
Chapter 033 ( Sofia Deliberately Did It )

"And now, you are trying to work on it again by making billions that are booming in his account? As well as acting, in front of him?" Daniar without violating all the rules that should have happened between her subordinates and superiors, muttered various arguments.

Sofia corrected that.

"You mean that Stingy Boy's account?" She corrected.

Daniar creaked.

What kind of grandmother that called her own grandson a stingy? Hadn't Mr Harry spoiled her all this time? Whatever Mrs. Sofia wanted, Mr. Harry always granted it. Apart from of course, the news about his girlfriend, which she had been talking about recently.

"Madame, it is not appropriate to call your own grandson a stingy person," Daniar tried to correct her, "If other people hear, they will think that your words are true! And that's, not a good thing!"

Sofia responded lazily to Daniar's protest.

"You know what I mean. Since that time, he has become a miserly man. Stingy towards people he doesn't like. And stingy with those close to him. Especially if she is a woman, " Sofia explained.

"Therefore, you wish to test Mrs. Cleo as well as Mr. Harry on your own will today?" Daniar asked without thinking.

"..." Sofia paused to think.

"I wonder what my grandson will do, if he finds out that his wife is using her money as she pleases and exceeds the limit. Yes, even though to be honest today I haven't spent a lot of money on that card. But I'm sure, that's enough to tickle him, " Sofia said, relaxed and calm.

Without feeling guilty for making her grandson lose several million. And Daniar could only shook her head in response to her mistress's behavior.

Sofia continued her story again.

"Actually, I could have used up more of the money. However, Cleo insists that she doesn't want to waste any money on herself. So that today, we are just having fun for my personal use only. She didn't even spend a penny on herself. Even though I forced her. This both amazed me and felt bad. Because of that, I only shop for a few transactions," Sofia said honestly but also looked a little disappointed.

'Is that regret for not spending enough money??', Daniar looked at Sofia confusedly.

Based on what Sofia explained, Daniar was sure it was not just an ordinary expense. Mrs. Sofia must have spent quite a bit of money on all of these expenses. Daniar even got a peek at the little tote bag she brought home. There was a branded bag which Daniar believed costs hundreds of millions of IDR for just one product.

But above all, there was something more important.

"Wouldn't Mr. Harry find out in the end if the money was used by you?" Daniar asked.

If Harry checks after receiving information on the use of his credit card, he will immediately know that the money has been used for what and to whom. So what difference did it make if the money was not used by his wife?

Sofia smiled a smile, "We'll see," Sofia replied.


Harry had just returned from his office together with Dirga after meeting his client outside. After notifying the next schedule that he had to work on, Dirga gave several additional reports regarding their cooperation with several investors.

"I have confirmed all proposals regarding the 'Deluxe Project' on the part of Yougio Entertainment. And they agree with the proposal that we give. So if there are no obstacles, the project will be immediately marketed at least one month from now, " Dirga added, explaining several things about the project they have recently worked on.

Harry nodded in understanding.

While reading several articles on the tablet in his hand, Harry waited patiently for the elevator they took to reach the floor of his office. Dirga, who was busy checking some incoming messages on his cellphone, suddenly remembered something.

Quickly, he raised his head and said to his boss.

"Mr. Harry, I have received information regarding the use of the credit card that you gave to Miss Cleo," Dirga said, mentioning an information that he almost forgot, if only he did not check his cellphone again.

When they were alone, Harry asked Dirga to keep calling Cleo 'Miss' and not 'Mrs'. Didn't know the reason, Dirga just chose to obey.

And after hearing Dirga's words, Harry, who at that time was focused on observing several articles on his tablet, turned to him.

"She used my card?" Harry asked expressionlessly. Thought as if Dirga's news just now was not important.

"Yes, sir. And according to your instructions to keep an eye on the use of the credit card and notify you. There are 5 types of transactions that involve the card. One at a restaurant, two at a jewelry shop, and two at another shopping center. A total of 500 million for all transactions," Dirga explained.

Harry raised an eyebrow.

"He used the money after two days of marriage and got it?" Harry asked expressionlessly.


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