
Chapter 12

I couldn't stop thinking about Trevor. It had been 3 days since we last saw each other. I was contemplating whether to go see him or not.

The only thing that is stopping me is that I don't want him to think that I was too eager for money or for sex. Or both. My mind, body and soul is fucking looking for him. I missed him so damn much. I just wanna see him so bad that every night before I fall asleep, aside from 'hugging' the teddy bear, I'm also daydreaming about him and the future ahead of us! And it's addicting. I haven't even tasted drugs before but I can totally relate to that.

I'm crazy.

Since I don't want him to think that I was really after him, so I just waited for him to call me. And it was frustrating.

I know he had a lot of experience when it comes to intimacy and he was my first time but I kinda expected that he would feel the same way to what I felt. Like, I'm thinking about him 24/7. Literally, like I've imagined him walking to my class sexily to fetch me. I've imagine him when I'm about to open the door and he'll be there waiting for me. That's how fucked up my imaginations are.

So finally, I decided to come to his condo. And I was nervous as fuck. I've dressed myself well. I bought new clothes.

I was thinking of what I'm going to say to him once I'll meet him. But my minds were fumbled. My priority was just seeing him. I missed him so much.

I was getting to the elevator a beautiful woman in red came beside me. She was very tall and has a lot of beautiful assets in the body. She smiled warmly at my way. She look so rich and extravagant and for a moment I was actually jealous. I feel so cheap beside her.

She didn't pressed any button so I just assumed that we were both going on the same floor.

I'm looking at our reflection in front of us, differentiating. I was too busy matching that I was stunned when the door open. She walk confidently passed me, hips swaying. Meanwhile, I walked slowly and meekly.

I have a hunch awhile ago, right now. My hunch was proven correct. This woman and I were going the same way. I quickly took the small card on my hands where Trevor's address was attached. The building is right, the floor was right and the room...

The woman tapped out the code to Trevor's room and she gained an access.

Hmm, must be his sister. I said to myself.

I stood there for a minute before finally deciding to button him. But before I could take a step, another woman came out of the room. Hair was messy and dress was disheveled. She was running passed by me. My mouth hang open and I couldn't process what exactly happened because honestly, I do have expectation.

I turned around.

Maybe I should check again if I entered the right building. Or maybe I was on the wrong floor or maybe the wrong room.

I went back to the elevator and I was surprised to see the girl I saw earlier who left the room. She gave me a smile and I smiled as well.

It got awkward at first but I couldn't help it anymore. "W-was that Mr. Cortez's room?" I asked.

She smirked at me. "Yeah. Are you here for him?" she asked.

"I uhh..." now I couldn't even say something. So I just nodded.

"Business?" she smirked again. I nodded.

"Well, he's a great fu--" someone grabbed her hair. "Fuck owwww!" she yelp. It was the woman earlier who came in on Trevor's room. "What the fuck is wrong with you you bitch?!" she cried as she reached on the woman's hair as well. Pulling her down.

I was so shocked. I have never encountered two woman fighting before! They were pulling each others hair.

"You fucking slut! How dare you!!!" said the red woman.

"you crazy bitch!" she messy woman kneed the red woman on the guts. The red woman cried in pain. Her hands were no longer holding the messy woman's hair as she was grunting in pain.

I thought it was over. But the red angry woman fought back and she bitch slap the messy woman's face. I gasp. They look freaking scary. Words of insult was thrown as well as punches and kicks.

"WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON?!" A familiar angry voice said in loud tone.

I was surprise to see Trevor there and as his eyes roam around and found mine I can also tell that he was shocked too.
