

"Hey! When are we going to get inside the dungeon? I am bored waiting." Said one guy standing in front of a portal.

"Oh In-Su-ssi you are too impatient just wait a little while we will get to enter the dungeon. we just need to get the green signal of the guild master." Said the other man.

"Hey, Cha Joo-chan-ssi I just remembered that guild master told you to kill the family of guild master's brother and his family. Did you do it?" asked Oh In-su.

"Why would I waste my time doing that kind of trivial tasks. I have more important thing to do here. So, I hired someone to do the task. He should be done by the time we complete this dungeon." said Joo-chan.

"You know that if guild master finds out you hired someone to do the job, he would be angry right?" asked In-Su.

"As long as the family is wiped out, it won't matter who did the job anyway. As far as guild master knowing about me hiring others to do his task, you are the only one who has the knowledge about that. If the guild master somehow found out my dealings, I will hold you responsible." Said Joo-chan while giving In-Su a menacing look.

A drop of sweat dropped from In-Su's fore head.

"Alright" said In-Su.

Although they both were high ranking officials, it was clear that Joo-chan was some levels higher than In-Su. That's the reason why In-Su so nervous when he heard what Joo-Chan had to say.

As they continued talking, all the members of this raid were present in front of the portal ready to get inside ant any time. They were just waiting for a green signal from the guild master.


As they were waiting, they didn't notice but Kang ho was already there watching them with rage filled eyes. Right now, all what he wanted to do is kill. He wouldn't stop until everything that his uncle owned was destroyed.

There were 10 people, 2 were from hunter's association. They were easy to recognize as the hunter association's people were wearing suit, while the high-ranking officers were wearing armour and carrying weapon and had some kind of guild insignia on the chest. None of them were wearing any intriguing armour or weapons.

"Hey stop right there. If you come any closer, we will have to attack you." Shouted one man towards Kang-Ho as he came out of shadow, and was approaching the portal.

Kang-Ho didn't reply but in response he took his daggers out, and kept advancing.

"Shit! we are under attack. Get ready." said the guy.

"F**ker you have a death wish?" asked while yelling at Kang-ho. The man ran towards Kang-Ho to take him down.

The people from hunter association didn't care about fight between guilds as long as it didn't harm any normal civilians. Killing civilians while being a hunter was the only crime they couldn't tolerate. You can kill every hunter you want in front of them they won't even speak a word.



"aaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhh" yelled the man in pain. When he swung his sword towards Kang-Ho, latter just leaned to one side and avoided the sword attack, and as a counter he swung his dagger he managed to cut the man's arm off.

"Be careful guys he is not easy to deal with. Let's attack together." Shouted Joo-chan.




Without waiting, Kang-Ho swung his dagger twice, on first strike he managed to make a deep cut in the man's chest. On the second strike he managed to cut the man's head off. The head and the body fell to the ground lifelessly with a thud.

The people watching this became stupefied the fight didn't even take 5 seconds to end. They took 1 step back without even realizing it. When they saw Kang-Ho's face they were more traumatise as he had a little smile on him while killing the man.

"He is a maniac." Said In-Su without even realizing it.

On the other hand, Kang-ho's monstrous self was happy because he could finally kill. He enjoyed killing. His head became messed up after killing for 400 years straight. The monster was happy that he wouldn't have to be locked up anymore, there were enough hateful creatures in this world for him to massacre too.

After he killed the man, he looked at the other people, he pounced towards them.

"Careful don't attack alone try to attack all at once. I don't believe we can't take a psycho like him with all of us together." Shouted Joo-Chan.

They all attacked Kang-Ho at once he managed to dodge them all they were too slow.

After the joint attack they didn't have time to recuperate, kang-ho didn't give them the chance. He just made his counter attack. He swung his daggers 3 times and managed to take one more man.

"F**k" Joo-Chan yelled in frustration.

"I will kill you" yelled one of the men and launched his attack towards Kang-Ho.

"No stop. F**k" yelled In-Su.





The man attacked Kang-Ho with his huge hammer. Kang-Ho turned his body backwards to avoid the hammer. After successfully dodging the hammer, his back was still facing the man, the dagger in his hand was reverse grip. He just swung his hand upwards like a reverse uppercut, the dagger penetrated the man's mouth and the Joo-Chan and his team could clearly see the pointy end of the dagger penetrating the man's skull with a crack. The man's lifeless body was hanging on the dagger with the dagger pointing out of his head.


"Buahhhhh" one of the women from the hunter's association couldn't take it anymore and vomited on the spot. This was too much for her.

"It's okay. You will get used to seeing this kind of things in the future eventually." Consoled the other woman. From her reaction it seemed clear that she had seen this kind of brutal acts or more brutal acts every day. She acted as it wasn't anything.


"Hey, we can pay you money. We will even forget about what happened today, we don't have to fight. You can even take this dungeon if you want. We can go separate ways." Said Joo-Chan trying to solve this issue even he was afraid of the guy now.

Kang-ho didn't reply he just shook off the dead guy off his dagger, and went to the next guy on the line. He didn't care about anything he just wanted to destroy everything his uncle has.

"F**KER I WILL KILL YOU!" yelled JOO-CHAN yelled seeing his tactic not work.

"Everyone move back let's regroup." Yelled In-Su.

Kang-Ho didn't stop his attack, without blinking his eyes he continued on killing. He killed everyone until there was only Joo-Chan and In-Su left. He had heard what he said earlier.

"Please don't kill me." Begged Joo-Chan and In-su.

He swung his dagger and killed In-Su. His head rolled on the ground lifelessly.

"NNNNOOOO PLEASE." Yelled Joo-Chan.

"How many people did you hire to kill the family?" Asked Kang-Ho in a hushed tone not letting the people from hunter association hear them.

"Wh-What?" asked Joo-Chan.
