

Weiss and Harriet's birthday party was chaotic for someone who desired order and chaos in equivalent magnitude...

Aegis was for most of the time sitting with his mother, secretary Iris, Mrs, and Mr.Scalatina, who in the end accepted the invitation and were served by Klein, who for most of the time hid as he didn't want to serve or manage the spectacle that was unfolding in the middle of the room...

Weiss, who was now eleven years old, was chasing or rather hunting three girls with brown bunny ears and clothed in carrot costume...

Why were they in carrot costumes? Well, let say that Aegis had felt the need to release some of the steam that was building in him because of the endless paperwork, so after he invited the Scarlatina family, he secretly ordered for same carrot costume that he saw a Velvet in...

And his prank did evolve in Weiss going berserker at seeing the cute bunny girls and made her goal to clothe them in carrot costumes and play with them...

For most of the time, Mrs. and Mr.Scarlatina were just watching that with both fascination and exasperation until Velvet, the twelve-year-old bunny girl, came to Aegis and told him that it could be taken as racistic...

Well, Velvet did try to play stern, but the twitching of her bunny ears betrayed her amusement, and Aegis just chuckled at her and said that it could be taken as such and reached with his hand under the table from where he took a bigger carrot costume...

Velvet, seeing that it was for her, immediately did that what all scared rabbits do and run from Aegis, who was just smiling at her embarrassment.

At least until Aegis gets a light smack on the back of his head from his mother Willow, who tried to hide her twitching lips and teary eyes from laughter under the stern mask...

Winter, who did take a day off from the academy with was accepted as Aegis, made sure they know that she was the Schnee...

Privileges of wealthy ones...

Winter did come home, and after greeting Aegis, Weiss, and Willow, she immediately made a rush for Harriet, who became Winters favorite teddy bear with her long curly black hair and green eyes...

Not speaking about the sounds Harriet made when she was petted on the head, which Aegis was sure Harriet herself didn't know she was making...

In short, both Weiss and Harriet's party was an enjoyable event for all of them, and Aegis invited Scarlatinas for all Schnee family events, which made the four bunny girls both tremble in anticipation and dread...

Well, Aegis was not surprised as he saw the predatory glint in Weiss's eyes every time she saw the quivering bunnies...

After the guest left, Aegis invited both Weiss and Harriet to his office, where he was hiding his presents for them.

"Big brother, what you want to give us?!"

Weiss was most vocal in her curiosity, and Harriet, who still until this time saw everything that was happening to her as a happy dream from what she feared to wake up to, was nodding her head, albeit very slightly as to not bring attention to herself...

"Patience Weiss."

Aegis chided the sister he loved to his very last breath and kneeled before her a Harriet.

"Weiss, I want to tell you that no matter what path you chose, I would be there always for you to lean over."

Aegis said as he took from his pocket two small necklaces, both were masterfully made from pure silver with carved symbols that are believed to bring fortune and happiness, and in both necklaces were middle gems with the snowflake symbol.

One gemstone was a blue sapphire and the other green emerald, and both were of the most precious quality that could be found on Remnant...

"And you Harriet, I know that even now you have reservations about men and me altogether, but I think you lived with us long enough to see that Weiss, Winter, and our Mother Willow already take you as member of our family."

Aegis said as he slowly put on the neckline on the frozen girl's neck as her eyes started to water.

"But I want you too that I too would take you as my little sister, so will you become Harriet Schnee? the little sister of Aegis Schnee?"

Aegis asked and for the first time after a long time was surprised as the girl who was scared to be in his mere presence alone threw herself at him and cradled him while she cried her eyes out...

Weiss just hugged Harriet from behind and had tears of happiness in her eyes until her eyes widened and exclaimed.

"WAIT! Dou this mean im the older sister?! It sucks to be always the little one!"

Weiss asked, panicked, and Aegis just laughed out loud at that odd question which even the crying Harriet made to chuckle...

"E-erm-hm I-i could be the little o-one."

Harriet whispered as she tried to get her bearing back and was at the same time embraced from hugging Aegis...

"Hah! That's good, but that isnt end of your presents."

Aegis said with a laugh and slowly made his way to his desk where we're laying the boxes, green and the other blue...

"There come for your next presents."

Aegis said as he handed the two girls their respective boxes with their color scheme.

Aegis watched how Weiss opened hers and exclaimed in happiness when she pulled out a finely made rapier with a dust chamber in it...


Weiss slowly said as she named her weapon that she always wished for but was denied by Aegis, who said that she was too young...

Harriet seeing Weiss present, slowly opened hers, and tears again started to fall from her eyes as she saw another gift she gotten from Aegis...

No, it was b-b-big bb-brother, now wasn't it?

In her box was a laying ornated saber sword with a black blade and green handle that looked as it could transform...

"I always saw how you looked at my and Weiss training, but because your psychical condition never invited you as I feared you could get hurt... But if you wish, I will gladly train you in use of that word as it was specially made for someone with your body."

Aegis said, and indeed he did a lot of research to find the best pairing for Harriet and Sabre sword won on all fronts...

"Th-t-thank y-you! These are the first gifts I have ever gotten."

Harriet said with sobs as she cradled her new sword, and Aegis just smiled, but in his heart, he made sure that if given a chance, he would make people who hurt Harriet pay...

After all, Aegis was priding himself as an excellent big brother, and as one, he must make sure to undo all wrongs his little sisters get...

Next chapter