

"Then kill him."

Said Qrow, who was had already enough of talks. Ozpin just looked at him as if he thought about the prospect or if he heard right.


Said Ironwood.

"Oh, I thought you would be with me on this, Jimmy. After all, you are the one who bitches the most about the Schnee brat."

Qrow said with a smirk, even if behind his smug facked he was fuming as he again spoke about brat that holds his twin as a prisoner, no matter what Raven said, Qrow was sure she didn't want to by with that Schnee brat.

And even if Qrow hated his twin for what she did, Raven was still his sister, and there is no way that Qrow Branwen wouldn't help his sister no matter how much he didn't want to.

"Don't ake me wrong, Qrow, I hate Aegis Schnee, but no matter how much I hate him, it doesn't change that is my personal opinion, but as General and member of Council, I respect him."

Ironwood said to the surprise of many on the video call...

"Oh? Please elaborate, James."

Ozpin said as he sipped from his coffee mug.

"As I said, Aegis Schnee, no matter how hateful is good at what he is doing, Mantle, SDC, the numerous settlements that are built in his name are protected from Grimms and other elements without any doubt."

Ironwood said the word elements strongly, and everyone knew he spoke about their archenemy Salem.

"How can you be sure that he doesn't work with Salem?"

Asked Ozpin.

"Because of this."

Ironwood tapped on his computer and showed them an image that was taken by an Atlas specialist completely on random chance.

"Wh-what the fuck is that?!"

Qrow said as he spat his drink on Glynda, who sends him a glare, but she too was preoccupied with the video that was shown to them.

On white plains of Solitas wastes could be seen fortress that was as big as entire Beacon academy, maybe even bigger.

And that fortress was now assaulted by a newer seen horde of Grimm tide numbering in hundreds of thousands, maybe even millions.

"Such tide was lastly seen hundreds of years ago..."

Ozpin said in shock as he remembered the battle. At that time, he still had the magic capacity to fight millions of Grimms with the help of all maidens. Alas, it was the same battle that made his magic dwindle to his current pathetic state.

"How? how could we see this just now?! We need to prepare!"

Glynda said in shock as she feared the consequences of such Grimm tide going in their direction.

"Don't need, just watch."

Ironwood said calmly as he too watched the video he watched already numerous times today.

"This happened yesterday."

The tide of Grimms crashed against fifty meters high walls that were manned by automatic defenses and thousand of droids that fired upon the Grimms without stopping.

"Is that fucking snowflake?!"

Qrow shouts when he sees numerous Airships that had the SDC logo above the fortress hurling artillery shots upon Grimm, with each shot kills more than hundreds at the same time.

The Grimms on the ground dies be thousand in seconds as their bodies are shredded by explosives, and the Grimms in the air to are in a tight spot as the AA turrets on fortress and airships shreds them by continuous fire.

Ozpin, Glynda, Qrow, Ironwood, Theodore, and Annie, the new Mistral headmistress, watch how the Grimm tide that could devastate their capital cities being culled like nothing.

"You want to tell me, and this is that brats doing?"

Qrow asked as he watched the feed-in terror as he feared about his nieces who would surely die if that tide chosen Vale and not solitas as a target.

"Yes, I have numerous reports about mysterious facilities in solitas and other kingdoms that bear the SDC logo, but until now, we didn't have any evidence of such fact, just craters in the ground that my analytics says were SDC bases that were overrun by Grimms."

Ironwood said as he stops the feed and looks at Ozpin sharply.

"This video was found by total coincidence, the specialist who filmed this was on a mission when their bullhead had malfunctioned, and they needed walk to their destinations, no need to say they were captived by sounds of battle and came to investigate the commotion."

Ironwood said and continued as he still watched Ozpin.

"It is cleary there is more than meets the eye when it comes to Aegis Schnee, and is it clear that Salem targets his assets, I do not know how she finds them as even my operatives couldn't found these bases, but from what you can see there is another shadow war ongoing."

Ironwood siad and Ozpin chukled.

"Yes, yes, it could be seen that I underestimated Aegis. I wonder what he has done to irritate Salem for her to send even her oldest to fight his forces."

Ozpin said as he watched ancient Grimms in the horde that were taking down airships but at the same time being killed by them as the captains of these ship chosen to sacrifice themselves be driving their ships into the ancient Grimms.

"It seems we need to watch Aegis more closely, but at least we now know that he doesn't belong to Salems side."

Ozpin said with a chuckle as he felt elated that there was again another faction that was waging war against Salem.

"Ozpin, don't forget he isn't with us too."

Theodore said to his friend.

"Oh, but is it clear he is on the side of man? That's is enough for me."

Ozpin said and felt his chest lighten up as he watched the beauty of multiple Grimms dying.


Qrow cursed as he already knew it would be him who will be sent to observe the brat's actions.

"If I could voice my idea?"

Annie asked, and at the nods from other headmasters, she continued.

"From reports, is it clear that Aegis Schnee has a weakness for fairy gender? Why don't we sent someone to observe him?"

Annie said, and others just looked thoughtful.

"You mean spy? That's isn't possible, I already tried to send spies to his companies, but what happened was that these spies were returned naked before a police station completely covered by drugs."

Ironwood said as he had enough headaches from these incidents, the sole reason he isn't furious is that Aegis Schnee didn't harm his people, yes he beat them up, but nothing that time couldn't heal, that was the reason why it didn't escalate into a full spy war.

"No! Not spying, a consultant, we make it clear that the person works for us, I heard that Aegis Schnees younger sisters, Weiss, Harriet, and Pyrrha wants to go to huntsmen academies, so what I propose is that we send them instructors that would at the same time try to get into Aegis good books."

Annie said, and others just noded.

"Yes, that could work, at least like this, we would have a voice inside Aegis circles, but who? Not many are accomplished huntresses, and at the same time, she needs to know our situation."

Ozpin said.

"Well what about Amber?"

Qrow said and Ironwood looked at him like on idiot.

"A Mainden?! That's a horrible idea!"

Ironwood said but stopped as Ozpin spoke.

"No, that's actually is good idea Qrow, where would she be safest than by the side of the wealthiest man?"

Ozpin said, and others just looked at each other in question if it really was a good idea.

"Oh, and because it was your idea, Qrow, you can go and tell it to an Amber myself."

Ozpin said with a smile, but Qrow immediately felt the urge to slap himself.

"Oh fuck, why can't you just quit, you old dusty crow..."

Qrow said to himself as he already could see what Amber would do to him when he tells her the news...

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Nisiriscreators' thoughts
Next chapter