
Chapter 8

Chapter 8: Carefree years

Time went by, seasons came and went, I was enjoying all I had. I had completed my online studies and had gotten my high school equivalent certificates, I felt no need to go any further, as I had already studied through the military in my last life. What I had now was more than enough, to qualify to take the UA entrance exam. I had no need to go further, besides after a few months in UA, I would be leaving this world anyways, so why would I get unnecessary attachments. I had turned my spot in the woods into my own personal peradise.

I had created a small piece of farmland a little distance from my small cabin, with help from the Food Wars System, I had planted many crops and ingredients, even those that only grew in certain environments and certain seasons, due to my fullbringer abilities, I was able to interact with the soul within the plants and through nourishment of Reiryoku all that I had planted had grown magnificently, I had opened a small stall within the city, but it would only open on Sundays, This was due to wanting to avoid questions like why I wasn't in school, and made it seem like I was simply trying to make some pocket money, I used this stall to sell 50% of the many different fruits and Vegetables. The stall quickly became famous among housewives, this was due to the superior quality and freshness of the goods. Of course as the popularity grew the amount available couldn't keep up with the demand. When this problem presented itself, I simply raised the prices and had a first come first serve policy. My crops had become luxury goods, which allowed me to accumulate enough wealth.

This was only a side project though, The main reason for the crops was to supply me ingredients for cooking and to use them to feed my spies. In the years that past I created a personal spy network, this network consisted of many different types of common birds. If one payed close attention they would notice many nests within the trees that were in the area surrounding my cabin. I had made an agreement with them, I would protect their nests from snakes and other threats as well as give them a certain amount of food, in return they would act as my eyes and ears within the city and keep track of some of the notable heroes, as well as hunt the insects that would threaten my crops. This had allowed me to keep track of events and keep an eye on any notable figures. In preparation for me entering UA, I had stolen multiple shipments of guns and ammo of all types, from some underground organizations, the guns were unregistered and essentially untraceable, perfect for my use, the amount was enough for me to arm an entire country if I so wished. I would have enough guns and ammo for many lifetimes to come. I had kept them all within my inventory.

Most of my time was still spent on training, all my skills had surpassed the master level. My sealed powers were steadily unlocking and I had reached the high Captain level, I was well on my way to reaching the Head Captain Level, but the gap between the two was massive. I learned how to use the Garganta however I could only use it to teleport to places I've already been, The situation was the same with the quincy 'Shadow'. During all these years I had also finally entered my Soul World. My soul world had manifested in the Form of a extremely large floating Island, It Was still empty at the moment though, when I had reached the edge of the island, I discovered that it wasn't the only island just the largest, bellow I spotted another Island with a massive lake on it, and at the center of that lake, there it was in its full glory, a massive lotus that seemed to have countless amounts of petals that seemed almost transparent, but I instinctively knew there were exactly ten thousand of them, close to the center of that lotus there was one petal that was diffrent it had a resplendent ocean blue color to it, it was the primordial Kun-Peng bloodline, all its power was consentrated within that petal. I had also learned from Keiser that my Zanpakuto spirits would have their own worlds and mine would act as the main Centerpoint that connected all the others, All I had to do was think of the place I wanted to go and a portal would appear to take me there, I tried to go see Ryūjin Jakka, however it seems it wouldn't let me in due to insufficient Reiryoku, so I visited zabimaru's place instead.

I had found myself within a forest. After spending some time admiring the surroundings, and deep within the forest I came across the entity that owned this place. Zabimaru has two heads of intelligent beings within his spirit form. The first head of Zabimaru is a large, white baboon with long, purple markings along his back and arms. The second head is a white snake, which extends from the back of the baboon in the form of a tail with the snake head on the end. Both of these heads have their own consciousness and speak independently of one another, though the snake depends on the baboon for independent movement. Overall, his appearance strongly resembles that of a nue. We got along quite well, because while both heads have individual personalities, both are very competitive, wanting to avenge any losses they incur as soon as possible. While both of them have a firm resolve, the baboon is much calmer in expressing her desires. The snake, however, is very impertinent. I would spend the following evenings sparing with them and sometimes just, spending time messing around with each other, after a month spent together they had in trusted me their name, with that I had unlocked my first Shikai. In doing so I completed a hidden mission, as a reward I gained, the Resurrección Arrogante, along with the Hollow ability 'Senescencia'.

In its Shikai, Zabimaru transforms into an even longer 6-part segmented blade; each segment is wider than the one preceding it from the hilt, with 2 pick-like protrusions on the front and back of each segment, with the ones on the front much longer than the ones on the back. The segments of Zabimaru can grow in number almost without limit. The segments are connected by a stretchable thread, making Zabimaru more useful as a whip than an actual sword, however, it can serve as a regular sword just as easily. The Resurrección was simple it took the form of a large, double-headed battleaxe. The battle axe has a pair of rounded blades that are black with silver edges. There is a red slit-eye pendant in the middle of the focal point holding both blades together. The focal point is attached to a long handle, which has 3 white raised studs in a row on all four sides of its base for a total of 12 studs. The end of the handle is wrapped in gold. It was simply floating around inside my Soul World. There was no need for gaining its exceptance it simply gave all Baraggan's power.

I had also decided to pay back my former parents and brother for their kindness, During the night, I would remove my soul from my body and go to my former home, every night I would use Acidic Touch on them which causing them to wake up involuntarily due to the extreme waves of pain that would assault their bodies and soul. I would continue to do this for months, and those months became years, it seems this caused my little brother's soul to strengthen enough for him to start vaguely perceiving my presence, he had once actually saw me for a split second, he told his parents that I was the cause of this, however who would believe a child's stories about ghosts, and so their torment continued, due to this they had slowly began to fall into madness, this caused them to fail to manage their precious company properly, it caused the business to decline drastically, eventually they ran their own business into the ground, so I decided to end my revenge tonight.

Walking in to the formiliar house I wasted no time and headed straight for my brother's room, using a Gokon Tekkō: A glove which has a skull symbol on it, which can be used to force the soul out of a body. I seperated his soul from his body. Before he could even utter a single word I condensed a Reishi arrow and shot him right in the face, with this his soul would be completely distroyed, no afterlife, no reincarnation, only true death. Walking out I went to my former parents room and repeated the same process. After which I snapped my fingers using 'Descorrer', stepping into the Garganta that opened the mansion was left in dead silence.

A Garganta opened up in the forest in front of a wooden cabin, as I walked out of it a pigeon landed on my shoulder, It reported that, All Might Crushed All for One's head and had suffered great injuries in the process. Looking towards the stars I thought to myself, 'It seems I have only 5 years left before the story begins, my Carefree life is coming to an end, soon it will be time to get back to business.'

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