

It was another week of work and enjoyment as Sienna Khan could root out already thirty corruptions cases, with half of them tried to fight back.

Alas, these obese men who always counted on the power of money and connections were too easy for someone of Sienna's caliber.

As per the contract, Sienna sent to Aegis evidence about the corruptions in SDC ranks and cemented her position as nominal inspector of SDC...

There were a lot of calls to Aegis about her crude methods and how vicious she is. Aegis just said that if they are clear and didn't break the new SDC law, they are safe as every Sienna's action must be proven to be legal...

Aegis just smiled as he remembered the pale faces of men who tried to make him tame Siennas approaches and lamented he didn't make screenshots as he was sure it would make a lot of people well.

Well, Aegis get a call from the council numerous times, too, as they really liked to poke their noses where they don't belong...

Aegis really wonder why HE is the bad guy they need to constrain, but his father, who literally runs SDC as some mini kingdom, was left alone...

Well, Aegis thought it was probably because his father was a simple man that was driven by greed and his big egomaniacal complexes...

His father was pretty much easily predictable, but he, the Aegis, was black horse too much for their liking...

Of course, they can just use words as Aegis already proven how dangerous he is, and after some calls with general Ironwood, who thought that was an excellent move to manipulate Aegis by his love for his big sister Winter...

Well, Aegis showed how much he despised people who thought that they could use his family against him and made striped Atlas military of all dust discounts...

At least until Ironwood didn't call him and apologize to him for his actions, and even if they repair the SDC and Atlas relationships, Aegis could see in Ironwood's eyes that it was not the end...

Indeed Aegis found it funny that rather than fighting the Grimms and getting more land, they just like to infight with their own people...

But that's for the better, as the more incompetent the government is, the more opportunities Aegis would get, and the minor problems they made for him are nothing more than a slight eyesore...

"Sir? the AAF is calling about the project you submitted to them."

Aegis looked at his new secretary the Iris Goldstein who height was 1,63 meters high with the body of seductress and flowing red hair with the face of angel and green eyes. She was around Willows age, with her being thirty-three and his mother thirty-six old...

On mothers on the mother's recommendation, Aegis accepted Iris on probation time. Until now he doesn't regret accepting her as she showed to by capable person to have by yourself...

With isn't as surprising how much she helped her bastard father...

And isn't that surprising? Iris and Willow quickly became soulmates as both of them had similar life full of despair and sadness. In short, these two became good friends, and when Iris doesn't help Aegis with work, she is with his mother doing a variety of activities like the tea party or similar activities they did before on orders reluctantly, but now they do it on their own volition they found it enjoyable as they don't need to act with each other...

But to the current situation, the AAF is Atlas Android Factory who he did get from one of the men he threatened when he did a takeover of SDC...

Aegis last week submitted a new plan on androids...

In short, Aegis finds it strange that Atlas builds just these human-looking droids that should replace organic military and security so much thin and easy unpractical...

These knight series that Atlas build are in Aegis books, nothing more than cannon fodder. He would be a fool to believe they could ever protect his family or SDC interest with such pathetic droids...

Yes, Aegis knows about Paladins and Spider droids, but both of them are too bulky and too impractical...

So Aegis used his years of studying Remnants science and engineering for something and used one of his memories to build Bastion robot from Overwatch work with Remnants materials and weapons.

The sole difference is that his primary form has a sub-machine gun in both hands capable of eliminating Beowulf category Grimm with two shots one if he strikes the head, the Bastion will have two modes the moving capable that is primary one with two sub-machines, and the fortress mode where he will change into an unmoving bunker that will have Gatling gun as the main weapon with sole purpose would be to lay everything in its aim into the waste...

Aegis was satisfied with his idea as the Bastion droid is supposed to be ten times more durable than the knight android and will have bigger firepower than the knight series lack as they build them to look like a human with a rifle...

Aegis understands that Atlas build them like that as to make the public like them and as such to not worry them with ugly looking designs, but how can such paper-thin tin soldiers bring a sense of security is beyond Aegis understanding...

And finally, the AAF announced that they were able to create a prototype in a week...

With isn't surprising as Aegis found out Atlas is very good at building robots as long they have basic blueprints...

"Thank you, and Iris tell them I will come in person to witness first testings."

Iris just bowed and left the office...

Aegis just browsed another's reporting until his scroll announced a new message.

Aegis looked from who it is, and surprisingly it was from Ghira who marked it as urgent?

Aegis read his message in a hurry, and the more he read, the more his hands wished just to crush the scroll...

In short, Ghira said that after investigation, he found out that a lot of radical white fang members left their stations to an unknown place, and after he called for those who stayed, he was injured as they planned to kill him and run, but there were those still loyal to Ghira around and stoped them in time...

So now Ghira is injured, and more than thirty of his loyal men are dead, with more than two hundred or even more radical white fangs on the run...

As Aegis read more, he was stopped by urgent new Chanel what showed burning town in the background and faunus boy or man around seventeen years old with red hair, a Grimm mask, and bull horns speak...

"We are Red Fang! We arent the cowards and traitors of white fang who colluded with our enemy, the Aegis Schnee, and SDC! We are true fighters for faunus freedom! And today, we announce our War to SDC AND EVERYONE ON THEIR SIDE! IM ADAM TAURUS THE NEW LEADER OF RED FANG!"

Now named Adam show men and women who were bounded together and crying and asking for mercy but were greeted just by Adams sword as he beheaded them...

"And this is our resolve!"

Adam sheathed his sword.

"I know you are watching Aegis Schnee! We will come for you and everyone you hold dear, and we will make them pay for your crimes!"

Adam said and stoped feed...

Aegis was just sitting on his chair, and after a little while, he started to shake...

"Big brother?"

Weiss, who came to see her brother if he is alright but was just greeted by something she didn't expect...

Aegis was laughing. Her big brother was laughing, but it was not a laugh she remembered. It was not a laugh he made when they played. No, this laugh made Weiss's skin freeze, but her big brother ended after a while...


Aegis stopped his laugh as he started to breathing again...

"War? Do they want War? they want to hurt my family?"

Aegis asked himself silently with a smile on his face, but if someone saw his eyes, they would freeze on the spot or run as Aegis eyes didn't show humor but anything but ice, the purest form of ice...

"Ah, Weiss, you came to see your big brother? come to sit with me for a while, and then we can go to play outside."

Aegis said as he saw his little sister and immediately changed to his loving big brother persona...

Aegis promised to make them pay for just claiming to hurt his little snowflake and family...

Next chapter