
Chapter 7

Charles woke up to the smell of food being cooked in the kitchen. He quickly sat up and stretched out his arms, before getting up from his bed and walking to the living room.

"What are you making" Charles asked from the living room.

His grandfather laughed before saying "Some salmon, and rice with miso soup".

Charles nodded his head and sat down on the couch. He then turned on the tv and started watching something.

'Oh yeah, I cant understand the language' Charles thought as he watched a man interviewing a big, muscular man with weird blond hair.

Sasuke stopped cooking and looked at his grandson watching tv. "Oh, have you heard of All Might" he asked Charles who was closely paying attention to the tv.

"No. I'm just confused on what they're saying. It sounds like a bunch of mumbo jumbo" Charles explained making Sasuke laugh.

"You're in luck. I'm gonna get a tutor for you today, but we also have to visit a therapist" He told Charles.

"Why" Charles asked before continuing, "I'm doing just fine".

his grandfather didn't respond, and instead told him to get to the dining table. He then walked up to he table and placed two plates down that were filled up with food.

Charles immediately started eating, which made Sasuke chuckle.

"Take it slowly, no ones gonna take it from you" he exclaimed, making Charles slow down a little.

"Now then, the reason I'm taking you to therapy are for two reasons. One, you're young and you had to go through something like that. I'm worried this can effect you later on. Secondly, the authorities when I adopted you told me that I would have to" Sasuke explained,

Charles stopped eating and thought about it.

[Hmmm, I don't think we should let them figure out there's three of us in one body. That's definitely not normal] Danny suggested.

[Yeah, we have to do our best to act normal, at least whatever 'normal' is] Tony added.

Charles continued to eat while listening to the two other personalities talk. After he finished eating, he walked back to the couch and saw that the interview was still going on.

"Hey, is there a way to turn subtitles on or something" Charles asked.

"Of course, here you go" Sasuke said as he took the remote and turned subtitles on.

Sasuke watched as he started reading the subtitles. "How can you read" he asked Charles who obviously had parents that didn't care for him.

"There was a book with the alphabet that had voice recording on how to sound out the letters. Not too hard to learn" Charles responded as he kept on reading the subtitles.

'Ohh, so this guy's the number one hero in this country' Charles thought.

He kept on watching the interview and couldn't help but make some comments on it after it was over.

'A hero should always smile. A hero should always risk their lives for people. Such an idiotic ideology' Charles thought.

'Why would you ever give your life for random people. I don't like him already'

"Charles, we have an appointment. We need to talk to the therapist today" Sasuke said, confusing Charles.

"I didn't think it was today, You made it seem like its tomorrow or later on in the week" Charles said.

Sasuke laughed aloud, before saying "Get ready or no dessert today".

Charles sighed before rushing into his room and changing out of his pajamas. Not even three minutes later he walked out in different clothes. (wearing shorts and a black long sleeve)

"Did you brush your teeth" Sasuke asked making Charles go to the washroom to brush his teeth.

Charles then walked out of the washroom two minutes later.

"Good, I already called the cab so you can relax for a minute or two" Sasuke said.

Charles then walked to the couch and sat down and closed his eyes and only opening them when his grandfather told him that the cab was there.


Arriving at the building, the two walked right in and searched for the room they were supposed to meet the therapist at.

Once they found the room, Sasuke knocked on the door before entering. After entering the two saw many other children. Charles looked at this and made a confused expression.

"I thought this was supposed to be therapy. Why are there other kids here. Plus do they know I cant speak their language" Charles asked as he looked around the room to find that all but two people looked Japanese.

The two people who didn't look Japanese were Charles himself and another boy who had a darker skin tone and white hair.

"They know you can only speak English and They'll do one on ones later but I believe they said that they play games first to tire out the energetic kids" Sasuke said as he looked around the room.

"Well then have fun kiddo, I'll be here by the time you finish up here" Sasuke said as he quickly left the room leaving a annoyed Charles by himself.

He then walked closer to where the rest of the kids where. This action made everyone look at him, but the attention didn't bother him.

"ahh, Charles I presume" the lady who Charles assumed was in charge of this program said.

"Yes Mrs." Charles answered as innocently as he could.

"Its nice to meet you Charles, I'm Mrs. Sakura" she said with a smile.

(She's talking in English not Japanese)

While the two were talking the rest of the kids looked in amazement as they weren't able to understand a thing.

"Now then shall we get this party started" She said in English before saying it again in Japanese, which made the kids scream out in excitement.

While everyone was distracted Charles whispered under his breath "Danny switch with mem and pretend to act like a kid".

Danny quickly took over and sat in one of the empty seats. (There's a circle of seats with Sakura in the middle)

After everyone was done taking their seats Mrs. Sakura spoke. "Charles, can you tell us a bit about yourself".

"Hmm, I like gummies, sports and All Might" Danny said in an excited tone.

[Why would you say that] Charles asked in an annoyed tone.

[Why didn't you pick me to take over. Its all ways Danny. no one ever thinks about me] Tony cried out.

[Its because we know how you act. I don't want you to get pissed off and kill some kid because he made you angry. Learn how to behave yourself and we'll let you take over in public] Charles explained.

"That's nice. So you want to be a hero" Mrs. Sakura asked.

Danny thought for a bit and answered the way he thought other kids would answer this question.

"Of course, heroes are the best. They save people and wear cool costumes" Danny said.

Mrs. Sakura smiled and said "That's lovely" before repeating what Danny said in Japanese for the other kids. When Danny and the other other two heard the kids cheer out All Might's name, they finally understood that it was going to be a long day.


AN: I hope you guys enjoyed this Chapter. I know most of you see it as boring since its slice of life but I cant really make 6 year old's kill each other. Anyways, Two important characters are gonna get some spotlight next chapter.

- As you guys can see Charles has warmed up to Sasuke a little but not completely. You can see this by how he doesn't call him Sasuke or grandpa. He has yet to call him anything.

-I will post how his grandpa, and Sakura look in the comments.

Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoyed!

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