said "Actually, I was wondering that too until the Hokage told me why."

Hiro said "Ohhh... I see." he pursed his lips and added "He still doesn't trust me? Jeez." Kakashi shrugged and said "What did you expect?" Hiro sighed and said "True." he looked at Kakashi and said "So? How was the new gear?"

Kakashi perked up and said "Better than ever actually!" he took his chest gear off and showed him the mark saying "Took a full slash to the chest." Hiro looked at the inner armor and said "Didn't restrict you in any way?" Kakashi shook his head and said "Not at all!"

Hiro nodded and said "That's good. A bit heavy though." Kakashi said "Yeah, but for the protection, it's worth it." Hiro mumbled to himself and said "I'll try and make something more lightweight... I have an idea, I just need the materials..."

He had made a chest gear with the adamantium metal fused into the material. It was actually incredibly hard to make. He needed a way to basically make kevlar but stronger. He frowned in thought and Kakashi suddenly said "By the way... I saw you took in Sakura?"

Hiro sighed and said "Can you believe that she was on the streets? I mean, honestly!" Kakashi said "She was on the streets?!" Hiro nodded and said "I gave her mother a good slap before taking Sakura in."

Kakashi sighed and shook his head, the duo suddenly looked at a wall across the street and a shadow flashed away. Hiro chuckled saying "Seems like we're being watched." Kakashi sighed "These kids are going to kill me..." Hiro laughed and the duo relaxed in front of the store for the rest of the day.

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