
Disoriented and Pulverized

Serenica knew several different ways to make a person disoriented enough that they would be out of their minds for a couple of seconds. She had never used such curses, though. They tended to be highly unethical as they tampered with the most precious and the most private part of a person – the mind. She could do what old wives called pulling the heart and momentarily transform herself into a seductress.

Or then she could just shoot the man and hope that they would be able to improvise their way through the guards. Her scouting party was too small and weak for that, though.

There was a chance that merely blowing fae dust at the bookkeeper would be enough, but that would leave a memory trace, and it sounded much safer to use the ancient method of seducing a man into a sweet trance, into oblivion that would leave the bookkeeper with nothing to say about her presence. After all, he would not even remember that she had been in his room.

Yes, it had to be seduction.

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