
Blackbeard is a lot more dangerous

{a/n double chap because I forgot upload last night~}

After finishing my meal I got up and paid like an upstanding citizen. If you steal all the time then the businesses won't make a dime, with that they'll close and it'll be harder to get a meal nex time. If you keep stealing then eventually no one but the governments will have food and they'll begin rationing it. If you steal that you'll become public enemy number one and everyone will pounce on you.

God that alcohol must still be in my system if I'm thinking stupid shit like that. I downed one more glass of water for good measure before leaving with the four girls. As soon as I got outside I was greeted by five assholes staring me down.

Blackbeard began monologuing about how it's so unfortunate that we came across each other. He kept talking so I looked at his crew, I've already briefed my crew about them and just said tsuru was wary of them. I even explained about how he left the yonko crew for a devil fruit. When I told everyone what the devil fruit can do and my theories on it they understood why I was on edge with Blackbeard.

I looked at Jesus Burgess who was locked onto Quetzalcoatl, Doc Q was looking at Muret, Van augur at Monet and Laffitte was staring at Sugar. Guess are opponents are chosen for us, I used haki to check if anyone else is in hiding but found no one in my range.

The wild card among them is black beard and Laffitte in canon because they never showed what he could fully do. However things changed when I entered this world. Laffitte isn't an unknown for me as he used to serve as a sheriff in west blue. The marines made an investigation and discovered the bastard had actually eaten a mythical zoan.

They used his sadistic tendencies as an excuse to try and capture him for the marines. It didn't work out~. Laffitte ate the tori tori no mi model Caladrius. It's a dove with the ability to absorb sickness and heal people, this means Doc Q could continuously poison him and he could use it to heal.

As a bird he can have soundless flight like some owls can, the drugs he takes from Doc Q and disperses onto people could all be hallucinogenic drugs and it was theorised by marine scientists that the caladrius may have been a migratory bird allowing it to see magnetic waves. This theory was based on how Laffitte became so skilled as a navigator even though he wasn't documented to have those skills while he was a sheriff.

Blackbeard however I have my own theories for, so while he kept ranting I cut him off "hey fatty are we going to fight or are you going to lap of the remnants of whitebeards greatness some more."

"What did you say?" "Is all that blubber blocking your ear canal? I said are we going to fight or are you going to keep having daddy issues?" He snarled and pulled a gun on me opening fire.

Quetzal and Jesus launched themselves at each other, Van augur sprinted away while Monet chased after him. Doc Q and Laffitte joined up against Muret and Sugar. While I turned into a slinky to avoid the bullets. He kept complaining while continuing to pull the trigger so I kept irritating him.

"Good your crew seems to have slipped away. I wouldn't want them to try and interrupt us, you seem like the kind of coward who would call for help when the situation goes south."

"Grrrrrd I wouldn't need them to deal with a rookie like you!" He shouted before lifting up his palm. {kurouzu} he said before I began to feel a gravitational pull, I smirked before tossing something out of my pocket. Because the thing I tossed was light it flew towards his hands. When he looked toward the object his eyes widened once he saw a flash bang without its pin.

It went off right infront of his face wrecking his eyes and ears. He began rolling on the floor in great pain due to sensory overload. One piece people have much higher senses meaning they can be disrupted easily if their unguarded. Pirates fight dirty and I'm a pirate who has raided several marine bases and had a ship filled with their weapons. A flash bang is an easy thing to accquire, plus having a scientist like Monet on board makes it pretty easy to craft one.

While he was distracted I used spring shave to flash towards him, I then used my springs on my leg to deliver I higher powered axe kick into my downed opponent making a crater form underneath him. Teach gritted his teeth in pain forcing them to overlap. This was something I found disgusting about him, he basically only has one row of teeth rather than two. I wonder if it also applies to his molars.

Teach then screamed {black knuckle} before throwing a punch, the punch didn't connect but actually blasted me away from him similar to pain with his almighty push. I simply spun and landed on my feet before compressing them and launching towards him with {spring hopper}.

He panicked as I bounced around him so slammed his hand down and used {black hole} to swallow the town. I furrowed my brows and decided to just go fully into the air. Once I reached away from the black pool Teach grinned before pointing at me and screaming {liberation}.

The buildings he swallowed began firing at me, I smirked before jumping towards them. What follows was me gracefully avoiding some peoples homes before casually entering one flying bar and swiping some alcohol from it before bursting through the wall.

My speed became blinding as I landed right infront of Teach. His eyes widened and the world slowed down, his panic meant he couldn't use observation haki. He watched with blurry vision as I drove a super powered gazelle punch into this throat. He flew backwards grasping the point of impact and made several choking noises.

While he landed on the ground and began whining I frowned momentarily before taking the bottle of alcohol I swiped in the air and throwing it at him. Teach was blind, deaf and dumb but when he felt he was soaked in something he became extra worried. On reflex he sniffed and remembered the particular brand of alcohol.

I grinned and said "fireball" before making a spark with my metalic fingers. The alcohol he was doused in lit up like a Christmas tree. I got this idea from watching Killua Zoldyck handle a similarly shaped person before. Teach began rolling around trying to put himself out.

He finally snapped and said {Black Out!!!} followed by a warping noise. A black bubble formed around us from his body that resembled Trafalgar Laws {Room}. This through me off a bit giving Blackbeard enough time to get to his feet and begin laughing. The fire had been swallowed up by some black waves covering the infected areas.

"Zehahahaha behold the power of my yami yami no mi, the only devil fruit with the ability to nullify any power". I tried to turn my fist to springs and discovered I couldn't. This means that he essentially made a domain where powers are ineffective. Tricky bastard, this would crush someone like Ace and luffy who are over reliant on their powers.

Teach grinned manically seeing my frustration, I was annoyed that he would compare me to some rookie. A devil fruit isn't all I am like this scumbag. Teach wiggles his fingers before saying {yami yo-yo} forming two black wavy balls on strings which he fired at me. Though to me they seemed to be in slow motion so I bobbed and weaved my way towards Teach.

When I got I close I sped up and through a high kick to his head. He raised a palm and repulsed my foot before taking a big swing at me. This confirmed my theory as I watched his fast smothered in darkness. Using my superior speed and smaller build I avoided the punch completely.

I understand now why he wanted the yami yami no mi so desperately. This fruit..... makes someone a master of armament haki. In exchange for the loss of a logia form and experiencing twice the pain the user can nullify devil fruits and gain abilities that boost armament haki.

His blackened fists are just that, blackened like armament. The final nail was the fact he expanded the darkness before he tried to hit me and when I rolled back the floor under my previous position was damaged. That's ryou, it also explains why his punches were actually able to hurt whitebeard so much during the Marineford war. He was using internal destruction and covering it up as a power.

A logia can amplify observation haki as seen by enel, this one seems to amplify armament. Teach was always seen as someone lazy in his crew who never trained based on the marines notes. He probably dropped training when he found he had no talent but with that devil fruit it wouldn't be an issue.

My scowl deepens when he throws {dark matter} at me, balls formed out of his element. I watched one pass me and hit a tree causing it to fold in on itself. Those are masses of gravitational pull! I continue to observe teach and watch as he acts slightly unstable. Another downside to the yami yami no mi? Double pain, no logia passive form and mental instability? Those are some pretty big downsides in exchange for this level of power. I also notice him panting a lot showing that he needs stamina to keep this up.

When I was about to move into strike {hiken!!!!} sounded in the air as a torrent of flames burst teach's black bubble and hit him. "Sorry to interrupt your fight but he's mine" said a voice that seemed oddly familiar. I turned around and saw a topless man with an orange hat and numerous freckles.

"Not to worry Ace, I was just warming him up for you." "How kind~ how do you know me Bellamy san?"

"Your brother Luffy spoke highly of you" I said causing a scowl to form on his face "how do you know luffy?" "I'm his shisho?"

Ace froze at my answer before hesitantly asking "why did he make you his teacher? He never listened from anyone!" I just grinned and said "don't you know why I got named Devil? It was cause I beat Garp the fist and punched him in the balls. It was recorded and sold all over the place to nobles and those in the underworld."

Ace began sweating "that was you?!?! My old man refused to show me that clip." He then began to bow towards me "please teach me your ways...shisho!!!" I just slapped my fist "oi!" He's the third fucker to ask me that. Will Sabo as well?

Before we could continue messing around and explosion happened and my crew appeared a bit messed up. Quetzal was bruised, Monet had some bullet holes on her clothes, Muret had singe marks from the exploding apples and Sugar had a few cuts from a scythe by the looks of it.

I looked at Blackbeard's crew and saw them in a worse shape with numerous stab wounds and bruises. Van augur looked partially frozen showing he had the worst time. Monet spoke "sorry bellamy, mid fight these freaks began running away to help each other once they started losing." I just nodded before teach walked out of the dust cloud formed by the explosion.

I noticed he was only mildly injured so he must have used armament on his body to reinforce it. Double the pain in exchange for more defence. He glared at me before looking towards Ace who tapped me on the shoulder "you mind giving them to me Bellamy? I'll owe you one!"'

I looked at him "sure thing, I'll come collect on that. But he warned, Blackbeard nullifies devil fruit powers so use haki and martial arts to win. Also watch out for the pale guy and the one on the horse. They use poison and bombs".

"Not a problem I can just burn it away with my fire" I nodded before leaving. Hopefully my help would change the tides abit. Teach looked furious before he yelled "Oi who said you could leave Devil Bellamy!!!"

I looked back and unleashed my conquerors causing some of his Men to tremble. Teach and Ace's eyes widened before they unleashed their own to stay awake. Theirs didn't match mine yet so I put a smug grin on my face. I then said "a weakling like you isn't worth my time. Next time I see you fatty I'll fuck you up!"

"That's my line you bastard!" He shouted back as we walked towards the ship, mock town is levelled. As I walked away I felt the heat on my back meaning their fight already started. If Ace loses even after me basically doing half the fight for him I'm bonking him something fierce.
