
The strange Request

The weather was at its worst for the next two days. For those days, Malik found peace in the solitude he had managed to incite. 

After his show of power, no one dared to speak about him. The arrogant maids and guards at his said behaved as they should. Additionally, his mother stayed out of his way.

This was to say that aside from his daily needs, no one approached the prince or even stared at him out of fear. Albeit the peace he obtained from the taunting, his heart was otherwise in an uprising storm.

Malik was anxious to meet his brother. He was very clear on Lahan's reaction to him the second they met. How could he not know when he spent years watching the hatred in his eyes grow?

Contrary to Lahan's hatred for him, his heart swelled with pride every time he thought of him. Unlike every other thing, even his love was misunderstood by everyone around him.

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