
Breathe, Jonah

Jonah hadn't been able to sleep well since Saturday because he had way too much to think about when he laid down and tried to turn his brain off. Eden accepted him. Actually accepted him! And not in a 'let's take things slow so you can regain my trust' sort of way either. 

She wanted him to be her boyfriend. Unbelievable. 

He didn't know much about being in a relationship since he had only ever seen other people's but he absolutely had to do this right. He had to be good enough that she would never want anyone else. 

Worrying about that ended up losing him a lot of sleep over the past couple of days. He didn't mean to conk out on her while they were supposed to be hanging out but he was so comfortable with her curled up against his side that he was finally able to relax enough to rest. 

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