
Hostility in the Air

บรรณาธิการ: EndlessFantasy Translation

Shen Xi frowned. 

Leaving Shen Xi without a chance to refuse, Song Wenye stuffed the pizza in her hand together with a pair of disposable gloves. "Give this to Big Brother too." 

Shen Xi took the stuff and handed it to Fu Qingli. "Here." 

Not knowing what to feel, Fu Qingli solemnly uttered, "Thank you." 

Yu Yuanxi got a "Brother" while he got a "Here". 

Shen Xi believed Song Wenye did it on purpose. It had to be. After the pizza, Song Wenye would give her duck feet, duck livers, and duck tongues every now and then for Shen Xi to pass to Fu Qingli. 

Fu Qingli went from being jealous to gradually enjoying himself. This was the first time in his life to be given things by his sister, albeit not to her free will. Still, she shared the food with him. 
