
Only regrets. Part one.

The sea waves were tossing our ship in all directions and I could hardly hold on.

Now, I was scared. The sky was suddenly black and the night was only covered in fear. The waves were too strong. I felt like they were going to take us back to that island. So I just clung to the bed which was also moving them side to side and just waited for it all to end. But the storm didn't stop.

It was only getting worse. I looked at Andrew and he was just looking somewhere. He was confident in Captain Dave's skills.

But I wasn't sure. When the water was already on board and my feet felt cold, I began to prepare for the worst.

I began to prepare myself for the end to come soon.

This ship couldn't withstand waves like that.

I didn't know where Dave was. But not much depended on him. The storm was the captain now.

Could I swim if the ship capsized? Would I be able to survive? Never before had questions of survival frightened me so much.

Next chapter