
Ascension and Teacherhood

[Stephenwolf pov]

Now you might be wondering how i saw my time as a teacher,well i have lots of words you can use to describe it but in short,it was rewarding on both ends of the spectrum(i.e teacher and student). You see i wasn't a generic teacher like for history or geography or grimmology(study of grimm and their types),i was a combat instructor/teacher.

Now unto how it was rewarding my little catterpillars as i like to call them had blossomed into beautiful and deadly butterflies,going from most only being able to carry out street brawling to experienced veterans in wielding their selected weapons as well as hand~hand combat,this doesn't mean they were masters though they just knew how to use their weapons effectively,instead of flailing around with them.

Well as for me, through teaching this catterpillars i have begun to learn and perfect my own art,my aim is to combine the various martial arts in the LOHP into making a God arts ;just martial arts suited to a god level being.Teaching them.helped me see where i can make changes and improve further beyond my current state.

I still remember when i came to teach my first class here at mistral

[Flash back]

[Third person pov]

We see a rowdy classroom in mistral academy,students jumping everywhere,papers flying about. When suddenly the door of the classroom burst open and a Dark skinned Youth with white hair and eyes showing no trace of pupils,walks gently into the classroom,he steps couldn't be heard but the sheer pressure of his existence seems to quiet the classroom,upon gettin to the teachers desk in the classroom he sits and smiles at his vic.....cough.. cough..students,as he does this the former pressure descending on the students stops.

[Stephenwolf pov]

Stephenwolf: Hello my little catterpillars,starting to day i am your new combat instructor. My name is Mr Stephenwolf blodd. So any questions?

Student 1(girl): How old are you?

student 2(boy): Are you strong?

Student 3(boy): Are you blind?,and if you are how can you see ?

student 4(girl): Are you single?

Student 5(girl): What does your class entail?

Stephenwolf: Now now,one at a time and to answer your questions in chronological order;18, strength comes in many forms, i am not blind, maybe(smiles), mosly weapon arts and hand to hand combat.

As i said earlier i will be in charge of your combat classes and trust me this isn't for the feignt of heart only the strong willed can pass my class(he says with grin and tiny hint of killing intent).


Students: SIR ,YES SIR!!!

Stephenwolf: Good,just what i like to hear, there's no turning back from here on out

Students:(Numerous loud audible gulps)

[Flashback end]

Well the classes themselves were good except some young master wannabes who got my flip flops to their faces hahha.....I also dealt with some crime rings while in.mistral like the Lil' Miss Malachite's Organization, The Han guild/Hana etc....don't ask for details,they're a bit gory.

I just made them stop human trafficking though they can still do assassinations just not good civillians just the dirty ones like curropt politicians and the like.

Also i seem to have reached a crucial point towards my true ascension and yes i didn't ascend in the truest sense when i got to the immortal stage,true ascension occurs at the Profound immortal stage, Well the good news is that i will be immortal in terms of life span and will get stronger in every aspect i will also gain an immortal wheel(looks like those spirit rings in soul land) that i can show if i choose to,i can also eat if i wish to, also no more neee for t*i*e*s...i am free hahaha....bad news is i have to find an enclosed area without disturbance for 1 month before i begin.

So during this period of teaching my students and further refining my martial arts i found my enclosed space and will go there soon,i also found out RNJR and qrow team are on their way to Anima,so it seems i can kill tyrian really quickly(lol)....i will ascend tomorrow and see how it goes. Let the trolling begin(Grins widely).



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