
Chapter 269 ( Similar )

Dirga had repeatedly called Harry's cell phone in annoyance when an hour had passed. He had finished picking up Julia at her apartment and told Julia about all their activities in order. Then, sent a message notification to Harry about their activities that day.

Dirga still has to worry about Harry's whereabouts who never arrived. Though their departure time will be announced. Dirga continued to look at the watch and contacted Harry.

Julia stared in surprise.

"Has Harry not notified you of his arrival?"

The director shook his head.

"Not yet, Miss. That's why I'm so worried right now. Mr. Harry hasn't given me any news and I'm starting to fear you will miss your flight."

Julia checked her ticket and watch.

"I'm sure he'll be here soon. And let us look forward to his arrival."

Julia's words did not make Dirga any better. But Dirga tried to show his composure.

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