
Chapter 94 - Leo's Request 2

"I'll think about it."

After Rynold antagonized Leo, he had fallen silent. It was clear that the arrogant guy didn't have the experience to ask someone for help. Rynold had actually thought that Leo was reading off of a script; his words seem to copy some lines from a movie.

However, his tone and mannerism seemed genuine. Rynold was sure of it. Even if he were sure, Rynold was still wary of anything Leo might do. But, seeing as how they won't get anywhere if they don't talk, Rynold ultimately broke the silence.

"Answer me this, though," he continued with a somewhat doubtful tone, "why do you talk like you aren't one of those people that need help?"

For the most part, Rynold was able to see through Leo's words. He had to admit that he couldn't figure out the emotions of most people, but words and speech patterns were like numbers to him. That meant he was able to think logically when people are using a weird way of speaking.

Leo's words of asking for help seemed scripted. But, Rynold was able to decipher that the guy never seemed to depict himself as one of those people that needed help. The ones he so eloquently specified were being oppressed by their aristocratic government.

Thinking that he had instigated a somewhat passionate rebuttal, Rynold prepared for the worst. However...

It never came.

Leo was silent, still. This time, though, it appeared that he was even more defeated than before.

Despite the guy's over-the-top and arrogant attitude, there was still a bottom line. Rynold hasn't noticed it before, but now it was crystal clear.

He was ashamed.

Even though Leo hasn't explicitly said what he was ashamed of, Rynold could guess. But, even then, guesses and assumptions could only go so far.

Rynold sighed. 'This isn't going to go anywhere,' he thought to himself, 'Considering how the guy acts, I doubt that he'll actually say anything to save face. I should just probably ask him to leave.'

Just when Rynold was about to speak, Leo interrupted. Well, he actually just murmured but Rynold let the guy speak his case.

"I...," after a few incoherent syllables and words later, Leo finally started speaking properly. "I hate that place."

Rynold raised an eyebrow in surprise while Leo hesitated to continue.

Leo sighed in defeat before slumping back in his chair, "I never wanted to be a part of that. I could never even imagine what it would be like if I were in their position. All that power in your hands... But, looking at it now, I just feel like I'll end up exactly like those geezers."

Sighing once more, Leo seemed truly upset at facing the inevitable. Unless that is, he does about it.

"Ever since you whacked some sense into me, I couldn't help but think that maybe I was too far gone. That I couldn't do anything about it. Staring at your own future... that shit's terrifying," Leo hesitated before continuing, this time with a more determined voice.

"Which is why I need your help. I can't do this on my own. Besides, I don't think you'd miss out on me beating the living shit out of a bunch of old geezers," his voice suddenly turned back to pure arrogance, "Heh, beating their sorry asses will be a breeze. Getting to them is the hard part."

Looking each other in the eye, Rynold raised a hand, signaling to pause.

"I'll think about it," he said with a straight face, "You should head back for now. I won't be able to decide with you being in my place of work and all."

Opening the door for Leo to leave, Rynold waited until he was alone. He stood in the middle of the room and stared into space.

His thoughts in disarray, Rynold couldn't simply decide whether he wanted to go or not.

It was great that Leo had a slight change of heart, but the risks for him seemed too high for little return. Spending his days in the workshop and producing nothing but failures was a better use of his time.

With a deep sigh, Rynold decided to leave it for now. After all, he had other projects to take care of. By the time he would finish one, Rynold should have a decision by then. Or, so he hoped.

Walking towards the edge of the room, Rynold checked the Mech situated there if Leo had done anything to it. This particular project was the most ambitious project he started since he got the workshop. It didn't amount to anything for now but, if it were successfully produced, it would be a gigantic boost to his arsenal.

That is if he ever finishes the damn thing.

"What did that guy want?"

Rynold slammed the desk and immediately turned around to face the door. At the same time, he extended his drill fully and pointed it at whoever came into the room.

Neana raised her hands in defense and immediately inched back. It was a truly unexpected turn of events that neither party seemed to have thought of.

"WHAT THE FUCK?!" Rynold swore as he lowered his weapon. "How many times do I have to tell you to stop scaring me like that?!"

The two gasped for air as they had both surprised each other. Well, how Rynold reacted was definitely a lot worse than what Neana did.

"I'm sorry!" Neana sarcastically said as soon as she calmed down, "Kinda thought that you would've been used to it by now."

Rynold clicked his tongue and shook his head. He didn't expect to get jump scared like that, especially not in his own place of work.

"What do you want? Aside from scaring half my life span away from me, it better be important," Rynold prodded her to get to the point.

Neana deeply sighed before answering, "Meeting tomorrow. Oliver and Chris wanted to talk to you right away, but I convinced them to do it tomorrow."

"Great work," Rynold responded nonchalantly and got back to work, "anything else?"

"Tsk," she clicked her tongue in disappointment, "you know, I've been helping you do things around here. The least you could do is say thanks and pay attention to me while I'm talking."

Rynold continued to mind his own work, not bothering with Neana's rambling. Without raising his head from the workbench, Rynold then asked, "So, nothing else then?" in a cold, uncaring voice.

"Didn't you hear what I said?!" Neana marched into the workshop and stood next to Rynold.

However, he still didn't seem to care and continue to do his own work. The project that his hands were on required all of his attention; messing up would set him back months' worth of work.

"Are you listening to me...? Helloooo?" Neana continued to annoy Rynold, who couldn't be bothered with her insistent annoyance.

But, that all changed when she started poking Rynold's arm. Her continuous and relentless tapping started to test his patience. It certainly didn't help that Rynold was currently working on the most delicate part of the system for this project.

After a few seconds, Rynold hands stopped moving. He removed his hands from the workbench and slowly faced Neana.

"I heard you loud and clear," Rynold said, trying to control his anger. "Look, can I actually get to that some other time? I'm trying to at least get some work done over here. And, shouldn't you be resting right about now? It's getting pretty late."

Rynold's words were sincere and thoughtful. Too bad, though, his face looked like it was about to explode in a fit of rage since his patience had officially run out. He can't act indifferent to save someone's life.

However, spending 8 months together made Neana actually aware of how Rynold reacted. Otherwise, she wouldn't deal with Rynold's shit for more than a week if she didn't understand how Rynold's personality was like.

"I'm fine," she responded, "Would you stop worrying about me like that? I can take care of myself, you know. You keep asking how I'm doing and if I'm okay or not every time we interact. You shouldn't feel the need to always take care of me."

Rynold's mouth lifted to a smile before answering, "Fair enough. But, I'm actually serious that I have to work on some stuff. Go get some rest. I'll see you tomorrow."

Seeing Neana walk away, Rynold got back to work. Finishing this project actually required extreme attention to detail. It isn't as easy as doing whatever and winging it until the very end. He's tried that method before and undoubtedly failed.

As seconds turned to minutes turned to hours, Rynold concentration never failed. In fact, it gradually increased as his work took him deep into the night.

Soon, Rynold found himself with a satisfied smile on his face as he placed the finishing touches onto the Mech. It was a project that took him months to finish, but Rynold could definitely say that it was worth it.

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