
Yup, I Can Get Arrested in This Town

“Oh. Uhm... ok. Uhm... I'll be... uhm... I'll just uhm... be uhm... right outside,” responded Principal Bob, who obviously didn't recognize the substitute American History teacher he'd hired not three months earlier.

He nodded to himself and backed out of his own office. I waited until I heard the door click shut before jumping into it with Xander.

“Detective Studman? Really?”

“Vat? Eet ees a perfectly gud name,” said Xander.

“You can drop the accent.”

“Right, right.” He gave a little sigh and pouted, but I didn't care enough to comment.

“What are you doing here?” I asked.

He shook his disappointment off and straightened up. “Looking for you, actually.”

“You couldn't wait until after school?”

“Remember how I told you that we had a situation?”

“And you needed to get into my basement, yes.”

“Well, one facet of that situation gobbled up your starting pitcher yesterday. A shame really, because I thought your guy had some decent movement on his change-up.”

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