
A hellish training and nightmare makes me a Masochist!

I woke up in the morning and today Saturday, the weekend is our resting time. But for me, I wanted to start my training with Shive, so I rushed to the training ground to meet Shive. As soon as I arrived, I immediately approached Shive on her favorite bench while staring at the sky. I asked her to train me and she nods. She says,

"Give me a few minutes, I'll be back."

I nodded and wait, few minutes have passed and Shive came back with Edith. Before I'm about to ask her why she brings Edith, Shive says,

"Big si... Edith here will help you to heal you from your injuries that I'm about to give you."

I understood and nodded.

Shive gave me the wooden sword, now that I'm used to it, I grabbed it and held it with my two hands. We went to the field while Edith and Den are watching from the bench. When Den gave the signal to start the spar, Shive is already in front of me and punched me in the face with no hesitation. My right cheek is swollen and I couldn't open my eyes, and I couldn't scream because I think she broke my jaw, it was the most painful feeling I have ever had. Edith approached me and used a recovery spell, and my face is back to normal with no pain, no scratches. Shive says,

"Try to block my attacks or dodge it, I'm going all out, or you must endure the pain for the next 6 hours if you are unable to do those things."

I couldn't block her attacks with this heavy wooden sword in my hands. So my only option is to dodge her attacks, but still, with this sword on my hands, my reflexes reduced almost 80% and excluded her speed are inhuman.

I can do this, for my own sake to reach my goal. I will face everything with my own strength. Shive ready her stance to attack, and Den gave the signal again. Shive already in front of my face again, I immediately duck to avoid her punch, but this time she hit me on the chest with her knee and I fell on the ground immediately, I couldn't breathe, my vision is getting blurry. This time she broke my ribs and it's as painful as before.

Edith ran to me and chant a recovery spell, I finally can breathe again, my vision is getting back slowly. I stood up and readied my stance. After Den gave another signal, Shive already in front of me again, but this time I will jump backward, when I'm about to jump, she grabbed my neck and pulled me then punched me on the stomach, then I fell on my knees. Before I'm about to pass out, she elbowed my skull and made a cracking sound, then she kicked me on my left cheek and flew me away, and hit the pilar. In a split second from me about getting passed out from the punch on my stomach, she able to did those things and let me feel the pain from all that.

Edith chants a recovery spell on me again. This time I can't get up, my feet won't let me, my mind won't let me, but my heart still wants me to get up, if this is what it takes to be strong, I have to face myself first to overcome the fear of feeling hopeless and pain. For a few minutes, I'm just lying on the ground, while Shive, Edith, and Den are watching me and waiting for me to stand up. For some reason they seem like knowing what is happening to me, they are just watching at me patiently and hoping for me to get through this big wall of mine, then Shive approaches me and says,

"You're strong, but that's not enough. Facing your fear is good but accepting who you are first is what you need to do. Try to accept who you are then convince yourself to overcome your fear. I'm starting to like you now."

She smirks and is waiting for me to get up. She is right, forcing myself won't get me anywhere, I need to accept my weakness and convince myself that I can get stronger. I'm Val Belliot the adventurer that will be the strongest in Asertia! Finally, I can move my body and get up. Edith and Den are smiling and rooting for me.

I readied my stance again, this time I will able to avoid at least 1 attack from Shive, no, I will try to block her attack this time. When Den gave the signal, she already in front of me again and I'm ready to block her attack, the time suddenly feels so slow, I can see where and what is she going to do, she is going to punch me on the chest, I will block her fist with this sword with all my strength. Then the time back to normal and I managed to block her attack but her strength is inhuman, and her punch made my body flew away and hit the wall, the damage is not that lethal, I can still stand up. When I'm about to get up, for a split second I saw a fist on my face and then everything goes dark. I woke up with blurry memories that happened back there. Then I remembered that after Shive punched me and flew me away, she jumped on me again and punched me in the face. Edith said my face was almost unrecognizable. I'm scared after hearing that.

Few hours have passed. I broke my bones 38 times, passed out 10 times. But I managed to avoid her attacks 8 times and blocked her attacks 5 times. For the first day of training, it's not bad. When we about to start again, Vivi came. She wanted to watch also wanted to learn something from Edith, so while I'm sparring with Shive, Vivi will learn spells from Edith then Edith says,

"Since Vivi is here, maybe we can ask her to do the recovery spell to you Val, but you have to endure the pain if she failed to do that until she successfully chants recovery spell."

Vivi is panicking and shaking her head, I approach Vivi and holding her shoulders, and says,

"Vivi, it's okay, I can endure the pain, so just do your best. We need to get stronger together, I will trust my life on you, and you will trust your life on me. We will support each other for our goal, so don't worry about me!"

I smile and I know she can do it. She's blushing and nods. Then she says,

"I will, for our goal and I will trust my life on you. So bare with me and I'm sorry for the future failure on this matter. Hehehe."

An hour has passed Vivi tried 12 times and failed to chant a recovery spell, so Edith did the recovery spell on me. I readied my stance then Den gave the signal, Shive was already in front of me again, and when I'm about to block her attack, she disappeared, and I sensed her presence on my back, with the experience of hours of training, I duck on my own without thinking, my decision was right, I dodged her kick. Then I leaped forward, then turn my body. She is gone, and she's already on my back again, I'm hesitant to dodge and she kneed my back and made a cracking sound, blood coming out from my mouth, then she grabbed my head and slammed me to the ground. I couldn't feel my body, I couldn't feel my torso and my legs, I could only move my arms. I think she broke my backbone.

Vivi screams my name and runs to me and then she tries to chant a recovery spell. She failed, again and again, but she keeps failing, she cries and says sorry while she kept chanting. The pain... I can no longer endure it, it's so painful, I can't cry in front of her and I'm going to pass out. I hold her hand and say,

"Be..li..eve.. i-in yo..se..lf..."

I kept holding her hand, the warmth of her hand and sweat on her palm, she tried her best. I could only wait and believe in her. When I'm about to pass out, she did it. She did the recovery spell on me. I get up and grab her hands and pull her up and say,


She cries and nods, then she is hugging me and says,

"I did it, Val... I did it."

After that, I stand up and ready my stance again. This isn't over yet, I still have an hour of training and I don't want to waste it. Shive is giving me her best to train me and also it's good training for Vivi.

We are finally done with the training. I dodged 12 of her attacks and blocked 20 attacks, but with the cost of breaking my 18 bones, and passed out 2 times. Since her first successful recovery spell, Vivi did the recovery spells since then.

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