
Pig Head Noble

After that loud slap to the face you can see the nobles head turned to the side with a look of confusion in his eyes wondering what just happened and all his life chooses that lead up to this moment, before anyone can register what happened another loud slap was heard across the village and the guy's head turning to the other said with his cheeks swelling up and then in the next few minute's the sound of a glorious crescendo of this will be the day we waited for being played on a poor souls face.

While Leo was busy slapping the stupidity out of someone Jade and Sera walked over to Ghira and Kali to talk we see Neo, Blake and a girl around Leo's age dancing to the face slapping music with the villager's in the background.

Jade: Hello Ghira Kali how are you two today

we can see Ghira with a very big grin on his face watching the most epic face slapping there is.

Ghira: I'm doing wonderful now that you guys are here to help me solve a few problems I've been having

Kali: Well I think the one of those problems is being solved by little Leo over there

Sera: I don't know where he learned how to play a some and slap someone at the same time but im happy he did it

Jade: I think the slapping came from all the boy's that have been trying to date Neo and Blake

Ghira: Really I have not seen anyone doing that on the Island

Jade: They are the supplier's kids that come to drop off the materials that we order for the village

Ghira smirks: I knew there was a reason I like Leo from the moment I met him

Sera: So what I this other problem your been having

Ghira: The research of edible plants that can be grown has slowed down some and we need some more supplies I was wondering if you guys can send some back here while your out

Sera: No problem Ghira we'll see to that as soon as we hit land

Ghira: Thank you your really helping us out with this

While the adults was talking Leo was busy being a DJ on some one's face it went from This will be the day to I Burn and then Red Like Roses II, and we see very one in the background dancing to the face music. Neo and Blake was dancing without a care in the world while the girls around Leo's age was having fun dancing as well, this is the most fun she's had in a very long time and someone in the village was recording the whole thing that was happening.

After a whole 30 mins Leo stopped and the man fell to the ground with a very large swollen head that looks like a pig and someone beat him like a drum, after Leo stopped the girl realized that the person who was getting there face slapped was her dad, she had a shocked look on her face but if you look into her eyes you can see that she was very happy with him getting beat like that.

And the person who was recording the whole thing was a man in a three piece suite with a bold head and a very well groomed mustache and sideburns his eyes turning from yellow back to brown, he was tasked by the man who was getting his face used as a musical instrument to be sure to record and document everything they do here on this Island, but the man never knew that this will be the started of his own down fall.

Ding Mission completed use a noble's face to test your skill hand of humiliation

rewards: 10,000 exp 100 SC and the guide to face slapping compiled into the greatest manual from all the cultivation worlds made just for slapping the face of arrogant nobles and young masters.

Leo 'this reward is more than worth doing this and just hearing this mans voice I was going to do this anyway without the quest'

Leo walk away from the man he just used to become and impromptu DJ before going on his journey around anima for a few years with his family, Leo started walking over to Neo and Blake when he saw a young girls who he knew immediately was Wiess so he turned back around and walked up to the man and started playing the Ignite on his face.

Neo and Blake started to talk to the girl who introduced herself as Wiess after they got her to open up a bit and the face that here butler was here also helped loosen the young Wiess up. After Leo was done her walked over to the group and started talking with them while snakingly showing the butler his scroll and the man knowing what Leo wanted sent him a copy for the video, and also sending it to Wiess's mom and sister, this move has started the man known as Jacques Schnee to loss a lot of support with in the country of Atlas and in the end the family that he would try to rule over.

Leo: Hey Blake how are you

we can see Neo hugging Leo from behind while Blake is hugging him from the front trying to get Neo off of him

Blake: I'm great just sad that you are leaving today

Leo: Don't worry you will see me again and the time will just fly by before you know it

Blake nodded he head making her like very adorable that both Neo and Leo stopped for a second and started hugging Blake also causing her to blush and have a smile on here face.

We can see both Wiess and her Butler checking up on the waste of H02 that's passed out and with a very large head that is some how still smaller then his ego.

Kali walked over to the kids and told them to follow her as the boat that Leo and his family is going on should be arriving soon.

I BACK BABY AND MY WIRTERS BLOCK IS GONE Hallelujah and penut butter

Suzaku22creators' thoughts
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