
Part 12

*Time skip*

Knox and I arrived in a suburban neighbourhood, a two-story house with a white picket fence. Typical American-dream house. She walked up to the door and knocked. We were greeted by a young African-American boy that appeared to be about 10 years of age. In the background, you could hear an older woman reprimanding him for opening the door without an adult his immediate reply was;

"But it is just Knox and some rich boy"

"Actually I'm not a boy," I replied smiling at him.

The owner of the voice finally walked into view, she was a beautiful middle-aged woman. Curly brown hair and chocolate eyes. She had dark chocolate skin and was dressed in flowy yoga pants and a tank top. She wore a bright smile as she greeted Knox with a hug and me with a firm handshake. I introduced myself as Knox's older sibling. She was surprised to hear this but I asked that we sit and chat while Knox gathered her belongings.

We moved to the kitchen and she explained that she ran a foster home. Serenity Greene, Knox's friend, was one of her foster kids. She would not deny a child their family but she would not be comfortable handing her over to me without knowing the whole story. I was in agreement.

Kiyana Anderson sat me down with a drink and cookies while she prepared dinner. I explained to her what Knox had told me and the reason why I had decided to take her in, no questions asked. I also explained to Mz Anderson that my mother and I would be her primary guardians, I declined to explain further as that was a family matter. I assured her that she may contact my mother and me if she had any questions and while I understood that she cared for Knox's situation, it would not be appropriate for her to have direct contact with her, as Knox was underage, and I didn't know her well. Mz Anderson understood and hugged me as Knox walked into the kitchen to announce that she has done packing.

I stood back as I watched Mz Anderson hug and say her goodbyes. Knox was nodding and looked a little teary but happy. They hugged one last time and we were on our way.

The drive back was filled with lighthearted conversation with music playing softly. Knox was cheeky but well-spoken. I think she and Carys would get along well.

We arrived home and I parked the car.

"Welcome home Knox," I said turning towards her.

She gave me a shy smile and we got out of the car. We were received by staff that helped carry the bags and a few boxes into the house towards the same wing as Carys. Knox looked a little uncomfortable with the help, but I put my arm around her shoulders and guided her through the house. I pointed out a few key features like the intercom, common rooms and identifiers so she would remember the way to her rooms. We had been gone for approximately 2.5 hours, giving my mother and Carys enough time to prepare.

We arrived at the doors and stopped. I looked down at Knox and waved my hand towards the doors as if she were a Princess. She giggled but stepped towards the closed doors, and paused. She visibly took a deep breath and then reached for the handle, the doors opened slowly into the sunset lit room. The room was decorated in elegant white, dark cherry wood, with grey finishings. I remember more lavender tones in these rooms, but the changes suited Knox more.

Knox was standing at the open doors as the staff was unpacking her clothing and accessories. Watched it transform from a room to Knox's room right before her eyes. I walked closer and stood next to her.

"Do you like it?" I asked.

"Is this all mine?" She asked looking up at me.

"Of course," I pointed across the room, "Your bathroom is through that door"

"I had clean towels put in," said my mother startling us

"Ah!" We both shouted jumping a little, and Carys smiled innocently next to my mother.

"You need to stop doing that mother," I said

"What did I do?" she said with a straight face and I simply stared back at her.

We showed Knox around her room and let her get settled before dinner.

I went to my room and called Blair and updated her about Knox, she was shocked but she understood. My father was not a loving father and husband but he did make sure that he provided the best he could for my sister and me, Knox was now part of that. My mother and I will give her the affection and care Knox will need.


Before I left my room, I contacted Knox through the intercom to let her know I would accompany her to dinner. When I arrived Carys was at the door, it looked as though she was torn between knocking or not. Carys had the same idea I had, we didn't want Knox to feel as though she wasn't a part of the family, but Carys hadn't interacted with her enough. She was unsure of how to approach offering to walk Knox down to the family dining room. I walked up to her and put my arm around her shoulder and pulled her close, she looked up at me sheepishly then looked back at the door. I raised my other hand and knocked. After a few moments, Knox opened the door and was shocked to find us both standing there. She looked at Carys for a moment and then smiled. I lifted up my arm and motioned her towards me, she positioned herself under my arm, similar to Carys and they both wrapped an arm around my waist. I turned my sister's and headed for the dining room.

When we walked through the door we found mother and father already sitting with a glass each. When they heard us walk in mother smiled at our embrace and 'awwed', father nodded in our direction. My father was at the head of the table, my mother at his right. Carys walked to sit next to mother and I directed Knox towards the left to sit next to me. As soon as everyone was seated my father rang the bell by his glass to signal the start of the meal.

Conversation flowed smoothly between the four of us but I noticed that my father was drinking more than usual. Whiskey instead of wine, it looks like he has been relocated out of the bedrooms he shared with my mother.

I sighed

Father was not going to be in the best of moods for a while.

Next chapter