
Chapter 22

"You," Nie Li's eyes landed on the person and his blue eyes turned exceedingly cold. This person was Shen Yue.

Shen Yue's right hand grabbed onto Nie Li's collar as he stared fiercely at Nie Li "What did Ye Ziyun talk to you about?"

"Five seconds, I give you five seconds to release me and peacefully walk away or you won't like the 6th one and all the seconds that will follow!" Nie Li coldly replied.

"Heh, heh, Nie Li, you think too highly of yourself, who do you think you are? Thinking you're so great just because you know a few inscription pattern? You're still far too lowly! Stay away from Ye Ziyun, otherwise, I'll show you a good time!" Shen Yue said fiercely.

Du Ze and Li Piao, upon seeing that, immediately rushed over. At this moment there were about six or seven lackeys by Shen Yue's side, glaring at Du Ze and Lu Piao both sides' fighting spirit ignited.

In Shen Yue's view, with his strength, handling Nie Li is very easy. He only needed to use 1/10th of his strength to be able to suppress Nie Li!

Nie Li looked at the arrogant Shen Yue and suddenly his eyes turned even more blue, His gaze turned drastically cold and the atmosphere became a little chilly. His blue eye which usually gives an aura of serenity like an ocean had a metamorphosis and changed into icy blue which threatens to turn everything into a block of ice.

In his view, Nie Li would never start a ridiculous fight over a little girl. One that he has no feeling for and provoke a powerful family like Sacred Family. But right now, he didn't care. His anger has burst open like an released dam. Maybe this anger not really directed at Shen Yue but instead it's an accumulation of all his resentment from his past life, Shen Yue is just the poor soul who broke the camel's fragile back! All the planning and rationality went out of the window.

Speaking of 'out of window', Five seconds were up and the Mighty and lofty direct descended of the Sacred family hanged from the window too, courtesy of Nie Li.

The problem is that the room is at third floor, although Shen Yue may not die after being thrown, a hell of pain and few broken bones is a given.

Shen Yue didn't even understood what happened. One second he was warning Nie Li grabbing his collar, and another second Nie Li hold his collar and he hanged from the window.

Shen Yue was scared out of him mind, He looked at Nie Li, wanting to retaliate but his cold and blue eyes stared at him. Shen Yue felt as if his heart stopped beating for a moment. He developed more fear out of those eyes than that of falling down.

In Shen Yue's view no matter if it's strength or soul force level, Nie Li should be inferior compared to him but it doesn't matter. All he could feel was fear.

Nie Li freed his forefinger and thumb from his collar and pinched his throat. If he applied pressure now, he would crush his throat and Shen Yue will definitely die.

Shen Yue was surprised to find that Nie Li has gripped his neck. Numb and weak, no matter how he tried to use his strength, his body couldn't resist being forced upon.

In just a moment, Nie Li's hand was like a steel clamp, clamping onto Shen Yue's neck, a sharp terrible pain was felt which cause Shen Yue's face to be distorted.

Seeing how Shen Yue is in such precarious position in Nie Li hands, and Shen Yue's face twisted in a pained expression. Shen Yue's lackeys were all dumbfounded.

"What happened?"

They blankly stared at Shen Yue. In their opinion, Shen Yue was certainly more than enough to handle Nie Li, but then why would this happen? They were terrified. If something happened to Shen Yue they won't be spared either.

After three-four seconds of maliciously clutching his neck, Nie Li calmed down and threw Shen Yue in the direction of his lackeys.


Shen Yue was thrown out with immense force, heavily landing onto the ground, just before his thugs.



Shen Yue's lackeys immediately rushed out, and hurriedly helped Shen Yue up.

Shen Yue unwilling to accept the fact, never in his imagination that he would lose to Nie Li, his expressions became sinister, "You forced my hand!"

Shen Yue's soul realm started surging, spirals of soul force came out of Shen Yue's body, as he was about to bombard towards Nie Li.

Nie Li was looking outside the window his back facing Shen Yue but he slowly turned around and looked at him, with no soul realm surging. He was not even moving. He looked at him and Shen Yue body tuned cold from his predatory gaze.

Nie Li's gaze was like a terrifying Monster stalking his prey. Nie Li steadily released his soul force which contained a bone-penetrating chill. With such a frightening aura, it wasn't odd that a child like Shen Yue couldn't resist.

Too frightened, Shen Yue couldn't even move.

"What happened? What actually happened?" Shen Yue's few 1-star bronze rank lackeys revealed puzzled expression.

"Quickly bring me away!" Shen Yue shouted. He still felt extreme fear and couldn't think of anything apart from leaving as soon as possible.

Shen Yue's lackeys immediately brought him away.

"Wow Nie Li, it was so cool how you destroyed that Shen Yue " Lu Piao jumped before Nie Li, extremely excited to see the haughty Shen Yue got his ass handed to him.

"But Nie Li, Shen Yue is very shameless. He is definitely going to make things difficult for you later on. Not to forget the sacred family too! " Du Ze reminded, but from the steelness in his gaze one can clearly see his intention to support and help Nie Li regardless.

"Yes, I know. No need to cry over spilled milk. The Sacred Family won't overdo their retaliation either." Nie Li spoke calmly.

Nie Li knows that he is under protection of the Holy Orchid Institute, Sacred Family won't take a ridiculously exaggerated revenge for a little spat. As for what Shen Yue could do, his personal strength is not enough to make Nie Li fearful. Only Shen Yue connection and powerful backing is a headache. 'What will they do? Suppress me in class? I don't go there anyway, so that's out of the picture. Try to get me expelled and tear down my reputation? Nah, I don't think Holy Orchid Institute will agree so easily to that. Try to make things difficult for me by physical assault? Not in the Institute itself. So the only way they can get their revenge and satisfaction of putting me down is :-'

'Suppressing the Heavenly Marks Family. That is most definitely what they will resort to. They can't take any fatal actions against me. Even this is a little exaggerated. Will they really be so shameless to actually do this, after just a little disagreement. Maybe they are! I should just divide their attention to something more serious. '

Nie Li sat down on his usual spot, gazing outside the window and began to form a plan to cover up this episode and divert their attention elsewhere.

'More importantly, what was all that about? I shouldn't be so easily provoked. ' Nie Li thought, although he can be triggered with disrespectful action and arrogant behavior, he is usually not so easy to agitate. What happened today was an anomaly to him.

"A.I. Chip! Bring out the data and investigate the cause for losing control!" Nie Li managed to simmer down only after sitting in a refreshing stream and cooling off.

[Beep! Mission establishing! Bringing out monitored data!] The A.I. Chip intoned icily, not bringing any trace of emotion.

[Abnormal activities observed within Host. Blood flow increased by almost 45%, High heart beat rate, increased levels of Serotonin, Adrenaline, Cortisol, Norepinephrine. Activity of the Soul force significantly increased!]

'Hmm.. This! This is clearly abnormal, This couldn't have happened just because I was a little angry. There must be a reason for that. A. I. Chip, Establish task to check for any signs of rage later on, and try to deduce the exact cause for loosing control.' Even though Nie Li has a faint guess in his heart about what may have transpired, he wants to be absolutely sure.
