
Hope and Alexander Mikaelson.

Inside a church, a pregnant woman lay on the altar surrounded by six other women. The pregnant woman is in the midst of giving birth. "Arghhhhhhh!!!!!" Her screams are echoing through the church as she pushes to get the baby out.

"The baby's almost out!" A beautiful redheaded woman shouts as she sees the head poking out of the pregnant woman's nether regions.

"I will bathe in rivers of your blood!!!" A man is miraculously hanging from the wall screaming at the women below him.

The redheaded woman ignores him, only focusing on the pregnant woman. "I can see the baby." The redheaded woman comments.

"Okay, now push." The redheaded woman instructs.

"Ahhhhh!!!!" The pregnant woman shouts and starts pushing.

"You will die screaming!" The man promises his voice full of rage.

"There!" The redheaded woman pulls the child from the pregnant woman.

One of the other woman cuts the umbilical cord, as the mother tries to sit up and get a glimpse of the baby.

The baby cries softly in the arms of the redheaded woman.

"Arghhhhh!" The mother of the child suddenly groans in pain.

"Hayley, what's wrong?" The man stuck against the wall asks worriedly.

"Arghhh another one's coming." The mother known as Hayley claims.

"What there was only supposed to be one child, never two." The redheaded woman says completely confused by what's happening.

"Monique take the child, I'll deliver the next one." The redheaded woman hands the baby girl in her arms over to a teen with long curly dark brown hair.

"Arghhhhh!!!!" Hayley starts pushing as she feels the baby seemingly trying to force its self out of her.

"Oh you're almost there, give me one good push!" The redheaded woman shouts.

"Argghhhhhhhh!!!!!!" Hayley pushes hard.

"I see the baby." The redheaded woman comments.

"Got it!" The redheaded woman pulls the child out of Hayley.

"Wahhhhhh!!!" The child screams loud.

"It's a boy." The redheaded woman looks at the tiny child in her hands, she can already see Klaus in the child.

"We must start the sacrifice soon." The redhead tells the other woman.

"The ancestors will be pleased with our two offerings." Monique says a pleased smile on her face.

"No!" The redheaded woman says firmly. "They only want the girl, we'll leave the boy."" The redheaded woman insists.


"You'll do as I say Monique!" The redheaded woman leaves no room for debate in her tone.

"Fine." Monique answers clearly unhappy.

"Can I hold them please." Hayley begs her voice tired.

The redheaded woman contemplates for a few seconds before nodding at Monique.

Monique walks over and hands the baby girl to Hayley. The redheaded woman then walks over to Hayley and places the baby boy in Hayley's free arm.

Hayley looks at her children and is surprised by the complete and utter love she feels towards them. Never in her life did she think that she'd love something as much as she loves these two children.

Hayley looks up at the man stuck against the wall, he's the children of her father Niklaus.

She looks at Niklaus with a half smile on her face. Even though she doesn't really like Niklaus, in this moment she's glad to have met him, if she didn't she wouldn't have been able to hold her precious children in her arms.

However out of seemingly nowhere, Monique grabs Hayley from behind and sits her throat open.

"Nooooooooo!!!!!!!" Niklaus screams horrified.

"Urghh...arghhh..." Hayley chokes as blood pours from open throat.

She slowly falls back onto the altar, with her children still in her arms.

"Wahhhhhhh... wahhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!" Both babies start screaming seemingly realizing their mother is dying.

The redheaded woman walks over and takes the girl from Hayley's dying body.

Monique walks over and attempts to grab the boy.

"Leave the boy!" The redheaded woman orders.

The redheaded woman looks up to Niklaus a solemn expression on. "I'll leave you with atleast one child Niklaus, consider that an apology for betraying you." The woman says knowing that her words mean nothing to Niklaus, but alteast it helps ease her guilt.

The woman all start walking towards the exit of the church.

"Arghhhhhhh!!!!! I will kill allll of you unusual!!!!!!" Niklaus screams in agony.

Monique makes a twisting motion with her hand, shaping Niklauses neck.

Niklaus falls to the floor seemingly dead from having his necked snapped.

About an hour later.

A man with blood all over his neck wearing a suit runs into the church. "Hayley!!!" He screams panicking.

But what he sees near the altar breaks his heart.

He sees his brother Niklaus cradling a seemingly dead Hayley in one arm and a baby in the other arm.

The man's name is Elijah and he was in love with Hayley.

Elijah falls to the floor and looks at Hayley's dead body in disbelieve. Elijah gently touches the side of Hayley's face struggling to breath, he can't believe she's dead.

"She's gone." Niklaus says solemnly confirming Elijah's fears.

"You've been bitten." Niklaus observes the bite marks on the side of Elijah's neck.

Nikaus bites into his wrist and offers his arm to Elijah.

Elijah grabs Niklauses wrist and drinks his blood, curing himself of the werewolf bite on his neck.

Elijah picks Hayley up and places her onto the altar, the only thought on his mind is getting revenge for the woman he loved.

"How?" Elijah asks.

"I was bested." Nikaus admits.

"You were bested? Ha!" Elijah laughs mockingly.

"You my invincible brother!" Elijah shouts in anger.

"They took the baby, but there's still time. We can save her."

"What are you talking about Nikaus, the child is in your arms?" Elijah asks confused.

"Hayley had twins, the witches plan to sacrifice the girl." Klaus explains.

"What will we do with the boy?" Elijah asks worried because they're seemingly running out of time.

"We'll leave him here with Hayley and come back for him after we kill the witches." Nikaus suggests.

"Niklaus we cannot leave him on his own." Elijah rejects Nikaluses reckless plan.

"We have no choice Elijah, he'll be in danger if he comes with us and we have no time to take him somewhere else."

"Fine." Elijah reluctantly agrees.

Niklaus walks over to Hayley and gently places the child in between Hayley's arms.

Niklaus looks down at his little boy and smiles, he already loves both his children more then anything in this world. "I'll see you soon little one." Nikaus bends over and gently kisses the sleeping baby on his forhead.

"Lets go Elijah." Niklaus turns to his brother determinedly.

Elijah nods at his brother with a look of determination on his face. They both dissapear from the church in a blur, leaving the mother and son alone in the church.

A few hours later something amazing was happening inside the church. Hayley's throat wound was healing.

Once it was fully healed Hayley's eyes burst open and she sits up with her child in her hands.

Hayley looks around confused as memories of her dying flood her mind.

"Wahhh!!!" Her child's cries clear her clouded mind.

Hayley looks at her child. "Ohhh it's okay baby." She cradles the child to her chest, trying to calm him down.

The child sensing his mother calms down and stops crying.

"Let's go get your sister back." Hayley says determinedly and walks out the church with the baby in her arms.

Arriving in the cementary, Hayley walks eventually hearing the voice of Niklaus and Elijah.

"We need to move faster." She hears Nikaus say as she walks into a tomb.

"Or smarter." Hayley comments gaining the attention of both brothers.

Both of them stare at Hayley in complete shock, struggling to figure out how she's alive right now.

"Hayley!" Elijah utters.

Elijah walks over to Hayley tears threatening to fall from his eyes. Elijah grabs Hayley's face with both hands and asks. "How are you here?" Elijah's voice sounds a little shakey.

"I woke up in the church with him in my arms and I felt this hunger. I knew what I needed." Hayley explains.

"I can feel her, she's here. I can feel my daughter." Hayley declares.

"You died with the children's blood still in transition, which means she's in transition." Klaus explains.

"Which means she needs to drink one of the children's blood if she's to survive." Elijah says solemnly.

"To be reborn a hybrid." Klaus says.

Hayley doesn't really care about all that right now, she just wants to find her other child. "I don't care about me, I'm going to find our daughter." Hayley says to Nikalus.

With Hayley leading they hurriedly walk through the cementary, eventually finding the witches in the midst of the ritual. Genevieve has the knife raised above her head about to complete the sacrifice.

"No!" Hayley screams distraction Genevieve for a second.

Elijah quickly picks up a vase and throws it at Genevieve knocking the knife out of her hand.

Monique and another witch quickly walk in front of the baby and combine their powers to cast a spell.

Elijah and Niklaus are sent flying through the air by the spell, but surprisingly Hayley is still left standing.

The witches look at Hayley completely surprised, the spell should of sent her flying aswell.

Hayley quickly runs over to Genevieve who's trying to pick up the knife.

Hayley kicks Genevieve in the face just before she can pick up the knife.

Hayley runs over to her baby, but before she reaches her Genevieve casts a pain spell.

Hayley falls to the floor in pain still cradling her child in her arms.

Suddenly one of the witches who was casting spells is impaled by an iron rod and is sent flying backwards.

Monique noticing her friends death quickly runs over to pick up the knife and runs over to the baby hopping she can kill the child before she can be stopped.

Hayley who was in agony suddenly feels the pain dissapear. "Nooo!!!" Hayley screams and runs over to Monique.

"Why isn't it working!" Genevieve screams panicked and confused that her pain infliction spell isn't affecting Hayley anymore.

Hayley runs over to Monique who is just about to stab her baby, she grabs the descending knife and redirects it using Moniques own momentum to make her stab herself in her stomach. "Aghhhh!" Monique gasps as the knife penetrates her body. She looks over at Hayley in disbelief before falling to the floor dead.

Suddenly a tall handsome bald man appears in front of the altar, he grabs the child and dissapears in a flash.

Nikaus looks at Hayley and Elijah before he dissapears after the man.

After they leave Elijah walks up to Hayley.

"Don't worry Marcel would never harm her." Elijah explains.

"I know." Hayley says calmly. Hayley may not like Marcel but she knows he would never harm a child.

Genevieve drops to the floor seemingly defeated.

Elijah walks over to Genevieve and grabs her roughly. "You're coming with us, we'd like some answers.

Genevieve doesn't resist and allows Elijah to drag her wherever he wants.

Elijah drags her into one of the tombs and chains Genevieve to the wall.

Hayley walks behind them cradling her baby protectively to her chest.

"Why?" Hayley asks.

"The ancestors left me no choice." Genevieve says her voice shakey.

"You were willing to sacrifice an innocent baby for more power." Hayley says disgustedly.

"Oh, not just power. It was the ancestors decree. It was her decree." Genevieve says solemnly.

"It was whose decree?" Elijah grabs Genevieve by her throat.

"I'm surprised you have to ask." Genevieve chuckles as if the answer is obvious. "After all you were the one who convinced your siblings to consecrate her in New Orleans soil."

Hayley suddenly realizes who it is "Esther." She utters Elijah's mothers name.

Elijah turns around enraged by his mothers actions. "Not even death can stop my mother from seeking the annihilation of her own flesh and blood." Elijah places his hand on his forhead getting in frustration.

"This isn't the end." Genevieve promises. "As long as the children live the witches of New Orleans will never stop coming for them. Esther will never stop coming for them, it has been decreed. Your babies will be consecrated among their ancestors, she will not live." Genevieve assures them.

Suddenly tears of blood start flowing from Genevieve's eyes. "They're coming for it. I feel it." Genevieve cries. "I've failed them." She says fearfully. "Please." Genevieve begs. "Understand, I just wanted to live." She pleads. "Tell Klaus I'm sorry." Genevieve coughs up a mouth full of blood.

Hayley suddenly steps forward and stabs Genevieve in her stomach, Hayley twists the knife and says in a frosty tone. "I'm not" Hayley turns around and looks at Elijah almost emotionlessly before walking out of the tomb.

Elijah looks at Hayley surprised by what she just did, it's so unlike her. Elijah can't help but be a little worried by her actions.

Hayley eventually returns to the compound and finds Nikaus holds their baby girl in his arms.

Hayley walks over to make sure her baby girl is okay.

"She's fine, in fact she's sleeping now." Klaus reassures Hayley.

"Good." Hayley says relieved as she looks over her baby.

"You want to hold her?" Klaus asks Hayley.

"Yes." Hayley nods.

"Okay let me take him then."

"No." Hayley wants to hold both her children in her arms, she doesn't want them away from her.

"Hayley, it'll be easier for you if you hold them one at a time." Klaus tries to reason with her.

"Klaus I can hold both of them, so give her here." Hayley demands.

"Fine." Klaus relents and passes the child to Hayley.

Elijah Klaus and Hayley go to the Hayley's room, Hayley takes a seat in the rocking chair and examines both her children. She just can't beget over how beautiful they are and how much love she has for him.

While Hayley is distracted with the children Elijah and Klaus are trying to figure out what they're going to do next. The children are in serious danger and they need to figure out what to do.

Hayley can over hear the brother's discussion and as painful as it may be, Hayley knows what must be done.

Hayley gets up and walks over to Niklaus and Elijah. "I know what we have to do."

Elijah and Nikaus turn to Hayley waiting to here her answer.

"I grew up in a war zone. My parents thought they could protect me, but in the end they were slaughtered, and I spent my childhood alone and unloved." Hayley looks down at her children, she wants nothing more then for her children to have a better childhood then she did. "I made a promise to my babies and to myself that they would not grow up like I did. That she would grow up safe and loved. And yet here they are on their first day in this world with a grandmother who is hell bent on sacrificing them and a mother who needs to drink their blood to survive her transition into a hybrid and I'm the one who loves them the most." Hayley says passionately as tears fall from her eyes, she can barely hold back her sobs. She can't describe the pain she's feeling of what she needs to do in order to be there for her children and what she will have to do in order to keep them safe.

Hayley takes a deep breath before speaking again. "I think the only thing to do is send them away... while we stay behind to clean up the mess we made." Hayley struggles to say the words.

Elijah looks at her in complete shock. "No. This is insane." Elijah disagrees. "You heard Genevieve. So long as they live, those babies will be hunted."

"What if no one knows they live?" Klaus suddenly asks.

"What is it you intend to do brother?" Elijah asks confused.

"Whatever it takes to save our family." Klaus says determined. He will not let his children die because of the problems he created.

So Niklaus explains his plan to his brother and Hayley.

So the plan was set in motion and New Orleans were made to believe that Klaus and Hayley's children had died.

Inside the children's room Hayely had just finished packing their bags, she quickly slips the now rewritten letter into one of their bags just in case she won't be able to see them for a long time. The letter basically explains the depths of her love for them, she hopes that if they aren't reunited again, that atleast they have this letter to tell them how much their mother loves them.

Elijah walks into the room. "It's time." He announces.

Hayley picks the boy up and cradles his gently in her arms.

Elijah gently grabs his hand and pokes him with a needle drawing a little blood.

They expected the child to cry, but he seems to still be asleep.

Hayely quickly sucks the blood falling from the child's thumb to complete her transition.

"Mumma loves you little one." She bends over slightly and kisses his forhead while gently rocking him in her arms.

Elijah gently wraps his arms around Hayley trying to comfort her.

Nikaus walks into the room he's come to take the children. "Hayely it's time, have you sad your goodbyes?" Niklaus asks.

"No, I'll do it now." Hayley tells him.

Hayley walks over to the crib and picks up both children. Hayely looks down at both of them, she can't stop her tears from falling down her cheeks. "Hope, Alex I know you probably won't be able to understand me right now, but know this mumma loves you guys very much and I'm only sending you away to protect you, I promise you one day we will be reunited. I love you both." Hayley speaks through her sobs, she leans down and kisses both her children, before walking over to Nikaus.

"Okay you can take them Niklaus." Nikaus grabs the children from Hayley.

"Hayley I promise you that we will see them again." Nikaus says seriously.

"I know." Hayely forces a smile onto her face.

After Hayley once again says goodbye to her babies, Niklaus drives off to meet the person who will be looking after his children while he sorts out the mess they made.

While waiting in the middle of nowhere with both his children in his arms, a red corvette suddenly pulls up in front of Niklaus.

A very beautiful woman with blonde hair and blues eyes climbs out of the car and walks towards Niklaus.

"Hello sister." Nikaus greets his sister Rebecca.

Rebecca looks down at the twins in Niklauses arms. "Oh she looks so much like her mother, while he looks alot like you." Rebecca says looking at the children tenderly.

"I'm sure he'll be quite the handful, but she does have a hint of the devil in her eyes. That's all me." Niklaus says in a cheeky tone as she smiles at Rebecca.

Rebecca smiles at her brother, pleased by his attitude, she has hope that these children might be enough to repair her damaged brother, it seems to be working already, she can tell Niklaus genuinely loves his children.

"You'll need a with you can trust to cast a cloaking spell."

"I'll get one." Rebecca promises.

"No one can ever find them." Nikalus says seriously.

"I know what to do, Nik" Rebecca assures him

"Perhaps we'll get a white fence. I think that would be lovely." Rebecca has always dreamed of having children of her own and maybe this is her chance to experience her dreams.

Nikaus looks down at both his children with so pure love in his eyes. "This city would have seen you two dead, but I will have it your home. And every soul who wishes you harm will be struck down just as sure as my blood runs in your veins, you will return to me. Klaus promises.

Klaus leans down and kisses both children before reluctantly giving them to Rebecca.

"Inspite of our differences Rebecca, there is no one I trust more with my children's life. Be happy Rebecca."

Rebecca can't help but shed tears happy that her brother trusts her this much. "They will be happy Nik, I promise." Rebecca smiles at her brother.

"What's their names?"

"Hope for the girl and Alexander for the boy." Nikaus swallows hard a he holds back his tears. He knows that he won't see his children for a long time and it's causing him an untold amount of suffering.

Rebecca walks to her car with both children in her arms and climbs into her car.

Klaus watches Rebecca drive away and can no longer stop the tears from falling. Sending his children away was by far the hardest thing he had to do. He just hopes that he'll be able to make New Orleans safe enough so they can return as quick as possible.

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