
World 7.52

"CEO Chen? CEO Chen?"

Those frail waving fingers in front of his eyes snapped him back. Chen Zixuan blinked and then he faced Xiu Yan, who was standing in front of him. The guy, who was now all set and had his luggage bag beside him, tapped the man's forehead. 

"CEO Chen? Are you sick?" Xiu Yan asked. "You've been spacing out..I've called you so many times already,"

Chen Zixuan felt a slight throbbing pain coming from his temples, but he didn't dare to say it. He frowned and then leaned his head on the chair. "I'm fine. Just let me rest for a minute. Is Lei Peng already there?" 

Xiu Yan immediately slipped out his phone from his pocket and told the CEO that his assistant was still 30 minutes on the way. 

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