
A CEO LOVE Chapter 3 : Found Out!

Three day later, Chris sat in his office looking at a report. Angela Xi, 26 years old, single mother to daughter Charlotte Xi who is turning 4 this year and a journalist with Diamond News and Media. Weird, no matter how Chris tries to look at it, he can't decipher why would Angela try to infiltrate their company. Have she found a link between Frankie organisation and T Comm? This is dangerous, he has to clarify what she knows.

Frankie nickname Lucifer is a good friend and family that goes a long way back. He is in-charge of all the underground work, imprisonment, extortion, torture, arms and drugs if need be. Both of them together makes an invincible team. Their power expanded rapidly worldwide because of their perfect partnership combine with the support of Lee Group, they are indestructible. His aunt, Christine Tan, was married to the only heir of Lee Group of Investment who hold immense power in the business and political world. His cousin, Xavier Lee has taken over the mantle from his dad this year. Since the cousin grew up together, they are better in synced compare to the previous generation. Xavier is an only child and age between Chris and Steven so the cousins are famous cohorts during school days which put their teachers and parents on their toes. Frankie was the lucky bastard who never get caught.

It has been a long time since something piqued his curiosity, he now have a big question mark which only Angela could answer. Ah....the succubus has been on my mind since I look into her big black eyes though Chris with a smile.


Angela grind a pencil between her teeth in frustration. It has been three days, she has been trying to get the back to the same guy who has provided her the access card to T Tower to no avail. Maybe she needs to go around the night joints in the area to look for him. The access card is a big breakthrough and if he could just managed to alter it for any floor access, she would be able to at least get into an office instead of following blindly the staff who goes in and out. Last time was really risky, out of all places, she has to stop at a gym and followed a dangerous man at that. She could feel menace rolling off the man if not for the amicable smile he put on his face, her strong mental control and in fact they were surrounded by other people who could see them through the glass window, she would have bolted.

She is a tall woman at 168cm but the man was taller, at least 180cm in height. Bumping into his back made her realised there is a muscular body hidden under the suit. His golden eyes was all-seeing, it gives her goosebumps as if he knew all her secrets. She hope she won't see him again if she managed to go back undercover at T Tower. He looks like a predator and that is the last thing she wants to provoke.

She passed another fruitless day looking for that man, tomorrow night she will need to get a night nanny for Charlotte so she could look for him in the dark. Angela quicken her footstep heading towards the childcare center. Whenever she sees her little girl, she will think all her hard work is worth it. They will be more comfortable when Carlottes needs to go to school and higher education. She will be taught how to protect herself from unwanted attention and ask for help at appropriate places. It was hard to have Charlotte all by herself when her parents doesn't support her decision to keep the baby but she never regret her decision. She just couldn't bring herself to terminate an innocent life.

Charlotte came running to her when she enters the playroom where all the children waits for pickup. Angela sweeps her up, kiss her on her cheeks and tickles her. Charlotte's laughter was the best medicine of all times for her. She thank the caretaker and took Charlotte home by foot. They always pass by the playground on the way back and they will spend a good half an hour to play there.

Unbeknownst to them a man has started to follow behind their trail since the childcare center. Angela were skipping happily with Charlotte in her arms and just as they bend around the corner of their apartment, Angela knock into someone. She almost falls over with Charlotte when she felt an iron arm snaked around her waist and anchored her down.

Angela first reaction was to check on Charlotte, upon finding her well, she step away from the iron arms and say sorry and thank you at the same time to the stranger. Somehow she is feeling restless and wanted to break into a run back to their sanctuary.

The arm locked hers,"Miss Angel?"

Angela looked up into golden eyes and froze. Her mind is shouting; Oh Shit!. "You've got the wrong person,"she stammered a bit hoping her heavy makeup the other day will help.

"Miss Angel, you have quite an unforgettable face not to mentioned body figure. Have you not noticed it yourself?"the stranger said as he make an hourglass sign with his hand.

Angela who was scared of being discovered is pissed,"You man are all animals! Can't you see other good in people beside their body?! Get away from us, you damn pervert!"

She took off and start walking at marathon speed but with Charlotte in her arms and her working heels, she didn't managed to get into her apartment lobby before the man catch up.

"Look Miss Angel, I have gone through our list of new hire when I was trying see you again and you are not on our list. Now that I have found you, I have to report your trespassing to the company and the police,"Chris stated.

Angela was shocked. She never meant to get into big trouble, she just wanted to secretly get a photo of the midget or handicapped CEO and write a piece based on all the research she has done on the family and family business to convince the board of directors she is indeed qualify to be the Chief Editor. Of course she was hoping her interview request will not be rejected again by T Comm PR department.

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