
Why wait for the future if you can imagine it

After we got back to Vale nothing not much had changed , well since me and Leon had been using the time dilatation dungeons a lot of time had passed for us , after we landed Alfred came to greet us and told us what happened in the last days. Apparently the production of mecha weapons had risen with the introduction of the Beacon academy since the weapons they were producing in the classes were sparing the mechanics and blacksmiths of producing the weapons from scratch , now they just had to correct some mistakes and add the basic stuff and voila a new weapon ready to be used. Another thing that Alfred had mentioned was the food stock which was depleting at a faster rate since the fusion.

So the next day I went to the food reserves and imagined a machine that would produce every possible ingredient the people would need they just had to choose what they wanted , put in the quantity they needed and boom done , freshy produced 100% organic bigger more healthier than normal vegetables and fruits. Next I flew to a height that I could see the whole kingdom of Vale and imagined another layer of walls that were grimm repellent , I made them so they replicate Ren's semblance thus masking any emotion coming from Vale. I made these second layer from vibranium because of it's resistance and because I was trying to replicate the same effect The Long Memory had of collecting kinetic energy that would be automatically released if a dangerous entity that nobody in the kingdom could defeat appeared with hostile intention.

After that I went to the center of Vale and and beside Beacon Academy I made a simple building that had expansion runes so it was very spacious inside , then I went inside and made a water generator machine , a water processing machine , and a water converter. And like this I had taken care of hunger , thirst and danger so next was communication , constructions , dungeons and many things. And so for the rest of the day I just kept dealing with all problems there would ever be like birth ones , I just imagined a machine that would eliminate labor by extracting the baby from the mother painlessly and lowering the chances of death of the baby and the mother by 80% , other things like population problems I solved by just imagining a giant expansion rune that covered the whole kingdom.

This rune wasn't like the other ones as this one had something like a permanent effect , every time the population inhabiting the kingdom reaches a certain point the rune would start sucking magic energy waste it produces during the years and use it expand itself and once that expansion has occurred 5 times the kingdom will expand in the outside as well so it doesn't seem to absurd. After making that giant rune I went to the building I created that had the water producing machines which I had started calling the Water Realm and at it's center I imagined a system that would affect the whole world , I took this out of a novel I read in the past life. In this novel at a certain point the main character found a planet that was managed by an A.I created by the will of the world , this A.I would manage anything related to the world to the most basic things to more complex things.

So I created a A.I that would do the same but just for my Kingdom since I still needed to ask Leon if he wanted it or he preferred managing it with Velvet on their own , taking advantage of this A.I I made another building and named it Hunter's Guild , in this building hunters would register and they would gain access to a very basic and rudimental system that allows them to allocate points , see their status and quests they were taking or had completed. These quests could be posted in the guild through the scrolls and they would be analyzed by the A.I just to make sure they weren't related to crimes or would affect the kingdom negatively , the rewards were allocated by the A.I. too. Another thing I introduced too were the ranks since I was already following the Adventurer's Guild system and the benefits were many for each rank.

The ranks started from wood , bronze , iron , silver , gold , diamond , platinum , legendary , calamity but until all of Remnant was united the ranks would only publicly go until gold since it was the limit for a normal human in Remnant , we would only give the necessary resources to surpass that limit if they had a 90% trust in the system since it was pretty much the limit a normal person could reach and I still didn't know why that was the limit as the only person that I had seen reach 100% was Salem and I could guess that was because Ozy and her were basically soul mates and for me she was my wife , a person I loved the most. After I dealt with all that stuff I went home and found Salem drinking some tea and I sat down with her , I was about to make myself some coffee before I stopped and made the best decision ever.

I imagined the ultimate mug , it could change it's outer appearance to whatever I wished for , it could produce any type of beverage I wished for and it would be produced with the best quality that could be achieved with magic thus making the best coffee in this world. Salem saw the mug that now had the picture of all kingdom hearts characters sitting in a ledge and behind them was a city , I made it look a bit according to our times so she wouldn't doubt a lot , she asked me "Love what a strange mug you have there , who are those people drawn in it?" and I said "Well when I was in what I assume heaven before the god of light called for me those were some of the people I met there" , she was thoughtful for a bit before asking.

"Who are they" and I started introducing each of the characters in the picture but when I wanted to introduce Sora I felt a strange hate towards him and this hate was so big that I said without thinking "This one is a naïve boy that thought he could save and change the world" , I was surprised at my own emotions and Salem too was surprised at the way I spoke about Sora and said "You seem to hate him a lot Love. He doesn't seem like a bad kid" and this time I controlled the strange hate before saying "Well I don't hate him , I just don't like his views of the world" this hate I felt for Sora was really hard to control and it was strange so I just changed the picture in the mug to Zack Fair and sighed in relief when the hate disappeared.

'Wtf was that?! Damn that was really strange , I need to go to Kingdom Hearts at some point cause that wasn't something I would consider normal' and just like last time I explained Salem who the new characters were in the new picture and just like that our tea time ended and Salem left to do her own stuff. She didn't know about the changes I had made in the kingdom so I decided to just send a message to her and all the people that had the system about the new stuff that I had made in the kingdom and as expected Salem came back and said "Love what are those things you created?! They have such an advanced technology and there is even one that can produce food" and I just told her the same stuff I told her when we were planning , I got the knowledge from Joseph and thought 'Hehe thanks Joseph , you saving me a lot of explanations' and just like that the day ended.

Welp I'm late but hey at least I wasn't too late. Just late by 30 minutes so yeah , welp this chapter I didn't really focus so yeah there might be some mistakes so please tell me in the comments so I can correct them.

Welp have a good night and reading fams

LeylinTheFifthcreators' thoughts