
A light in the lock

it had been three days since Agtha had the strange book about her care.every day since she got it, she kept reading, page after page. Like an addiction without a future, a tree with big branches of branches Even Freya had noticed the systematic habit that her granddaughter had entered and one morning, interrogated her

-love ... I know you've been studying a lot but, you're not like that. what's up?

-nothing grandma, i think just a few more books I borrowed from the library. I swear.-responses the girl, with some discomfort inside


Freya moves away and sees her eyes watching her. the girl couldn't disguise it, and the old lady knew it.But, she just decided to put this matter aside and continue her normal work already cooking.

-you know, that boy ... the ... Atreus isn't that the name? your boyfriend was here today in the morning.

Agatha gets up

-Grandma, he is not my boyfriend, and has he been here for a long time?

-I think so, my dear, you slept a lot, and as you looked tired, I didn't want to disturb you.

Agatha Bites part of the lips.

"it must be because of the book. I haven't talked to him again, and that's why he must be curious"

she quickly takes out her cell phone and checks the messages. She was in airplane mode. Of course, you dumbass, how was any message going to arrive this way?

And in fact, Atreus sent a lot of messages, and maybe he was worried, maybe he was sad or just ... missing you. It makes sense, the boy had so many personal problems, the desire to have someone's attention was remarkable.

Agatha looks at Freya and turns to the cell phone, and presses the dial button, on the screen signaling that she is going to Atreus

2 days before..

she read and reread several times, but found nothing, pages and pages ... BLANK.

Agatha had thought about the possibility of being just a book for the blind, but when she ran her fingers through the pages, there were no reliefs, nor details that indicated that this statement was right.

she was so bored that she threw that flat object on top of her dirty clothes and went down to the living room, where her grandmother was.

until then it seemed that she was sleeping, and Agtha realized this and used her tactics to rob the refrigerator at night, so as not to make any noise.

Freya had a strange habit of snoring and bouncing whenever a movie put her to sleep. it was a hilarious spectacle. but Agtha was not in the mood to see that.

preparing a hot, light drink in a cup, she walks over and rests under a window perch, watching the street outside her house. The people were so strange, they all pass each other several times every day, but they never complimented each other. what a strange sight for Agtha. it was in these thoughts "nothing to do" that she lost precious minutes when she was distracted by her own mind.

As much as she tried to think of other futile things, her brain insisted on taking her to the dark book again.

carelessly quickly, like a blink of an eye, your cup falls under her grandmother's flowers, and damn, she was going to go crazy. those damn roses were Freya's shoddy. the favorites and now ... well, soaked in some mixture that involved coffee and chocolate. tragic ... for Freya.

When I saw his face again in the window glass, his reflection was strange, holding a different key, it was purple, it actually glowed purple, and it had something on his head like a shape of a coat of arms. a heron.

the girl moves her head to see if she was not dreaming and everything went back to normal when she opened her eyes. like it wasn't real.

each step up the stairs, he felt as if his feet had a will of their own, to go up to his room. "how crazy" she thought. and when she opened her bedroom door, the book was on the floor. she thought it was the cat, but ruffle was with Freya downstairs, so out of the question. then at last she approached.

on the page that was open now it was not only white, it had a drawing, a familiar one ... the drawing of the strange key!

when she first picked up the key in which she had opened the chest, in the library, Agtha had the same feeling that it was familiar but did not know how.

surprised and encouraged, the girl touches the leaf with her hands and quickly her fingers sink into it, in a viscous, milk-like liquid.

-Oh my gosh!

removing them almost immediately from inside the "leaf"

incredible, it was like the sensation of diving into a lot of slime, slimy.

she was curious, and with a lot of courage left, but a small slice of fear ran through her brown hair.

she sighed, and folding her sleeve, she put her hand back into the sheet, but not just the hand, but the entire arm, and as if there was an interior, she touched a bottom.

by the texture of the soil, it was almost like varnished wood, and touching a few seconds it touches something metallic and long.

but not only in this, but in a "branch" that held this long object. Taking off quickly and easily, his arm is removed again from that page, from the supposed book.

well ... it was confusing. at first glance it was like a key, but at the same time it was not. Its head was triangular, and extended to its tip, which resembled a latch opener.

she grumbles, and tilts her head. her hand was slightly darkening as she held the "key"

desperate, Agtha throws the object against the wall and closes the book, immediately leaving the space where she was.

-My goodness! but what is this shit?-

her eyes return to her hand, and she was ... normal? ok, wait a moment ... what happened?- ok, enough of this crap, I don't understand shit anymore, first Mrs. Olga did what I didn't understand but fuck it… and now, this?

Agatha gets up and turns away, heading towards the door when suddenly, a slight noise of metal happens and something flies towards her.

she looks back quickly, but it was too late. the key glances right next to your cheek, giving you a light feel of its cold, metallic temperature.


Agatha unbalances and falls on top of her heaped clothes, making a muffled impact.

if she feels a pain in her cheek, and her hand goes directly to her face. blood. it was hot, and dark.

-Your ... daughter thing ...

your anger soon turns into action, moving towards the "key". the object as if it were a cornered animal, attacks it equally, causing the girl to dodge underneath.

was it a strange fight, a person against an ... object? at least funny. least for Agtha who now had part of her fists cut.

the blood ran in small threads, and his anger was growing by the minute. the object, on the other hand, hovered above the ground, about 20 centimeters above it. inert, and intact.

She then sighs, watches for a few more seconds and finally leaps towards him. it was a quick and precise jump, the key didn't even have a chance to escape. Agtha's fingers wrapped around him and his strength held. instantly a small dark mist appears in the air, consuming her and everything, until her feet lose their ground, leaving her ... in the air.

and suddenly it was falling, and by the way, very fast, and right below there was a kind of bright and alive garden. it was her end. Agtha even considered being under the influence of drugs but it was impossible, she didn't use anything like that.finally, he just closed his eyes and waited for the impact to happen.

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