
The President Gal: Work in Progress

I pull him into his room and help him take off his shirt which has stuck on to his wound to examine it. The cut didn't went too deep, thank god for muscle, but it is still bloody. I push him to sit on his bed when the doorbell rang. When I return with the bandages and stuff, Steven was on the phone. This guy never stop working.

I put the tray down next to him on the bed and start to sterilised the wound. He didn't even flinch to my surprise. By the time I was done, I felt a finger brushing my face. He was pushing my hair to the back of my ear.

"Sorry, it tickles you does it? I didn't sleep well last night and woke up a bit late so I didn't have time to do my hair," feeling self-conscious I touch the hair claps behind to check if it is still in place.

"Don't be. I like your hair and I like you. Can we go out?,"Steven request.

"Yes, of course. I am all done," I stood up abruptly from my bending position with intention to pick up the tray.

He hold on to both my hands,"I mean as in a couple."

I was taken aback. I have been confess before but this is a bit sudden.

He keep up the conversation,"I am not normally this blunt but I don't normally do this either. I have been thinking how to asked you out beside work but couldn't come up with anything. I have been attracted to you since you walk through the threshold of your grandparents noodle shop. Could you please say Yes?"

"Errr....Steven, I don't really know you."

"Yes, all the more to get to know each other. I promised I won't do anything untoward but at least I can asked you out comfortably, please." Steven asked.


"Please give me a chance,"he pleaded.

"Steven, you are handsome with a good job and can fight to boot so I am sure you have a lot of choices. Maybe it is better if you ....."

He cut me off,"I have tried many and haven't been attracted to anyone like I do you. I can only proceed with your permission, it is one of the few principle I live by. At this moment, I really want to kiss you. May I?"

This is like my dream comes true. Could really kiss my prince charming? Maybe to get it off my system?

"I take that as a Yes. Every question I asked will be Yes by default if you don't answer YaoYao."

He pull my hands down and shift to hold my face when I bend down and he kiss me. His lips touch mine follow by a nibble at my lower lip. My mouth automatically parted when he does that and one of his hand move behind my head. His lips are pressed on mine and his tongue is in my mouth. A whole new sensation for me. I could feel his heartbeat under my hands on his chest. I cannot decide if I like it or not until his other hand on my face sneak to the back of my waist and pull me forward. I ended up straddling him. He broke the kiss for a bit and plunged in to devour my mouth. My whole body starts tingling from head to toes. It feels nice but weird and a need to be touched too.

Steven pull up from kissing and stare at me for a moment,"You are the sweetest thing I have ever tasted. I believe it is better if we stop here today and continue tomorrow."

That statement woke me up. I could feel my face flushed and warm. Quickly, I push off him to grab hold of the tray on the bed,"Continue what tomorrow? We are not going to continue anything."

I rush out of the room and slam the door. I look at my watch, it's already 7pm. It might be difficult to brace the crowd for dinner with my ankle and his arm. I knock on the door of his room,"Steven, I am going to order room service ok?"

"OK, just choose something for me. I'll take a cold shower and come out,"he answer from within.

He came out from his room as the room service make a delivery. He tip the service boy while I placed our meal on the dining table.

"Would you like a glass of wine?"Steven offered.

"Sure,"maybe that will calm my thoughts. After that kiss, 101 possibilities of us doing lewd stuff crossed my mind. All those gossip when I was in school and university where I didn't even have the chance to experience. All the parties that I missed in my final year.

Steven took a bottle from the fridge and opened to pour two glasses before he took a seat next to mine. "To a new beginning," he toasted.

He is like a huge temptation, just like the job. If I don't take this jump, I might regret it forever. If I could choose my first lover, what is better than eight packs that comes with good look, good job, good profile and good fighter. After all this excitement I'll probably end up with someone like LokLok to spend the rest of my life with. "To a new beginning," I replied.

We had a lovely time eating and talking about our family. He has an older brother who is very serious and a cousin whom he thought as a brother who is good at everything. He just got this job a few months ago and he has no space to breath since.

I told him about my parents, my life before and after the accident in return.

"Do you want to finish your studies in Architecture?" Steven asked.

"I was planning to when my grandparents are stable and the noodle shop is sustainable but I guess I was just being too optimistic. I rather keep the current finance afloat than to spend it all on a piece of paper. We will never be sure when we will need some extra cash. My grandparents are not young anymore and the continuation of the course couldn't lapse more than 3 years or else I will have to start it from the beginning,"I explained.

"You have just agreed to be mine, Qin Yao and our family principle is we take care of our own. I can arrange for this project that we are working together to be a part of your final assessment with the G City University for your Architecture degree, what say you?" Steven probed.

"You can? But the money..." Steven cut me off,"Money is the least important. Your determination to success is."

I was over the moon,"Yes, please. If you can arrange that, I will be grateful."

He took my chin and give me a kiss,"My pleasure."

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