
Chapter two

There's a freaking Greek god sitting next to my seat

Shit I officially have to look for a new place to sit I thought. Anyone would love me sitting next them yes you don't have to look at his super sexy Greek god face yes

West what're you doin' get to your desk pronto Mr Perkins our math teacher said as he practically dragged me to my desk

" oh thanks sir I almost forgot where my desk was " I said with a sarcasm laced voice when I sat down

" don't mention it " he replyed

"OK class today we have a new intake . could you please identify yourself"

All eyes were on him as he got up

Gosh he's tall like 6'1 or something

And then in the most melodious voice I have heard in my life he said " hello , my name is Park Ji Hoo . I am happy to be here please take Care of me " and with that followed the sound of millions of girls screeching and squealing

"Omg did you hear his voice"

" he's so cute "

"Even his name is sexy"

"I am so wet"

" super wet"

"Totally wet"

"The girls in this school never cease to amuse" I breathed out

"settle down , settle down. Now that's out of the way you will all be assigned your seats by the end of next week so for now sit wherever you want "

"OK we will be looking at radicals . does anyone know ..... .... .

All through his boring lecture I couldn't help but let my eyes wonder to Mr sex god occupying the other half of my double desk , he had the fairest skin , long pale blonde hair, the pinkest lips and what a jawline . is it wierd I want to kiss the living crap out of him ....ugh Jane get your head out of the gutters you've started thinking like Tiffany

I was snapped out of my thought bubble when Perkins said " oh and the next period is free so enjoy " and I'm pretty sure my yes was the loudest

What I may be the smartest kid in school but it don't mean I like school.

I had the whole of the next period free so I took out my phone and decided to watch noblesse . Halfway through the episode I decided to check out what Mr handsome was doing .

He was just going through his notes then I noticed something. He was writing his notes in hangul characters so I decided to speak up

" uhm excuse me but uhm " that seemed to have gotten his attention cuz he answered

"Yes, is anything the matter ?"g He asked in an irritated tone

"Well I...it's your note "

" And what's wrong with it ? " He asked getting more irritated

" noonecanreadthatandteachersusuallycheckournotescuzitapartofourfinalgrade" I said all in one breath cuz I didn't want him to get angry at me. As if he isn't already mad at me for disturbing his peace

"Oh thank you" he said as he faced his notes .He started rewriting the notes until he ran out of ink and let out a huge sigh .

"Um I have an extra pen if you need it" I said slowly so I wouldn't get on his nerves . As I passed my pen across the desk to him .

He picked it up and looked at it as if it was a piece of alien technology

"what's wrong?" I asked not knowing what to expect

"Nothing,thank you" he said quickly and continued translating his notes with all seriousness.

At the moment the bell went off so it was time for gym class so I went to the girls locker room to change

"So, he was cute right ?" And I instantly knew who it was

"Sure Alice he's cute " I said without looking back

"Right, we weren't overexagerating. And he's sitting next to you" she said wagging her eyebrows .

"So ?" I asked pretending not to get what she's implying.

" You know what I'm implying. Come on you never have interest in a guy and this ones even cute ". She said with pleading eyes .

"Even if I do have interest in him , he'll never look my way" , I replied putting away my clothes

"Yeah Alice who would want her when even her parents don't want her" we both turned to find the owner of the voice and there she was Tiffany West. She was dressed in the same uniform as mine but of course hers was shorter like super short and stops directly under her flat ass, her shirt was missing the first three buttons to show off her huge boobs, her blonde hair was wavy with a red streak to match her uniform.

"Just keep walking Tiffany no one talked to you" Alice said throwing her a glare .

"Oh little bunny I'm just reminding Jonathan over here to stay in her place . He'd probably barf after looking at your face *. And with that she walked off .

Yeah I may have not mentioned this but my name is actually Jonathan , Jane is just my nick name. Even when my parents were disowned they till hoped for the best ; a boy. They were pretty disappointed when I was born

"Don't listen to her Jane,you are beautiful and sexy might I add and any guy would be lucky to have you".

"Thanks, you always know what to say" I said wiping a tear I didn't know fell

"I know" she replied as we went to the field
















Lunch time


"hi guys " I said as I plopped down on the seat next to Kitty.

"So guys , guess what !!" Alice started.

"You sprouted a dick?!!" Trina asked with eyes almost popping out of her head

"Just tell us, you know TT's not good at guessing". Kitty said patting her on the head

"OK, you guys know the new guy right?"

"Yeah, go on ." Trina probed further

"Well, he's Jane's seatmate and his name is Ji Hoo "

And cue the super high squealing of my friends

"You know what this means!!" Kitty squealed some more

"What?" I asked getting annoyed already

"You might actually have a chance of getting laid." Trina contributed

"Yeah I bet he's huge down there " that was Alice

"Guys can we just not talk about this OK ". I said in a stern voice and they all became quiet. "Good now let's eat" I said laying my lunch out

YAY!! They all screamed before they started pigging out on the food

The rest of the day was uneventful except the time when Ji Hoo returned my pen and all eyes were on us and some of them had the guts to throw a glare my way. Like bitch I ain't trying anything so keep your eyes to yourself cuz you might loose em

And it's not like he's gonna choose me over all those pretty girls out there especially Tiff. Like not even my parents want me let alone a boy sometimes I just want to crawl into a ball and die. I need to get out of this place


AN: so guys here it is chapter 2 now to clarify, Jonathan is actually really pretty with skin like chocolate long wavy black hair super pink lips, a killer body with an ass like damn .

But she behaves like the ugliest creature on earth cuz off her parents, she has very low self esteem .

OK so enjoy, like comment and vote if your up to it ad remember


Next chapter