
Week 39 pt 2

16th July - 18th July

The rest of the week had gone peacefully. Thursday had finally arrived and it was the last day of the school year. Autumn didn’t have Mathew Harding today as they were on half a day everyone was in a end of school year vibe they were all excited for the six long weeks off for summer.

All books had been handed in and every last assignment had been handed in. They all knew once they would come back after the summer they would have to work twice as hard to reach their goal to finish high school and have decent enough grades behind them to get into college or whatever they had decided to do at the end of year eleven.

They all had house parties today and were stuffed to the brim, sourface must’ve been in a relatively good mood to allow them to have one. Many commented that she must’ve had her leg over for the past few months as she had never been seen without a smile on her face, which was usually a scowl hence the name sourface.

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