
Chapter 204 - An Ill Reunion

"I guess this is the place. That was a short walk, don't you think?"

Rynold pleasantly spoke to Neana with a sense of freedom in his tone of voice. However, Neana didn't answer as she seemed distracted by what was in front of them.

With her eyes open like that, Rynold decided to find where Neana was looking. It didn't take him very long to find out why she was all so suddenly shocked. At the very least, Rynold now knew what they were dealing with and how he would soon be in a, well, complicated situation.

"I don't..."

He didn't know what was going on as a bunch of armed men greeted their arrival.

For the most part, Rynold felt baffled that these people were here. But, not soon after, he recovered as his senses readied him for battle. So much so that he had accidentally tightened his grip on Neana's hand. Which, as a result, snapped her out of her daze.

Well, at least, they weren't pointing their guns at them. The soldiers were just lined up in a perfect line as they stood before Rynold and the other two.

"What kind of welcome is this?" Rynold spoke loud enough for the soldier that led them here to hear. It was a valid question, one that could dictate how Rynold would deal with the situation.

"It's an assembly. Don't pay too much mind to it," the soldier explained as he started to walk around the lined-up soldiers. "If you'd follow me, I will direct you to where my superiors are."

As the soldier walked ahead of them once more, the kid was the first to follow. But, before he could take his second step forward, Rynold took this chance and placed his hand over the kid's shoulder.

"Stay close," Rynold said to the child, "We don't know what they're doing or anything about them. So, it's better if we stick together, okay?"

"I understand," the child answered as he walked by Rynold's side, "Do you recognize any of these other humans? Perhaps anything that would underline some context as to what it is they are trying to do?"

Rynold acknowledged the fact that the kid was being serious. So, quite naturally, he also gave an answer that matched the tone of the message.

"Unfortunately, I don't. There's nothing about this that seems normal to me, not even the assembling out here in the entrance to the tunnel. It's strange. One thing's for sure, though, I can sense traces of Mana in each one of them."

The Mana these soldiers had was problematic, collectively. But, their individual prowess wasn't anything spectacular. Rynold was just worried that, with these many Magic Users all in one place, they're certainly not something to be taken lightly.

"I see," the kid answered as he became much deeper in thought.

"Don't worry, kid," Neana comforted as she stayed on the opposite side of Rynold, "We can beat them if we work together. We're pretty strong, remember?"

"That's not what I'm worried about," the kid answered with relative concern, "I think we ought to be careful in our approach."

"Yeah," Rynold agreed as he kept looking ahead of him to the soldier that was leading the way. He then softened his voice as he turned to the kid, "Don't put all the burden on yourself, alright? Strength comes from the heart and mind. You're not going to be able to do anything if you're conflicted and frustrated."

The advice was way too general for Rynold's liking. But, Rynold made it a point not to give anything specific that would've warped the kid's way of thinking. Slight nudges were all he could do.

And, if anything, his advice would help the kid form a much stronger mental and emotional foundation. Both of which was something the kid desperately needed.

"I suppose you're right," the kid answered and fell silent immediately after. Rynold paid it no mind as he knew the kid needed some self-reflection right now. Besides, he had other things to worry about in the meantime.

Looking up the path they were walking on, Rynold saw the soldier who had guided them here. A question popped into Rynold's head that asked: what was the guy doing out there all alone?

Perhaps this person was someone rather important. Maybe he had some pull in the military. There was also a chance that he was some elite solo agent. Regardless, they were all guesses as the group would soon reach their destination.

"Wait here," the soldier said without even facing Rynold, "I'll introduce you." He then entered the three-story building located at the side of the tunnel entrance.

"That's rude, huh?" Neana said as she let go of Rynold's hand.

Taking a look around, Neana couldn't help but feel a little tense considering the number of armed men and weaponry around them.

"It's fine. I'm guessing it's standard procedure," Rynold said as he watched Neana walk slightly away from him. "Anyway, I think that we should be ready for anything that might come. Something about this doesn't feel right. Nea, how's your Mana looking?"

"Hm?" Neana turned around and faced Rynold, "It's almost back to full. Why?"

"Just be ready for anything," Rynold warned, then smiled. "I'm sure your golems would make quick work of those guys, anyway. Heh. All we need now is an escape plan in case things go wrong."

"Will I have to fight too?" the kid asked.

Turning around to face him, Rynold sharply inhaled a mouthful of air. He then proceeded to speak to the kid.

"Let's hope it doesn't come to that. And, if it does, I'll be there to protect you. I don't want you to use your abilities just yet, not until you're capable of controlling them, alright?"

As good as that sounds, Rynold had no idea when will that come to be. And, even then, Rynold wasn't so sure if he was willing to let the kid fight. He was still, well, immature.

Rynold fully admitted that the kid's abilities were powerful if he knew how to use them. The kid was essentially undying and immortal. He doesn't even age! But, Rynold also knew that there were risks. He had no idea what would happen to the child if he unleashed his abilities to the fullest.

"I...," the kid became quiet as he looked at the palm of his hand. His expression carried doubt. Rynold immediately recognized that look as there was no mistaking it.

"Listen, kid," Rynold called to the child as he kneeled to meet the kid in the eye. "It's perfectly okay if you can't do any of that right now. That's what I'm here for, alright? You shouldn't feel pressured to do anything you don't want to do. Eventually, you'll get to where you need to be.

"Fate," Rynold's tone slightly fluctuated as he expressed his sincerity. "Fate has a weird way of making things work. It might not make sense now. Hell, it might not make sense in the future, either. But, eventually, you'll find yourself in a place meant for you."

The advice was..., obscure to say the least.

But, the message was well-received, regardless. The kid's doubts cleared up because of the comforting tone that Rynold used. It carried a sense of reliability and comfort with it. Rynold spoke as though he had experienced what fate was like firsthand.

After saying that, the door to the building suddenly swung open. The sound of the door hinges creaking caught the attention of the three of them.

"My superiors will see you now. Please, follow me inside," the soldier said as he gazed at them with a sense of superiority. Rynold didn't pay any attention to it and followed instructions.

Rynold was still faking his injuries, even though he had mostly recovered. All he needed now was some time to rest, but that didn't seem likely any time soon.

With Neana and the child following Rynold, the soldier introduced them to the person hiding behind a chair. The guy seemed to have a flair for the dramatic, facing away from Rynold and the group as they entered.

'I'm pretty sure that I'm not the only one who finds this weird,' Rynold thought to himself as he looked at the back of the chair. 'What kind of sick power-play is this shit?'

Then, silence ensued.

For the most part, Rynold didn't want to say anything until he got a good look at the guy's face. On the other hand, the soldier that had introduced them seemed distant and stepped to the side. There was something going on here, something that Rynold didn't enjoy.

"Should we maybe-," Neana whispered to Rynold, suggesting to do something about this awkward atmosphere. However, the sudden swivel of the chair interrupted Neana from saying anything further. With this, it had thus revealed who this so-called superior was.

"Oh, for fuck's sake."

Having the above-average reaction time, Rynold instinctively took a step back as a reflex. He was, well, caught off-guard. Then, frustration and outright disgust soon followed.

"Why the fuck are you here, Elle?"

It was none other than Rynold's ex-girlfriend, who, for whatever reason, was sitting right in front of him. Someone, who had no ties with the military whatsoever, had suddenly appeared to be a higher-up in the military.

"Well, well, well," Elle snidely mocked, "If it isn't Rynold. I should be the one asking you that. This place is my jurisdiction, after all. Shouldn't you be running off somewhere and hiding away like the coward you are?"

Rynold didn't appreciate that. Well, no sane person would've anyway.

Regardless, Rynold didn't get mad or upset. His facial expression remained calm and straight, not daring to give in to this pompous bitch's insults.

"Excuse me," Neana became visibly upset and was just about to speak up.

But, before she could, Rynold immediately interrupted by putting a hand in front of her. "I got this," he whispered before turning back to Elle. Rynold knew how much of a mess things would've gone if he let Neana take the reins. Nothing good would come out of it.

"Who's this girl?" Elle suddenly turned her attention to Neana, something that Rynold had been hoping to avoid.

"Don't mind her," Rynold quickly tried to change the subject, much to Elle's amusement. "I uh... need your help. I was hoping that you'd let us stay the night and patch me up? I'm sure you wouldn't mind considering..."

Not finishing the sentence, Rynold hoped that Elle would catch his drift. He was referring to the time when the New World had first started. The fact that he actually managed to protect her and bring her to his boyfriend's arms. It was more effort than Rynold was willing to give at the time.

Right now, though, he was hoping that Elle would be kind enough to repay him for that favor.

"Look at how pathetic you look!"

Elle broke out laughing. Rynold had half-expected something like that, but Neana felt appalled. She felt insulted that Elle would laugh at Rynold's condition. It was unsettling.

"How long have you been gone? Huh?" Elle suddenly took on an accusing tone and directed it all onto Rynold. "And you come back here asking for my help? Well, isn't that just sad! And, you even managed to rope in some gullible girl to join you," Elle openly mocked Rynold, then turned to Neana. As soon as Elle did so, her gaze became one of pity as she directed her thoughts to Neana.

"I feel so bad for you."

It was at that moment that Neana had fully exploded into a fit of rage. She didn't want to be talked down upon like that. And, neither did she appreciate this whole charade of undermining Rynold. There was nothing about this that settled right with her. Nothing at all.

"Okay. I understand your- reluctance to help me. Even with everything I've done for you, I know it isn't enough. But, I would really, really appreciate it if you helped me out just this once."

Rynold spoke immediately after Elle shot Neana the look. But, instead of refuting the things that she said, Rynold pleaded for a less conflicting option.

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