

**Most liked comment - Speak up and tell everyone you're fated mates**


I have no idea what has been wrong with me recently. From the first time I landed my eyes on Calix I've been acting weird.

All my goals, all my rules, all my efforts, everything went down the drain.

Got washed away like it was writing on sand near the water.

When Calix didn't acknowledge me as his mate. I felt so bad I couldn't bear it.

The omega in me was super upset. She wanted to be claimed.

She wanted to be owned so bad I couldn't help but say it, "No we're not!" It just slipped out of my mouth, "We're a fated pair." I folded my arms and glared at Calix who looked back at me in confusion.

Every one around us froze.

Then there were whispers and everyone looked at Calix who was still shocked at what I had done.

"Calix? Is that true!!" People began to question him non-stop and he was forced to come out of his stance.

He looked at his friends awkwardly and then looked at me, "Yes, " He answered, "I wasn't planning on revealing it anytime soon but yes. We're a fated pair."

In that exact instance where he said those words there were two polar opposite reactions.

The beta's and Alpha's were happy for him but there were Omega's there too who glared at me with cold malicious eyes.

I know.

They all probably thought about how I was not suited for him or how I just came out of nowhere and stole what could have been theirs.

I had no words for it.

But I did.

I said what my omega wanted and contrary to my expectations I didn't feel bad.

On the other hand, it felt quite satisfying. There was a sense of fulfilment.

Calix's friends took me with him, made me sit down next to them and started chatting with me as they started pouring me drinks.

Unfortunately Calix was dragged away by some of his other friends and we were far apart.

But I could still see him from where I was sitting. It was there where I suddenly had so many people who wanted to talk to me and people who could kill with just their gazes.

The mixture of different treatments I was getting was sort of making me awkward and I ended up drinking the drink I was offered without thinking.

It wasn't really anyone's fault but my own.

I should have been careful because my age wasn't revealed and no one there knew I was a minor except Calix.

But since he was far away, he didn't see what I was drinking either and I ended up gulping down a glass of whiskey.

It didn't take long after that for the world to start spinning.

In my nervous state, I didn't realize that I was drunk and thought that it might just have been my anxiety acting up so I decided to excuse myself and walk out of the place for some fresh air.

The funny part is I didn't realize I was drunk even though I wobbled out of the place and my dizziness didn't go away even though I got the breather I came out for.

What is wrong with me?

I wondered.

Why is the world suddenly spinning?

"Hey!" The sound of someone calling my made me turn around, "Are you really Calix's pair?" It was Calix's friends.

I nodded, "Yea,"

"Reject him." There were three of them.

"Why?" I answered without thinking, "He's mine."

"He's not for you." One in the center spoke, "One look at you and I can tell your a commoner."

"So what?" I poured, "He's still mine and you'll never have him." I don't know why I suddenly laughed, "All mine!"

This must have been drunken behavior because it agitated the girl in the centre and she grabbed my hair in fury.

"You bitch!" She pulled them, "It doesn't matter if you're his pair. No one will accept you with him!!"

Next chapter