
Etiquette lesson (3)

Their conversation continued for a while longer and Amelia remained constantly aware of her conduct, trying her utmost to live up to the teachings of her previous teacher.

She smiled sweetly but not too eagerly as they spoke and kept the conversation going by inquering about Flora in a manner that wasn't too probing. She was present enough to make the other party not feel like they were speaking to a brick wall while being concious of taking up as little space as possible. Small and subdued, just like she'd learned.

After Flora finished telling Amelia about her daughter who would soon be getting married to an Earl in a nearby town, her eyes gleaming with pride, she rounded up their chat.

"Look at me talking away. Anyhow, I believe I've gotten a good picture of your social etiquette miss Ainsworth. Is it alright for me to share the things I've noted?"

Amelia dryswallowed and squeezed the fabric of her skirt. This was the moment that she'd been dreading.

"Ah, of course. Please tell me." She tried to keep a straight face but the quiver in her voice might have given away her fear.

Either Flora didn't notice Amelias slip up or she pretended that she hadn't because she continued as nothing.

"Well for starters I must applaud you for your social etiquette as it seems you've already mastered the noble way of speaking. Did you really not start to learn until you were fourteen?"

"That's correct..." Amelia lowered her eyes as she did not want to give off the impression that she was gloating.

"That's quite incredible." Flora smiled kindly.

It was a smile that Amelia wasn't actually worthy of.

Though her etiquette lessons had only lasted for three short years while her father still had hope that he could marry her to an affluent noble, her quick progress was nothing special. Who wouldn't have learned from the gruelling hours of repetition with a overhanging fear of abadonment? It was not as if she'd done anything incredible, she was rather a bit slow as the many strikings she'd recieved showed.

"Though I haven't directly examined your movements and tablemanners I believe that I've already gotten a good impression from serving you these last weeks. I think these parts of your etiquette are also perfectly acceptable. I would say that you pass as someone who's been taught since childhood. Of course I'll examine these aspects more carefully at out next lesson but I don't think there's anything for us to worry about." Flora paused for a moment.

"There's one thing I noticed that we should work on though. The way you behave is too submissive for someone of you status. For example, the way you greeted me to is more akin to a servant rather than the last remaining child of the previous Ainsworth Viscount and the mistress of our country's only duke. If you are to enter high society you need to carry yourself with more pride else it will reflect badly on his Grace."

Amelia bit the inside of her cheek. Although Flora spoke in a curt manner she was obviosly composed, yet Amelias body still prepared itself for being struck with all her muscles tensing up and her chest tightening. She hid her hands in her skirt to hide their quivering.

"I apologize. I will do my best to correct my mistakes to not disappoint you."

For a moment it appeared as if Flora frowned.

"There's no need to apologize. Since you seem well versed in all other aspects I assume that you've simply been taught wrong. May I ask you who your teacher was?"

Amelia hesitated. If she thoughtlessly blurted out who it was it would be like agreeing with Floras statement. But at the same time she did not want to do anything to defend that vile woman.

"... It was the widow of Earl Faucher. Before becoming my teacher she held lessons in the capital so I believe she was quite experienced."

Flora did not seem to be pleased with what Amelia told her.

"Well, some people still hold old fashioned views..." She murmed with a tone filled of disgust.

For a moment an obvious look of dislike flashed across her face, visible to an extent that Amelia hadn't thought possible from someone as noble as the baroness. Flora collected herself quickly though and continued speaking as usual after clearing her throat.

"Anyhow it's all in the past now, isn't it? I think we ought to wrap up the lesson for today as we've been at it for quite a while already. I suggest that we begin the actual work at tomorrows lesson as to not overdo it. Would that be alright with you?"

"That's fine." Amelia agreed while trying to not let her relief show.

"Very well then." Flora stood up and walked with Amelia to the door.

"I'll see you the same time tomorrow then?"

Amelia lifted her skirt and curtsied, this time with a lesser bend in the knees like she'd seen other ladies do. It felt wrong and all her reason screamed not to delude herself, but as she straightened her posture and lifted her head she met with a pleased expression on her teacher's face.

"Thank you very much for todays lesson. I'm looking forward to tomorrow." Amelia smiled politely before she turned around to leave her first etiquette lesson behind.

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