

There was an inn that a certain pirate had frequented in a life that had contained a lot more booze than his current one. It was still standing due to its sturdy build.

Serenica found Heike snoozing off over a tankard of ale.

"Wake up," she said harshly and slapped him.

He opened his eyes, but it was apparent that he couldn't see her at all. So twisted was the direction of his gaze.

"Have you been telling about my personal things around here?" Serenica asked. "This includes Kinley."

"What's so personal about it?" the drunken boatswain asked. "Everyone knows we killed him."

"I killed her," Serenica corrected. "How can you be so stupid?"


"Now the entire city thinks the fire was my fault."

"Well, it sort of was," Heike mumbled, but whatever he was about to say next never came out.

Serenica clenched her right hand into a merciless fist. She had hit men before. She had enough confidence that she could do it again.

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