
Chapter 18: Numb


*Story start*

I ran inside the house, I was panicking. I couldn't feel anything, how come I can't feel anything. I ran to the kitchen and grabbed a knife. I ran up stairs still with the knife in my hand and started the shower. I got in the shower fully dressed and began to cut. I wasn't cutting very deep, the blood was running down my arm and into the drain. I couldn't feel anything, but it made me feel better. It was like a stress reliver. I made 4 cuts on my right wrist and 4 on my left wrist.

After the blood stopped I turned off the shower and got out. I took off my wet clothes and put them in the hamper. I grabbed a navy blue hoodie and matching sweat pants.

*Time skip to the next Sunday*

Today was Sunday I promised Billy I would watch every game with him until summer was over. I haven't eaten at all and I have been cutting everyday now because it was my only escape, I've been cutting my thighs to because my writs had to many fresh cuts on them.

It was almost time for the game to start so I grabbed my keys and went to the work shop to grab my dirt bike. I was wearing a light blue long sleeve and black sweats. I finally got to Billy's and knocked on the door. Billy answered.

"Hey Billy." I smiled.

"Hey Madilyn." He smiled to.

"Have you eaten today?" He asked.

"No I can't do it I've tried but I just can't." I looked at the ground.

"Well you can eat with me, I made your favorite." He smiled.

"Really, you didn't have to." I was smiling happily.

"I knew you weren't going to eat so I made your favorite and we can eat while we watch the game." He smiled grabbing two plates from the counter.

He handed me one and placed the other on his lap and wheeled himself to the living room. I followed and set my plate down.

"Do you want anything to drink?" I asked walking back in the kitchen.

"Just some water please." He said.

I grabbed a glass and filled it up for Billy and then I grabbed another glass and filled it with Dr. Pepper. I accidently spilled my drink all over my shirt and pants. I knew Jake had an extra shirt for me in his closet he always did.

"I spilled on myself I'll be right back I'm going to grab another shirt and a pair of sweats." I said walking into the living room and then to Jake's room.

I opened the door slowly cause I didn't know if he was asleep or even there. I walked in and he was sleeping. I walked to his closet really quiet so I didn't wake him. I took off my shirt and pants and put them on the floor. I was looking through Jake's closet for a shirt when I heard him move around I froze. He didn't notice me he just turned so he was facing me. I finally found a shirt but it was short sleeve but it was only going to be for an hour. I put it on and the went to Jake's dresser. I grabbed a pair of his basketball shorts. I turned around to make sure Jake was still asleep and then I slid on the shorts.

"What's that on your thighs?" Jake said in a sleepy voice.

"Nothing" I said walking out of Jake's room and to the living room. I pulled down the shorts to cover the cute and grabbed my food. I started eating and I ended up finishing the whole thing.

"Thank you Billy for the food." I smiled.

"No problem." He smiled back.

The game finished our team didn't win this time but I still had so much fun with Billy. I got up and grabbed his plate and mine. I went to the kitchen to wash them.

While I was washing dished I felt someone grab my arm. My instant reaction was to pull away my arm hard and fast.

"What's that?" Jake said trying to look at my arm but I had hid it behind my back.

"Nothing just a couple scratches." I said trying to be convincing.

"Ok" He said and walked away he seemed pleased with my answer.

I finished washing the dishes and walked to the living room and I said by to Billy and that I would see him next week. He smiled and said he was looking forward to it.

I left and decided I should go say hi to the pack since I haven't seen them in about 3 weeks.

Next chapter