
Reinforcements part 1

Celia replied: "If that's their condition then I hope they're ready to go to war."

Liam was still smiling: "Not only are they ready, but they have been waiting for this opportunity for a long time, they cannot withdraw all their strength because it would endanger some worlds that are under their protection, but they have promised to send twenty of their best mages and fighters to help us."

Anaya looked at him surprised and asked him: "Only twenty of them will come? Did you tell them that we were going to have to face a thousand of our enemies, including three generals of the demon god, and that is only if they wouldn't call more of them."

Liam said to her to reassure her: "Don't worry sweetheart, each of these people have extraordinary abilities and they are all able to fight against the generals of the demon god."

Next chapter