
Chapter 053 ( If the Whole World Seems )

Hearing her name mentioned, Cleo immediately stopped her steps right in front of the doorway with great curiosity. She could clearly hear what everyone else was saying after they said her name.

 "Yes. Don't you see it?" one of the other women asked. Who knows who, Cleo didn't recognize her.

 Cleo frowned.

 Actually, what did they want to talk about her? Why did she feel like she had such a bad feeling after this? Did they want to gossip about her? Cleo knew that gossip was a powerful way to relieve work stress.

But should they talk about their own Mistress?

 Cleo frowned in dissatisfaction.

 "I've been in the President Director's room several times. And every time I looked, Mrs. Cleo always just sat in the room and was silent and didn't do anything. So don't you think that's a little strange?" another woman asked, who seemed provoked by her friend's words before Cleo approached the pantry.

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