Grups just stared at the colonel, until he was completely gone, as his figure completely dissipated the further away from Grups.
As the colonels figure dissipated down the hallway, Grups then turned towards the wooden door, It had a metal handle
Grups went to grab it, "Its cold to the touch " Grups said with disbelief, then a thought crossed Grups mind
If the door to the room is cold then that would mean that the Inside of the room is cold, but that also means that all of the rooms underground are also cold!!!
If it was normal cold Grups wouldn't mind, he felt the door handle, if he kept his hand on the door for any longer then the skin on his hand would be glued to the handle, just like how your tongue would get stuck on something cold if you lick it
Grups then hurriedly used some force to open the door, the inside of the room was something that could only be described in movies
Grups went inside the room to get a better look of the interior, there was a operating table, then Grups turned his head to the left
And there she was Issabel, she was wearing a brown beaten clothes nothing better than rags
POV 3rd Issabel
Before Grups came into the room where they were keeping Issabel, she was sleeping with a child in her arms her body cuddling the child giving him warmth
While Issabel was sleeping she got startled when she heard the door to the room open and close with a loud *THUD*
When she heard the noise she became vigilante, "they must have come back, probably to get more information on father" Issabel guessed
Issabel then thought of a plan, and that was to feign sleep, as Issabel thought of her plan
She began to hear footsteps, that's when she got into action and closed her eyes and layed in her original position that she was in before
HELLO ITS ME THE 90 YEAR OLD MAN, soooooo um let me see what I should say, hmmm give power stones
also the link to my discord server is down below