
Making Waves

บรรณาธิการ: EndlessFantasy Translation

Due to this, Cosmos Short Vid created a new feature called "Celebrity Topics", with stars and fans as the main focus. This was specially developed for the celebrity chasers, where fans could communicate with each other and their idols.

Once "Celebrity Topics" was released, fangirls collectively shifted their focus from Weibo to Cosmos Short Vid.

With this feature, the posts were about fans complimenting their idols, fans begging for celebrity picture cards, exchanging cards, and showing off how many picture cards were in their collections.

New cards had been constantly released but no one knew exactly how many there were. 

According to their collective statistics, there were about 254 cards released thus far. 

Chu Ying and Song Wenye were part of these fans who collected Qi Xiu's cards. Song Wenye managed to get 200, but Chu Ying struggled desperately and only got 100.
