
A visit from garp

After we returned granny nearly had a heart attack when lami reverted back to human. An 8 year old girl naked in your grandsons bedroom kinda sends out danger signals. After that I was forced to go through sex Ed. My joke about not needing to wear armour during sex as I was enough protection gifted me a punch in the head.

Granny allowed lami to stay with us which got cheers from me and muret. Lami was sad that she might not see her family for a long time so I used my future knowledge to cheer her up. "You lami I have it on gold authority that your brother will come find you in the future. And if he can't? Well then we'll just have to go look for him ourselves."

And that was how I nudged her onto the path of becoming our navigator. After we returned to notice mani quickly became her best friend and showed her around the island. I died of laughter when she met sarquis and he turned into a hyena to scare her.

Dumbass! honey badgers beat hyena, she transformed on instinct and started beating the shit out of him. She only stopped after I whistled as loudly as I could. I tried to keep her occupied by asking her what we should name our crew in the future. I'm open to suggestions really cause the Bellamy pirates is so plain.

On a sidenote I also managed to get some small pieces of sea stone from the loot. I had mani make four seastone bracelets to wear for training. When the girls tried them on and flopped to the ground I laughed as my knees were shaking. I need to start wearing this to gain resistance to sea stone. Better to do it early so now when I train or in leisure time I wear it.

Today my granny called me here to meet a validities of hers. "Bellamy come meet my work associate. He's been bothering me about seeing whose grandchild is stronger" so I trotted into the room and spotted her 'work associate' I looked back at her "why's there a gorilla in the house" she spat out her water while the other marines who heard me shiver.

"What did you call me kozo?" "It can talk?!?! Awesome did he eat a devil fruit?" "As if the great me would eat one of those puny things" "ah I bet he didn't have the balls to do it" "you wanna try me brat?!?!?"

I looked back at my granny "granny is this gorilla going through that thing you told me. What was it? Menopause?" The table that garp was sitting at snapped in half. "Boy you and me outside" and then he got up and walked outside.

Five minutes later he came out and just stared at me as I ate my lunch "boy what are you doing?!?! You and me outside!" I looked back and raised one of my hands "ma ma you know you shouldn't follow strangers gorilla-san, you could be a pedophile. I mean I don't know any normal gorilla who walks around in a Hawaiian shirt".

My granny is losing her mind, I notice she was recording the entire thing on a den den mushi. Garp used soru to appear behind me to deliver a light punch. I felt it with my haki so I used my {slinky mode} to roll of his punch followed by {spring constrictor}, I wrapped myself around his arm and straightened like I was going to snap it.

He said "hoh?" In response then punched out hard with the arm I was wrapped around. The momentum was so strong it threw me off and through the window. I turned my head into a spring so when I impacted the ground I sprung off again using the force to speed me up.

I then executed {spring hopper} and began bouncing around the area rapidly while mixing in my spring version of geppo {spring step} to further gain speed.

Once I felt I had enough I rocketed towards garp who raised one arm and hammered me downwards with his fist. He shouted {fist of love} as he did and I felt pain in my head but still more kinetic energy built up. As my legs compressed due to the force I chose to go all out in that moment.

The world slowed down as my observation kicked in, garp has his guard down because I was a kid so I chose to take advantage of him. I was about to use all that energy and deliver the most powerful uppercut I could.

"Secret technique- fist of gratitude" (strawberry basket) and covered my fist with as much armament as I could muster. Garp's eyes widened as he saw the sliver of black coating my knuckles before his eyes bulged due to the pain.

My fist of gratitude was an upper cut that hit him right in the balls. It's not my fall he was so tall, he fell to his knees and said "GOH~" and then fell on his face with his hands between his legs as his eyes rolled back, he wheezed out "Rilla~" as he fell unconscious.

The audience of marine soldiers from both crews had their hands in the air and their jaws dropped. A resounding "EEEEEEHHHHHHH!!!! He beat garp the fist?!?!?!?!" After that day the word spread of tsuru's demonic grandchild. The demon fist Bellamy.

For the next few days garp continued to stay in notice and kept coming into tsuru's house. Garp grew more pissed each time as tsuru sent the footage to Sengoku and told him to spread it to the right people. After that Bellamy got several "donations" to do it again. Garp really pissed off a lot of people over the years.

So when garp came in started eating granny's food I would always get into it with him. "What are you doing here gorilla? I thought you went back to the jungl- I mean east blue where you belong." He snorted at me "don't you get cocky brat, you want a taste of my fist of love" and then would raise his fist at me. In response I would raise my fist "you going senile, looks like you want to taste my fist of gratitude old man" to which he would shiver and become docile.

I would even take his rice crackers and eat them infront if him. Everyone was shell shocked as to why he doesn't retaliate. My granny even asked how I managed it so I replied. "Granny it's only normal to establish dominance when you first encounter a wild smelly animal. Once established it's very hard to change. The only sure fire way is when you first meet them".

Garp overheard me and shouted "who you calling wild and smelly you brat". So I shouted back "I never said your name but if you thought those applied to you then maybe you should fix that old man". He then mumbled "demon brat" and stormed off while my granny fell on her knees.

"30 years I had to suffer from his presence, 30 years! And now I know my only chance was to beat him when we first met?!?! Damn it!" And then she punched the ground.

After that garp tried several methods to try and get back at me such as trying to spread lies about me to the girls. Wanna know what that got him? He got turned into a pincushion, his nose almost got a bull sized ring and a honey badger went rabid on his beard. I also could have sworn that mani said something about a 'rooster ring' but I'm sure I misheard it. Garp now thinks notice is filled with demon brats.

Sarquis even tried to do the same as me but he got punched. Garp sighed "oh good so it's just those brats that are evil, I though I was losing my touch there".

His next move was to try and ruin my training but when he found out I was using haki he froze. "Little monster is so far ahead, most marines struggle to learn but he's already doing it. Took me 3 years" and then left in another huff.

I kept receiving "donations" from influential people who garp annoyed as tsuru kept filming it. Sengoku offered me a position as a lieutenant commander should I ever join the marines. He wants me promoted to a level so he can keep me in HQ to control garp.

Garp also overheard that call between sengoku and tsuru so chose to take drastic measures. He egged on that bitch Gion to fight me and show me the power of the marines. That gullible idiot beloved him to, he doesn't give a shit about the power of the marines!

So the next day I was in the training ground facing off against Gion bare knuckle. I'm not allowed to use my devil fruit and she's not allowed her swordsmanship. Garp specifically wanted me punched! So when Gion showed and up and started spouting bullshit about "underestimating women and the marines" I just looked at her like she's a retard.

I know personally that women are monsters in any world. Specially this one with my granny and big mom running around not to mention all the ones from their generation. I also saw a pissed of nami and vivi so I know what to expect. Plus robin would openly go for the balls. You'll get no mercy from me~

So when the horn sounded and Gion rushed me I slugged her in the face. She's trash at CQC without her sword, she just looked at her hand as her nose bled a little. "You hit me?! But I'm a woman?!?"

So I said in my batman voice "the hammers of justice are unisex. My fists see no gender" and then jabbed her in the mole on her face which knocked her out.

I turned around to grin at garp only to find him taking notes. "The—-hammers of——justice are—- unisex. My fists—— see no gender. Yosh all noted" so my granny slapped his head "don't take note of that?!?!?"

Stupid gorilla, after that day Gion started challenging me more along with several other idiots who followed her ideology. Makes no difference to me, just more punching bags. I saw garps first mate Bogard remark "truly the devil fist" as he walked away. My nickname isn't going to be devil fist! Is it?

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