
Chapter 3180 what was wrong with this child! 1

The nurse’s hands were shaking. She could barely hold the child.

“The baby, she, she did not respond to any of my physical tests...”

Xiao Ning frowned. “What do you mean by a physical test?”

Zhou mi explained, “It was to test the newborn’s hearing, vision, and basic reflexes -- the crying just now also counted.”

The nurse nodded vigorously. “That’s right. She stopped crying after crying once. I tried, but no matter how hard I tried, she did not cry.”. She did not respond even when she was tested with her hearing equipment. The intensity of the light changed and she did not move her eyelids at all. She did not even know how to suck when the bottle was placed next to her mouth... in short, she did not respond to anything at all!”

Zhou mi turned pale with fright. “It’s that serious? !”

Xiao Ning was still a little stunned. “Is... this abnormal?”

Zhou mi: “Of course it’s abnormal!”

The nurse: “It’s too abnormal!”

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