
MYS 35 Other words

MYS 35

There were no instant noodles because my mother strictly forbade my grandmother to feed Anggoro this unhealthy food. Only rice on the plate. What can we do about it? The perfunctory fried rice is full of struggle in making it becomes a stomach booster.

"Can I ask?." shouted Anggoro from the front room.

"Cook yourself..." I shouted back. furious. Why didn't you say that earlier? Only half of the plate was filled, which I had to give up for the naughty boy.

In the next second, Anggoro ran towards me and sat down, without further ado, immediately devoured the rest of the contents of the plate in front of me in three minutes.

"Lo... hungry are you hooked?" I'm surprised by the behavior of the boy who doesn't have a single part that looks like me.

"Hungry for tea. Roro can't join the fast yet." Anggoro explained without me asking. Yes, where there is a snotty boy model of my sister who wants to voluntarily fast according to the sunnah. What is mandatory must be lured in return of three hundred thousand.

"Wash the dishes, Ro!" I shouted when I knew the boy had run away after being full.

"Thank you, Tea. It's fine," replied Anggoro from outside the house. Runaway somewhere.



As usual, as it has been for more than a thousand full moons, every time they come home and there is no food, father and mother will go hunting for entrails and then come back with several baskets filled with various foods. Since I'm already full from eating the liver, I'm not too interested. Just a little glance, there are grandfather's favorite martabak, Amanda's favorite brownies, Anggoro's favorite chocolate banana bowl, two packs of seafood fried rice, and various ready-to-fried cireng fillings.

"Make Anggi?" I stared, shocked to see that none of my favorite foods were bought.

"Earlier, my father asked, he said he didn't have to." with a normal tone father answered as if what I said was serious.

"Well...that's not what Anggi meant either. It means don't bother, as usual." I'm annoyed.

"It's?" Mrs. bargaining took out a box of ready-to-eat spaghetti along with a ready-to-eat sauce of the same brand.

"Yeah. Anggi lost." I sigh for free. However, I'm not in a position to bid more than this. It's still lucky to buy raw materials, better than nothing the saying goes.

Going home means having a lot of patience, but...however, the situation is going home is the most beautiful thing I can feel like a first grandchild. Until

"This cellphone is good. Just make it Roro." a smile full of lust adorned Anggoro's face, making a peaceful lying session in the room after father and mother said goodbye because tomorrow they had to go back to work and it was already interrupted. He, Anggoro Saputra, the younger brother I should be able to love with all my heart and soul always causes trouble when our parents are not around. The other side of the real Anggoro will come out. And I should have realized that and prepared for all eventualities.

"Lo... want my iPhone? Where did the dream come from?" I murmured, I wanted to smack his mouth.

"But it's cheap to buy. You can buy it again tomorrow..." Anggoro defended. As for where did he get the information about the origin of the cellphone I bought from Jono, this is no doubt the culmination of what flashed in his eyes since yesterday I just set foot here.

"You have your cellphone." rejects him outright.

"How can a Samsung play the Teteh game..." Anggoro's voice rose while his right hand held this cute white flat object in front of my face.

Understand. Android, which only has 512 MB of RAM, will be damaged quickly if forced to load current games. The worst thing is that it breaks instantly. The question is, why would an eight-year-old snotty boy play the iPhone? Just to play games anyway? Where do you want to take the world of education if only the second graders of elementary school are armed with expensive gadgets?

However, refusing Anggoro's request could mean looking to die alone. I don't want to die young. I haven't tasted what college is like, whether it's a cappuccino or a The Nano-Nano candy. So, an invisible light bulb immediately appeared above my head just like that. The sign of my long sense is still there and functioning to deal with the species that is written on the family card as my younger sibling.

"Lo...how much money do you have? If you want to exchange more." laughed me. Successfully made Anggoro tilt his head in a sign that he didn't understand.

"It means?" asked Anggoro finally.

"What do you mean by that..." my pause made him curious. "Your cellphone is yours for me. Then how much money do you have to buy this expensive cellphone." I said emphasizing the word expensive so that Anggoro would know that something he wants is not worth it if I want to say it's nominal. But I'm sorry, elementary school children shouldn't know expensive things at a very young age.

"Roro has 500 thousand in savings."

"Okay, here to pay for cellphones," I said holding out my hand, asking.

"Three hundred, okay?" bargained Anggoro.

"Five hundred." I insist.

"350 yes."

"500. Period."

"Tea... don't be like that. Roro won't have any savings for snacks later," she whined then.

"450 anyway." I soften.

"400 yes."

"Okay deal." Anggoro looked at me with compassion when I said that. Yes. I got 100 thousand. I'm sorry for your cunning sister Anggoro.

"Where?" Anggoro asked after giving four pink banknotes in my hand and gave him his cellphone.

"Wait a minute. This is going to delete the application that I'm still using. Be patient..." I said, still busy on the cellphone screen.

Anggi: guys... I'm goodbye. My cellphone is held by Anggoro, my sister from now on.

I finally typed a farewell in the group, no reply from other residents which means one thing everyone is busy.

It was with a heavy heart that I exchanged the iPhone X which I had recently used for Anggoro, who was overjoyed. The boy immediately disappeared into the room and became busy himself. Meanwhile, I lay back down after installing the sim card into the new cellphone, it felt like an old cellphone. Like back again.

I can't believe my five-day vacation is over. Today is the time for me to go back to Prembun. Alone. Only by taking a bus to the station because the uncle had returned to work in Garut two days ago.

There is no touching goodbye from grandparents like in the past. It was replaced by advice from A to Z, which was full of emphasis, which meant that I was a teenager and had to be independent and wise, and so on. I was already khatam out of my head when I arrived at the station entrance. However...there was a strange apparition that made me unable to move even to hide.

Plus the HP vibrates. There is an incoming call from someone who has had no news and who knows where the jungle is.

"Anggi... you haven't taken the KRL yet, have you?" the voice from the other end of the phone was Jono, one of the personnel of the trio of Caucasian goats.


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