
Xin Wei is alive

Chapter 45


Since the rise of the syndicates and gangs in city H and the whole country creating the long border that encloses the whole city as a way to cordon its people inside, the city goes through a chaotic event that shook its foundation.

But after a few months of its recovery, the city was now divided into two parts, the outer city, and the inner city.

The outer city is where lawlessness exists. This is where only the strong could survive and anyone who is weak would be torn apart once they come to this god-forsaken place. As it is a place of thieves, robbers, murderers, maniacs, and all sorts of different people both evil and good mingled together as one.

And the ones lording over the outer part are the gangs controlled by the syndicates in the inner city.

Lin Ting is the head of one of the most powerful gangs under the Hallowed Leaf syndicate.

Right at this moment, he has already sent the video of Xin Wei fighting against Feng the Viper. The fight lasted only for around two minutes and the people watching it could clearly see that the young person is toying with his enemy.

And he actually defeated his powerful opponent just using a piece of metal wire which he pokes at the body of Feng.

The onlookers who are watching this scene have a dumbfounded look on their faces. They did not expect to see such a scene.

A tall and buff middle-aged man looks at the young man at the head of the table. He slowly leans on his chair making a slight creaking sound.

"So you are saying that this person is going to hunt the ten of you, one by one until he has avenged his parents and that girl from the Qiao family?" the man said with a frown.

The young man sitting at the head of the long table did not reply and just looks at the screen in front of them which was paused. The screen is showing the familiar face of Xin Wei, the person that tarnished their reputation when they were in high school, the person who was supposed to be dead but is still alive and hunting them.

"How do you suppose to solve this, Head Yu?" the man asked with a serious expression.

The young man did not reply but a slight sneer appears on his face as he looks at the middle-aged man with a challenging gaze.

"Why are you asking the obvious… uncle. Or… Are you afraid of this person upon seeing his ability? Hahaha… In this world, there is none who is not affected by the power of a gun. Even those who claim themselves as the strongest would still succumb to the power of a gun, even me… So why should we fear such a lowly ant? Let him come… Well, that is if he can… Hahaha…" Yu Bai's laughter echoed inside the conference room.

The rest of the people inside the room nodded their heads in agreement with the young head of their organization. Ever since Yu Bai took control of the Hallowed Leaf, their syndicate has grown to such a size that it could be considered as the ruler of city H.

With his ruthless method and powerful abilities, no one dares to confront them. The rest of the syndicates would just cower under their pressure.

While everyone seems to be in agreement with Yu Bai, the middle-aged man, his uncle, was silent and just watch the other people in the room curry favor with his nephew.

A slight smile appears on the middle-aged man's face as he tries to suppress his laughter. In fact, he is withholding a few crucial pieces of information he has gathered about the young man in the video.

He discovered an anomaly in one of the mercenary groups serving the Blue Serpent Gang. In that report, it is said that the mercenary group was wiped out by a single person. When he received that data, he almost could not believe it. But upon piecing out the information he gathered, he almost could not believe what he has learned.

Before others could get this data, he has already erased it and he is the only one who is keeping an original, and it is kept in a safe place.

He has devised a plan to use that young man as a sword. He would manipulate everything so that he could control the situation and make that young man wreak havoc in the city. And he would watch on the sidelines while everything slowly burns, and then in the ashes, he would rise like the phoenix saving everything and returning everything to normal.

He and a few others are not satisfied with the current situation of the syndicate. They prefer the old days where they are free and unfettered, unlike right now where, they might be the overlord of this small place, but they are still inside a huge cage which they dare not escape for fear of offending the government.

"You can play, however, you wanted, but soon it's time for you to get home and get spanked." He thought as he kept mum throughout the meeting.

After the meeting, Yu Bai called his trusted advisers.

"I'm sensing something amiss about my uncle today. He seems to be a bit docile." He said with a hint of worry in his eyes.

"Master Bai, maybe it's because your uncle is already tired of the power struggle and wanted to follow you instead. Wouldn't that be a good thing?" one of the suited men around him said.

"Haha… Your uncle has been scheming since your father's rule. This time, with your ability and prowess, how could he content against you? He might have already given up."

"That's right, well, if you are really concerned about this young master, I will assign a few of my men to monitor your uncle."

After hearing the people around him, Yu Bai showed a contented look on his face. He will observe first before he would take action.

His uncle has been very careful since his father's rule. This time, he would not let him slip if he made a big mistake. This time, he would make sure that his actions against him would be justified in front of the council.

After the short meeting, Yu Bai went home.

Meanwhile, the rest of the ten people who knew Xin Wei have also received the video recording of the fight. Not all of them have been endowed with powers, and only Yu Bai, Jin Lin Mae, Da Bao, and Ye Bentai gained superpowers.

The rest are just normal, sly, human beings while banking on the influence of their parents and families.

So when they saw the video, they were all filled with worry and fear. Since they knew that Xin Wei will be coming for them, they could not help but feel really afraid right now.

"Hello, did you see it? What do you think we should do?" a beautiful young woman sitting by the window of her beautiful penthouse while talking on the phone.

On the table playing over and over is the video that she just received from Lin Ting.

'Yeah, I saw it. But, I'm not afraid… If he really comes, then I will shot him dead… Bang! This time… he would not be able to survive just like what happened a year ago.' a man's voice said with a hint of cruelty.

"Well, I don't know if he could really enter the inner city, but, I will not be caught easily." The young woman said as she slowly manipulated strange energy in her hand and the air around her began to become chaotic.

She showed a slight sneer on her beautiful face as she cuts off the call.

She then directed the chaotic air towards the laptop on the table and it was blasted into pieces.

"Come at me, you piece of trash… And I will show you that you're still a piece of trash even after gaining your powers. I am more powerful than you, hell, I am the most powerful woman in the world right now…" she muttered as a sinister smile slowly forms warping her beautiful face.

How could Jin Lin Mae fear Xin Wei? She has been the daughter of a triad boss which grew and became a large syndicate. Her hands have been drenched in blood ever since she was young. How could that good for nothing compare to her fighting ability, experience, and powers?

If he dares show up in front of her, she would just play with him a little, and then blast him to the skies. Let's see if you can live through that?

Just like Jin Lin Mae, the rest of the ten people have their own thought in this situation. They have mixed emotions and reactions now that they all know that Xin Wei is alive.

How to face him when the time comes is something that they have not thought of. But they are sure when that happens, the same tragedy would occur. That foolish boy would still die by their hands.

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