
Chapter 48

It didn't take me very long to get back to the Pokemon Centre where I'd be staying the night.

Surprisingly though, when I got to my room and made my way inside, Hilda was nowhere in sight. Her bag was sitting on one of the beds though.

Alongside a familiar little green and serpentine pokemon laying sprawled out over the bed.

"Sni?" Snivy's head perked up when I entered, Bellossom on my arms.

"Heya Snivy," I greeted the grass type with a grin, kicking the door shut behind me. I'd become quite familiar with Snivy over the past week. She loved watching me train for some reason, "I take it Hilda is out and about checking out some of the sights?" I asked, though already kniwing the answer.

Snivy as it turned out, was much more interested in pure battling over just doing so to help Hilda get her name out more and raise some money.

And you wouldn't believe how hyped I was, when I found out Snivy is actually Ash's Snivy! I couldn't believe it when I noticed the first time Hilda introduced me to her pokemon.

"Snivy!" Snivy nodded, before flopping down onto the bed with a sigh.

Bellossom giggled, jumping from me over to the bed Snivy was on, clearing the distance easily and landed lightly on the bed. She was so light, the mattress barely moved at all and Snivy was free from jostling.

Though not from the pure grass type that belonged to me poking Snivy in the cheek with a giggle. She quickly danced to the side with a playful twirl to avoid a vine that snapped out from Snivy's neck trying to smack her away.

I watched them for a moment before tossing my bag onto the other bed, claiming it as my own and made my way over to the corner of the room where a computer sat on a desk.

I took a seat in front of it and quickly booted it on. First things first, I wanted to check out the property rates around here.

Going by the rates of property around my own area back home. If I'm right, buying up a large piece of land here should be incredibly simple. Hell, I should have enough right now to buy up a chunk.

There was an abandoned hospital up near my old place. It had to be a good few multiple thousand square metres in size. And yet, it was going for sixty thousand pounds.

And I'd saw similar places like that for around the same price. Places where everything was run down and abandoned, where it would take a hefty amount of cash to just fix up.

And in a place like this? Where people had more space than they knew what to do with and were actively encouraging mass birth rate increases to fill the space.

Well, it just all pointed towards land in the abandoned half of Hollywood being incredibly cheap.

As the computer booted up, I leaned back into the chair and stapled my fingers together, a grin spreading across my face. 'It's all coming together.' I was incredibly pleased.

I knew where a bunch of rare and powerful pokemon are. I know where legendary pokemon are. My pokemon's progress in strength is simply astounding going by the reactions of others around me.

I know where to find a mass of Mega Stones, in the hands of an evil bastard not a single person will miss when I deal with him. I'm practically rolling in cash and that amount will only increase more and more if I play my hand right.

And if I'm correct here, I'll be able to buy my own huge piece of land and build a great big mansion on it. And with the help of my pokemon, creating a reserve area for all of my pokemon to live will be incredibly easy.

Granted, I'll need to figure out what caused the mass abandonment of the city just to be safe, but even if Team Rocket are behind it. Give me a few months and they'll be running with their tails between their legs as well.

Who needs a construction team when I have powerhouse pokemon capable of mowing down buildings as if they were made of paper mache.

'I even have an idea to become immortal.' I rubbed my hands together eagerly.

The only problem on that front though, is I have no idea where to find a Honedge.

Honedge was one of the few pokemon that were never really shown wild in the anime and only the games. If I'm lucky, there may be one or two hovering around graveyards or places like Lavender Town.

But at the same time, I'm thinking they'd be more likely to hang around ancient battle sites.

Tracking one of those places down would be such a bother though when he had so much other stuff to take care of. 'Professor Sycamore might know where to find one.' a thought occurred.

It was actually surprisingly easy to get in contact with the regional professors. They literally had listed phone numbers on their own wiki entries and league profile pages and such.

He could most likely get his hands on a Honedge much easier than myself. The problem though, was he doubted the guy would just get him one because he asked.

If I could get an in with Professor Sycamore though...

'If I'm not wrong, at this point in time he should barely know what pokemon can mega evolve right now and much of his research goes into finding out about that.' I tapped my chin.

And I just so happen to know of every single Pokemon capable of Mega Evolving.

"That could work." I grinned. That information was probably worth a lot more than a single Honedge.


My eyes widened.

'If I get an in with him through this, couldn't I get the chance to meet and try my hand at getting Froakie's loyalty?'

Jord-Greninja sounded pretty fucking amazing to me.

Ah Jesus- I mean Arceus.

The more thought I put into things, the more shit ends up on my to do schedule. 'Pidgeotto really needs to hurry up and evolve man.' I sighed, slumping deeper into my chair.

I had a possible idea for getting Honedge easily now. And it added the possible benefit of a total amazing, one of a kind power house.

Honestly, it was a win win situation really. Even if Froakie doesn't take to me, I can drop him off with Ash. Ash may not be his Kalos self, but the traits are still there. And Ash getting his power houses early, meant that I'd have even less to worry about when the world goes to shit.

I'll step up if I need to, and there's a few guys I'm planning on taking care of myself before they even get their stupid plans up off of the ground. But, I'm so not interested in playing the hero.

I'd only do that if it got me some hot ass bitches to ride my dick. There's no other reason to actively play hero to me other than that.

A light padding on the desk in front of me broke me from my thoughts. Snivy had landed on the table and was looking from me to the computer curiously.

Oh, it had already booted up. 'I totally zoned out with my plans.' I snorted, "Interested in what I'm up to?" I asked the grass type starter.

I've started uploading stuff early on Pa--treon. So if you want to see it a little bit in advance, you can there. The links are in any of my stories descriptions.

0_Jordinio_0creators' thoughts
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