
Meeting with a designer (2)

Before Adeline sat down she waived towards the doorway.

"Please give me my binder!"

Confused Amelia followed the womans gaze and noticed that someone had appeared behind Gordon. It was a girl, most likely a seamstress, holding a big box filled with fabrics and folders. Since Amelia hadn't seen the girl before it seemed safe to assume that she had fallen behind Gordon and Adelaine on their walk from the hall.

The girl scurried into the room and kept shooting curious glances towards Amelia but everytime their eyes met she instantly lowered her head. Even though Amelia had seen herself in the mirror not much earlier she cold not help to touch her face and hair in search of anything that would warrant the stares.

"Thank you, dear" Adeline smiled when she was handed the box by the seamstress. "You can go on ahead and wait outside while I discuss the design with the miss."

The young girl nodded and turned to leave. But right before she disappeared behind the doorway Amelia caught her glancing in her direction once again. Gordon who must've noticed Amelias discomfort tactfully stepped in.

"I shall leave the two of you alone and prepare some refreshments. If my memory serves me right you prefer to have coffee over tea, is that correct mrs Lovett?"

Adeline smiled. "Yes, that's right. With sugar and cream please"

"And miss Ainsworth, I assume that you will be having as usual black tea?"

"Well, if mrs Lo-... no, if Adeline is having coffe then I'd like to have some as well."

Amelia had never tried coffe before but she figuered that the polite thing to do would be to have the same drink as the guest. Judging from how Gordon gave her a reassuring smile she had probably assumed right.

Before Gordon left then he bowed politely towards the designer. He closed the door after him. It was quiet for a moment as both Amelia and Adeline listened to the sound of footsteps that grew further away in the corridor outside. When it became completely silent Adeline turned towards Amelia.

"You have to excuse my seamstress, miss Ainsworth. She is merely a young girl who is curious of the person from all the rumors."

Amelia was taken aback by the woman's words.

"Ah, well that's quite alright. But... rumors? You said there are rumors about me?"

"Oh dear, you haven't heard? You're the talk of the town. I hear them chattering about you in the shop and sometimes ladies even come to me directly and ask if I've ever met the young miss of the Ainsworth viscounty."

"Why would anyone be curious about me?"

Adeline chuckled. "Isn't it obvious? The new lord of the dukedom who had turned down all engagement offers suddenly brings home a young woman who's no one barely even heard about from the family that he was supposed to execute for treason."

She smiled and leaned forward in her seat. She had a sparkle in her eyes that revealed to Amelia that she was excited about the conversation they were having.

"I have to admit that I have been very curious as well."

Amelias mouth felt dry and she did not know how to respond do Adeline's statements, but before she had the opportunity to even worry the woman continued speaking.

"Some say that you never made your social debut because of a chronic illness, and others are saying that your father hid you away because he could not bear the thought of having to marry you off. The only thing that people actually agree on is that you have to have been someone really beautiful to have that man take an interest in you" Adeline narrowed her eyes and smiled.

"I see at least that part was correct"

Amelia was taken off guard by the unexpected compliment and she could feel her cheeks heat up. Adeline seemed to find this amusing and chuckled heartedly.

"There's no need to be embarassed my dear since I'm just stating the truth. Now then, would you like to have a look at the designs I have prepared?"

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