
The Tunnels

Evanna woke in a daze, seeing the flickering blue flames in front of the tent she found herself lying in. Surprisingly she felt just right from the heat of the floor, the furs and to the elf cuddling her side. Her mind was still foggy as she tried to recollect why her body felt so stiff, so sore. 

But everything seemed so peaceful, so right as she stared at the handsome elf whose features were soft, white hair a little messy against his clothes.

The princess turned slightly to face him, grimacing from the pain shooting throughout her body on top of the aches and pain from what could only be bruising across most of her skin. Unable to stop herself, Evanna caressed Arawn's sharp jawline making his lip twitch slightly. 

She frowned after seeing dried blood on his lip. That was when the realisation hit her with a hammer to the gut, and her heart broke all over again. Arawn exerted himself using his powers just like she had whilst trying to defeat the dragon. 

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