

Hedrick and Mayla helped Madam Rita carry the lesson aids to her office with sour faces. A few moments later, as Mayla and Hedrick were strolling back to the classroom,an unfamiliar student approached them.He was averagely tall around 17 years with a good-looking appearance with short hair that stopped around the jaw area.He was quite robust but dressed in white robes and held a fan in his arms.

'Damn what does this old fella what do to to me. Anyway I just take any punishment he prepares for me. Anyways I won't die from cleaning the library. ' Hedrick thought to himself.

' Are you Hedrick? ' the student's deep voice sounded with an emotionless tone.

' Yes. ' Hedrick answered.

' Good. The Rules Regulatory Office wants you in less than ten minutes from now. If you are later than the given time, prepare for the worst.' the boy's voice sounded and turned around and flew away without giving Hedrick anytime to reply.

' Mayla, are all messengers and trackers this cold. ' Hedrick asked in a serious tone.

' What do you mean? ' Mayla replied with a cold tone.

' Nothing. I just think your personality fits this area. ' Hedrick replied with a smile and left immediately running at a high speed toward the Rules Regulatory Office.

Mayla was left there clueless of what exactly was happening and headed back to class.

~Rules Regulatory Office~

' How have you been young man? 'a voice echoed in the room.

' Fairly senior. ' a young man in purple clad robes replied with a nod.

' Do you know why I called you? ' the voice resounded.

' Junior is ignorant. Please guide me. '

' Oh! You are quite interesting. Well don't worry. You missed cleaning the library this morning and this old man was not happy. I then thought of dropping the idea of you cleaning the library to something else. From tomorrow onwards, you will not have with the others. You will have a special lesson that will groom you into a better personality. Just take it like I'll be giving you simple corrections. '

' Thank you senior for your your good intentions but I'm okay with my current personality. '

' Well I'm not sure about that and I'm not interested in what you are okay with but what I know is that my word is final and there is no room round for negotiation. To put it in a simple language, this is a command. ' the voice sounded in a rather calm but cold tone.

' With that you can take your leave and come back at 4 in the morning. Failure to comply to that... you will reap the fruits of labour you worked for.'

' Junior takes his leave.' Hedrick bowed and left the office.

At lunch time, Hedrick was sitting together with his friends in the dinning hall telling them of the news he had received.

' Well I never thought it would all come to this. ' Xiao sighed with an emotional tone

' Yeah me too. ' Kim replied

' Anyway it's not like he is going to hell or death. We should be happy for him anyway. Not everyone can get such a godly reward.' Prosper sounded in an innocent tone making everyone turn around and look at him with an weird face.Nicholas on the other hand almost choked from the reply making everyone burst out into laughter.

' Well I guess you should cease this opportunity if it is good.' Xiao echoed out his opinion.

' Yeah, we shall support you in any opinion you make.'Kim replied with a nod.

' Thank you everyone. Let's hurry up and head out for the next lesson.' Hedrick spoke with a calm tone.

' Yeah, I can't wait to go back to dorm.' Prosper replied.

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