
11. Another prophecy

My sister.


I quickly went to Chaos' table. I didn't know what to do. Should I reveal my identity to her? Or should I not?

That is the question that I don't know how to answer.

Will I do the right thing?

I'm not sure, but I hope so.

"Campers! I have an announcement. Recently, our oracle, Rachel Elizabeth Dare issued a new prophecy. We believe that this is the third great prophecy and that it's connected to this war somehow. All cabin counselors are to be in the meeting in the Big house after dinner."

Pavilion broke into whispers. I wasn't happy myself. I had this bad feeling. I think that this will be another prophecy about me. And I don't like it even one bit.

--- time skip (after dinner)---

3rd person POV

Immortal cabin leaders slowly started filling the conference room in the Big house. Soon, the only people missing were the members of the Chaos army. Suddenly, the door slammed open and they walked in. Everybody could feel the power radiating off of them. Their power surpassed the gods'. Everybody stayed silent. Nobody moved. And then the commander spoke.


Annabeth POV

I could feel the power they possessed, but my Mistress said that we're going to be able to win. I just need to put up with my act a little bit longer. But I just knew that something was off about them. My Mistress said that she knew all of their identities but she doesn't want to tell me that information. She keeps saying that it's classified. I'm not sure if she even trusts me anymore, and that's dangerous. If she loses her trust in me, I'll most probably end up dead.


Percy POV

When we entered the throne room, all chatter stopped.

''So, what's the prophecy about?'' I asked summoning a comfy beanbag and plopping in it in the corner of the room. I saw my sister sitting on my old spot as Poseidon cabin leader. My heart ached.

''As Commander here said, '', Chiron said pointing at me, ''We are here to discuss the new prophecy. Rachel, come.''

A red-haired girl walked forward so everybody could see her. Suddenly, her eyes glassed over and green fog came out of her mouth. She smiled and then spoke:

''The twins of the sea shall go on a quest

To find a lost one in the sea.

They shall go with two companions more

To answer the hearts' silent plea.

They will find love once more

This time it shall be forever,

If they will be betrayed

They will be gone for better.

Son of Underworld and the hero who betrayed

Shall accompany them to the worlds' end.

The girl who loved shall be betrayed once more,

Of four just three will come back home.

New friends will be made,

Even the ones who shall surprise you the most.

The blessed daughter of old rival shall be lost.

Sacrifice to save the Earth shall be made,

The choice nobody will be able to stand.

With the wrong choice

Hope shall be lost,

With the right choice

They shall win but at a great cost.''

When she finished, the Oracle just collapsed. Fortunately, Chiron caught her and placed her on a chair in the sitting position.

''What does this mean?'' Asked one of the campers.

The only thought on my mind was: Skata! Skata!

I couldn't believe it. I'll need to reveal my identity. I hoped that this will be easy and simple. But when is anything in demigod life 'easy and simple'? I hoped that we'll help win the war and just return back home. The Chaos planet was my home more than this camp. Chaos is like a father to me. Here I just need to see her face over and over again.

''Well,'', my sister spoke, ''it says twins of the sea. I guess that the sea means Poseidon. That means that the prophecy is about me and Percy.''

Campers nodded in agreement.

''But what will we do? He is missing!'' One of the campers shouted.

I saw my team getting nervous.

Then my sister spoke: ''He is closer than you think.''

Then the shouting started. I was confused. Did she know my identity? It isn't possible. I saw Nico from the other side of the table staring at me.

''Silence!'' Chiron boomed.

''What do you mean Estelle?'' I visibly cringed at the name.

''I guess that it's time to tell you this. Have you heard of the 'twin curse'?''

Just Annabeth and Chiron nodded. they looked surprised.

''Well, it's a curse. There was a prophecy a long time ago that the twins of Poseidon will be reunited one day to save the Earth. With the curse came certain abilities. If one twin dies, the other dies too. If one is severely injured, the other can feel others' pain. It also includes mind-reading to some extent. I guess you realized that I don't age. I let you think that it's because gods made me immortal, but it's wrong. They were planning to, but Percy beat them to it. I became immortal because he became too.'' The campers just stared at her dumbfounded. I was happy and worried, I couldn't believe that I had a connection like this and I never even realized it.

''And there is one more power that I found about. There are probably more that I haven't discovered yet. I can track him down.'' At this yelling started again.

''Why didn't you tell us?''

''What's wrong with you?''


The yelling continued for a few more minutes. Chiron had enough and yelled again:

''Silence!'' When everybody shut up, he continued:

''I believe that Estelle has a good reason for not telling us.'' Some campers began to protest again but one glare shut them up.

''Exactly Chiron. As I said earlier, we share mind reading to some extent. But this is different from your definition of mind reading. I can't watch his memories or hear his thoughts all the time. I don't want to. It'd be creepy. It's more like an instinct. I know that he's sad and hurt. I also know that he didn't forgive you and that he didn't want to come back. However, his fatal flaw prevents him from abandoning you. He is already helping you more than you realize.'' Chiron nodded. he really is a good actor. I was relieved when she said that she can't read my mind.

''Then where is he?'' She asked.

''As I already told you, that isn't my secret to tell.'' With that, she walked out of the room. Other campers slowly followed suit.


Annabeth POV

I need to find Percy. If we capture him and keep him out of this was we'll be able to win with no problems.

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